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Tag Archives: DDL
Python MySql Connector Primer Tutorial
In the past we’ve teamed Python (server side language) up with the MySql (database) via a python module called MySQLdb when we presented Python MySql Circle and Point DataTable Primer Tutorial below. Then, we shared the Mac OS X MAMP … Continue reading
Posted in Database, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged command line, connection, database, DDL, DML, Mac OS X, Macbook Pro, MAMP, MySql, pip, programming, Python, query, SQL, Terminal, tutorial
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SQL for Flat Files Supervisory Tutorial
Though we could add many more web applications that use our Flat Files SQL Engine (in a child HTML iframe element scenario) we’re feeling a bit “onions of the 4th dimension” about all this, and we think we can encase … Continue reading
Posted in Database, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Projects, Tutorials
Tagged character, column, data source, data table, database, DDL, delimiter, DML, fibonacci, file, flat file, golden ratio, Google, Google chart, IFRAME, interface, language, MAMP, mathematics, method, MySql, onsubmit, PHP, phpMyAdmin, pie chart, poll, programming, row, SQL, tutorial
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SQL for Flat Files Data Type Tutorial
Do you recall a statement in this blog posting thread’s “primer” tutorial as per … data type “smarts” … we’re keeping it really “everything ends up as a string” … doh … simple, for now, with our flat file data … Continue reading
Posted in Database, eLearning, Projects, Tutorials
Tagged character, column, data source, data table, database, DDL, delimiter, DML, fibonacci, file, flat file, golden ratio, Google, Google chart, interface, language, MAMP, mathematics, MySql, PHP, phpMyAdmin, pie chart, poll, programming, row, SQL, tutorial
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SQL for Flat Files Database Tutorial
We’ve spoken about “data permanence” before, when we presented PHP Themed Supervision Sixth Genericization Tutorial Can the Javascript client side of the web application world “save” anything? Sort of, if you want to consider HTTP Cookies, and lots and lots … Continue reading
Posted in Database, eLearning, Projects, Tutorials
Tagged character, column, data source, data table, database, DDL, delimiter, DML, file, flat file, Google, Google chart, interface, language, MAMP, MySql, PHP, phpMyAdmin, pie chart, poll, programming, row, SQL, tutorial
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SQL for Flat Files Poll Tutorial
We venture further down the route of interfacing web applications to our Flat File SQL Engine. The first interfacing web application we started out on, to the “proof of concept” level yesterday, when we presented SQL for Flat Files DDL … Continue reading
SQL for Flat Files DDL Tutorial
Welcome to the tutorial title that changes the least but with a big change to direction with our Flat File SQL Engine thinking because today’s SQL DDL focussed work opens our Flat File SQL Engine up to ‘outside’ use. That … Continue reading
Posted in Database, eLearning, Projects, Tutorials
Tagged character, column, data source, data table, database, DDL, delimiter, DML, file, flat file, language, MAMP, MySql, PHP, phpMyAdmin, programming, row, SQL, tutorial
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Home Grown Spreadsheet Indexeddb Primer Tutorial
A few days ago we talked of the synergy between spreadsheets and database when we presented Home Grown Spreadsheet Primer Tutorial as shown below. In sympathy with … a “tilt” towards a more transparent spreadsheet/database relationship, to be developed further … Continue reading
Posted in Database, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged cell, database, DDL, Google, Google Chrome, HTML, HTML5, indexeddb, Javascript, JSON, programming, spreadsheet, SQL, string, table, transaction, tutorial, websql
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PostgreSQL Primer Tutorial
Welcome to the PostgreSQL (Database Server) Primer Tutorial. The PostgreSQL Database Server product is an excellent Open Source database that has been established for many years. PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system, and read along with Wikipedia, how its … Continue reading
Posted in Database, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged database, DDL, open source, PostgreSQL, psql, SQL, tutorial
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