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Tag Archives: cross-browser issues
PHP/Javascript SVG YUI Geometry Tracing Tutorial
We came across another great “Geometry Tracing” functionality possibility the other day. It revolved around using the excellent YUI (by Yahoo) library of Javascript functionality, and we wanted to integrate it into yesterday’s PHP/Javascript SVG Geometry Tracing Tutorial start to … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged algorithm, area, array, background, background image, base64, canvas, cross-browser, cross-browser issues, CSS, data uri, DOM, Firefox, game, games, geometry, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, integration, Javascript, mathematics, PHP, push, software integration, SVG, tracing, utf-8, XML, YUI
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PHP/Javascript SVG Geometry Tracing Tutorial
The tutorial today is about software (web application) integration that is value adding but in an optional way. The software integration is between … the supervising PHP/Javascript SVG Colour Picker Tutorial‘s PHP and Javascript web application‘s SVG_Primer.php changed in this … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged algorithm, area, array, canvas, cross-browser, cross-browser issues, CSS, data uri, DOM, Firefox, game, games, geometry, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, integration, Javascript, mathematics, PHP, push, software integration, SVG, tracing, XML
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WordPress Ordered List CSS Styling Primer Tutorial
We’ve had a couple of blog postings, in a row, recently, involving fairly long HTML ol tag “ordered lists”. This set us to thinking about CSS styling we could use for these “ordered lists”. Our first pass of thinking involving … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged blog, cross-browser, cross-browser issues, CSS, emoji, ordered list, PHP, programming, pseudo element, selector, styling, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, Wordpress
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HTML5 Dialog Element Primer Tutorial
HTML5 brought with it many great features to front-end work on the internet in HTML, and today we talk about one of the newly introduced, and very useful, elements called “<dialog>”. At its core the “<dialog>” element represents a popup … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Games, GUI, Tutorials
Tagged alert popup box, confirm popup box, cross-browser, cross-browser issues, game, games, HTML, HTML5, innerHTML, Javascript, mathematics, numbers, popup, programming, prompt popup box, tutorial
WordPress Blog Custom Header Image Primer Tutorial
The HTML5 specification allows for the display of 2D-graphics via SVG HTML tags which use graphical applications in XML and the XML is then rendered by an SVG viewer. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. Those SVG shapes can be … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, blog, cross-browser, cross-browser issues, CSS, CSS3, HTML5, mask, mobile friendly, photography, PHP, programming, reveal, rounded border, SVG, tutorial, Wordpress
WordPress CSS Change helped by FireBug Follow Up Tutorial
WordPress makes it pretty easy to create blog websites, and you have that inbuilt styling structure inherent in a WordPress theme (this website uses theme TwentyTen) to work with. When you use a particular WordPress theme you stamp that website … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged cross-browser issues, CSS, CSS3, design, Did you know, Firebug, Firefox, Internet Explorer, programming, style, tutorial, web design, Wordpress