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Tag Archives: data set
Emoji Name Search Fairy Story PHP Tutorial
We certainly like the concept of backward compatibility around here. There is another aspect to backward compatibility, that often goes hand in hand with it, and that is, that it is a real turn off of products that take away … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged contenteditable, cross-browser, cursor, data set, details, div, domain, email, email client, emoji, fairy story, Firefox, form, Google, Google chart, HTML, HTML entities, IFRAME, integration, invisible, link, mailto, navigation, personalization, PHP, post, programming, redo, reveal, search, search engine, share, sharing, software, software integration, story, summary, timezone, trip planner, tutorial, undo, url, weather, web server, Wikipedia, Worldbank
Emoji Name Search Fairy Story Cursor Control Tutorial
What would the world be like if we never made any mistakes? Pretty intolerable really, but on those small jobs it would probably be quite convenient. Supposing we asked for a subset of “the big ask” … never typing anything … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged contenteditable, cursor, data set, details, div, domain, email, email client, emoji, fairy story, form, Google, Google chart, HTML, HTML entities, IFRAME, integration, invisible, link, mailto, navigation, personalization, PHP, post, programming, reveal, search, search engine, sharing, software, software integration, story, summary, timezone, trip planner, tutorial, url, weather, web server, Wikipedia, Worldbank
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Emoji Name Search Fairy Story Creation Tutorial
It’s time to discuss another “bespoke” web application user of the same underlying Emoji Name Searching functionality (based on the brilliant Emoji CSS, thanks) we last talked about with the recent Emoji Name Search Geo Chart WorldBank Tutorial. Today’s “bespoke” … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged contenteditable, cursor, data set, details, div, domain, email, email client, emoji, fairy story, form, Google, Google chart, HTML, HTML entities, IFRAME, integration, invisible, link, mailto, navigation, personalization, PHP, post, programming, reveal, search, search engine, sharing, software, software integration, story, summary, timezone, trip planner, tutorial, url, weather, web server, Wikipedia, Worldbank
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Emoji Name Search Geo Chart WorldBank Tutorial
A major issue when designing “where” of life web applications is “perspective”. One user’s view of the world can be entirely different to another. To gather “perspectives” into a common frame, it is often good to “zoom out”. That is … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged data set, details, domain, email, email client, emoji, form, Google, Google chart, HTML, HTML entities, IFRAME, integration, invisible, link, mailto, navigation, personalization, PHP, post, programming, reveal, search, search engine, sharing, software, software integration, summary, timezone, trip planner, tutorial, url, weather, web server, Wikipedia, Worldbank
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Emoji Name Search Map Chart Weather Tutorial
If you’ve been studying the code of our hierarchy for our Emoji Flags of the World web application … grandparent Emoji Flags of the World live run, with this HTML and Javascript world_flags.html HTML and Javascript, unchanged from yesterday’s Emoji … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Trips, Tutorials
Tagged data set, details, domain, email, email client, emoji, form, Google, Google chart, HTML, HTML entities, IFRAME, integration, mailto, navigation, personalization, PHP, post, programming, reveal, search, sharing, software, software integration, summary, timezone, trip planner, tutorial, url, weather, web server
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Emoji Name Search Map Chart Tutorial
We now have a three tier functionality hierarchy for our Emoji Flags of the World web application … grandparent Emoji Flags of the World live run, with this HTML and Javascript world_flags.html HTML and Javascript, unchanged from yesterday’s Emoji Name … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged data set, details, domain, email, email client, emoji, form, Google, Google chart, HTML, HTML entities, IFRAME, integration, mailto, navigation, personalization, PHP, post, programming, reveal, search, sharing, software, software integration, summary, timezone, tutorial, url, web server
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Emoji Name Search Timezone Tutorial
Yesterday’s Emoji Name Search Map Tutorial was a step in the direction of “where” functionality, but because PHP teams up with the supervisory HTML “Emoji World Flags” web application, to make all this happen, there is the opportunity to add … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged data set, details, email, email client, emoji, form, Google, Google chart, HTML, HTML entities, IFRAME, integration, mailto, navigation, personalization, PHP, post, programming, reveal, search, sharing, software, summary, timezone, tutorial, url, web server
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Emoji Name Search Map Tutorial
Yesterday’s posted data Emoji Name Search Posting Tutorial functionality opened the door to “where” web application (software) integration, because the wonderful Wikipedia has compiled Latitude,Longitude co-ordinate pairs for those countries, and that is our foot in the door to place … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged data set, details, email, email client, emoji, form, Google, Google chart, HTML, HTML entities, IFRAME, integration, mailto, navigation, personalization, PHP, post, programming, reveal, search, sharing, software, summary, tutorial, url, web server
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