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Tag Archives: cut
Making of Photos iOS Stills Reorder Tutorial
Yesterday’s Photos iOS Stills Reorder Tutorial involved some command line video editing to arrive at the presentation video we ended up with here. What command line video editing tool do we use around here, with macOS, on this MacBook Air? … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged command, command line, convert, cut, ffmpeg, frame, macOS, presentation, still, Terminal, tutorial, video, video editing
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Dots and Boxes Game Parameterization Tutorial
We quite like … substitutional approaches to coding interpretive approaches to coding take a hardcoded string and either … parameterize it repurpose it … and with the “Dots and Boxes Game” web application of yesterday’s Dots and Boxes Game Primer … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animation, background, background image, border, class, click, clipboard api, clone, cloning, colour coding, copy, CSS, CSS3, cursor, cut, degree of difficulty, device width, dimension, dropdown, Event-Driven Programming, fixed, game, games, gesture, glow, hardcode, hardcoding, highlight, hover, HTML, image, instance, interpretive, iPhone, Javascript, keyframes, linear gradient, Mac OS X, macOS, message box, mobile, mode, modes of use, morph, navigator.platform, notification, notifications, notifications API, number of players, onclick, parameter, parameterization, paste, player, players, position, programming, say, score, select, selection, selection api, size, sizing, spread, spreading, status, style, styling, substitution, substitutional, Tclipboard, text, text to audio, textarea, This entry was posted in eLearning, toast, tutorial, underlay.opacity, viewport, webpage, word, word game, z-index
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Dots and Boxes Game Primer Tutorial
Today, do you fancy … Morphing a clone … or should that be … Cloning a morph … onto yesterday’s SOS Game Primer Tutorial with our new “Dots and Boxes” game? Yes, that’s it for us today, simply because the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animation, background, background image, border, class, click, clipboard api, clone, cloning, colour coding, copy, CSS, CSS3, cursor, cut, degree of difficulty, dropdown, Event-Driven Programming, fixed, game, games, gesture, glow, highlight, hover, HTML, image, instance, iPhone, Javascript, keyframes, linear gradient, Mac OS X, macOS, message box, mobile, mode, modes of use, morph, navigator.platform, notification, notifications, notifications API, number of players, onclick, paste, player, players, position, programming, say, score, select, selection, selection api, spread, spreading, status, style, styling, Tclipboard, text, text to audio, textarea, This entry was posted in eLearning, toast, tutorial, underlay.opacity, viewport, webpage, word, word game, z-index
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SOS Game Primer Tutorial
Even though it took too long to get to yesterday’s Word Find Game Viewport Tutorial‘s Word Find Game’s level of satisfaction, for us, it was always going to be worth it, because when you overengineer it can mean cloning off … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animation, background, background image, border, class, click, clipboard api, colour coding, copy, CSS, CSS3, cursor, cut, degree of difficulty, dropdown, Event-Driven Programming, fixed, game, games, gesture, glow, highlight, hover, HTML, image, instance, iPhone, Javascript, keyframes, linear gradient, Mac OS X, macOS, message box, mobile, mode, modes of use, navigator.platform, notification, notifications, notifications API, number of players, onclick, paste, player, players, position, programming, say, score, select, selection, selection api, spread, spreading, status, style, styling, Tclipboard, text, text to audio, textarea, This entry was posted in eLearning, toast, tutorial, underlay.opacity, viewport, webpage, word, word game, z-index
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Word Find Game Viewport Tutorial
Do you remember the last time at this blog that we simulated the Android “toast” mobile app temporary message box with Ants Up a Wall Game Toast Tutorial? It forms part of our solution regarding … mobile device use … … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animation, background, background image, border, class, click, clipboard api, copy, CSS, CSS3, cursor, cut, degree of difficulty, dropdown, Event-Driven Programming, fixed, game, games, gesture, glow, highlight, HTML, image, instance, iPhone, Javascript, keyframes, linear gradient, Mac OS X, macOS, message box, mobile, mode, modes of use, navigator.platform, notification, notifications, notifications API, number of players, onclick, paste, player, players, position, programming, say, score, select, selection, selection api, spread, spreading, status, style, styling, Tclipboard, text, text to audio, textarea, This entry was posted in eLearning, toast, tutorial, underlay.opacity, viewport, webpage, word, word game, z-index
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Word Find Game Aesthetics Tutorial
CSS styling keeps getting better for webpages, with extended functionality, as proven when CSS3 came to being. Two styling features we find quite impactive are … CSS animation … and … CSS linear gradients … we use, respectively, regarding … … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animation, background, background image, border, click, clipboard api, copy, CSS, CSS3, cursor, cut, degree of difficulty, dropdown, Event-Driven Programming, game, games, glow, highlight, HTML, image, Javascript, keyframes, linear gradient, Mac OS X, macOS, mobile, mode, modes of use, navigator.platform, notification, notifications, notifications API, number of players, onclick, paste, player, players, programming, say, select, selection, selection api, style, styling, Tclipboard, text, text to audio, textarea, This entry was posted in eLearning, tutorial, underlay.opacity, webpage, word, word game, z-index
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Word Find Game Mobile Tutorial
Yesterday’s Word Find Game Personalization Tutorial, and the Word Find Game from versions before all had an unwieldy relationship with mobile platforms. The … selection, via Selection API, using HTML textarea, suits non-mobile well … but we think today’s newly … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged click, clipboard api, copy, cursor, cut, degree of difficulty, dropdown, Event-Driven Programming, game, games, highlight, HTML, image, Javascript, Mac OS X, macOS, mobile, mode, modes of use, navigator.platform, notification, notifications, notifications API, number of players, onclick, paste, player, players, programming, say, select, selection, selection api, Tclipboard, text, text to audio, textarea, This entry was posted in eLearning, tutorial, underlay.opacity, webpage, word, word game, z-index
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Word Find Game Personalization Tutorial
Yesterday’s Word Find Game Modes of Use Tutorial gave us the means by which we could have multiple players in our “Finding the Word” game, as a number. But many users prefer “names” to “numbers”. And so … we start … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged clipboard api, copy, cursor, cut, degree of difficulty, dropdown, Event-Driven Programming, game, games, highlight, HTML, image, Javascript, Mac OS X, macOS, mode, modes of use, navigator.platform, notification, notifications, notifications API, number of players, paste, player, players, programming, say, select, selection, selection api, Tclipboard, text, text to audio, textarea, This entry was posted in eLearning, tutorial, underlay.opacity, webpage, word, word game, z-index
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