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Tag Archives: DIY
Do It Yourself HTML Textarea Editor Javascript Tutorial
You can avoid using Server side code with your web applications, and client side Javascript can do a lot for you to make some interesting web applications, but should you find something not working about the process, you’ve virtually run … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged cache, client/server, CMS, cookie, cookies, CSS, cursor, DIY, download, dropdown, editor, event, form, Google, Google Chrome, HTML, IFRAME, integration, Javascript, key, keyboard, MAMP, method, onkeyup, onsubmit, PHP, post, programming, pseudo element, selector, shortcut, software integration, textarea, tutorial, validation, web browser
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Do It Yourself HTML Editor Integration Tutorial
We have been thinking with our latest project called “Do It Yourself HTML Editor” that it bore huge similarities to the Legend via HTML Map Element ideas we started with the blog post series ending with Legend for and from … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged CMS, cookie, cookies, CSS, cursor, DIY, download, dropdown, editor, event, form, Google, Google Chrome, HTML, integration, Javascript, key, keyboard, MAMP, onkeyup, onsubmit, PHP, post, programming, pseudo element, selector, shortcut, software integration, textarea, tutorial, validation, web browser
Do It Yourself HTML Textarea Editor Post Tutorial
We’re introducing a “duck paddling fast underwater” but “who says you have to be the duck” aspect to our “Do It Yourself HTML Editor” today, adding onto the (blog posting) thread we left off yesterday with Do It Yourself HTML … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged CMS, cookie, cookies, CSS, cursor, DIY, download, dropdown, editor, event, form, Google, Google Chrome, HTML, Javascript, key, keyboard, MAMP, onkeyup, onsubmit, PHP, post, programming, pseudo element, selector, shortcut, textarea, tutorial, validation, web browser
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Do It Yourself HTML Textarea Editor Shortcut Key Tutorial
If you are using a laptop and following our thread of “Do It Yourself HTML Editor” blog postings, you may benefit from today’s progress on our web application. We allow for the linking of yesterday’s Cursor Positioned HTML dropdown helpers, … Continue reading
Do It Yourself HTML Textarea Editor Cursor Tutorial
If you do lots of text editing perhaps you take the “cursor” for granted. But just as the stylus on a vinyl record makes the music in relation to its position, the equivalent of our text editing “cursor” is that … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged CMS, cookie, cookies, CSS, cursor, DIY, editor, HTML, Javascript, programming, textarea, tutorial
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Do It Yourself HTML Primer Tutorial
It is because of yesterday’s generic HTTP Cookie thoughts we had when we presented Job Search Grid Game Cookie Tutorial, as shown below, that makes us feel okay using “Do It Yourself” in the blog posting title “Do It Yourself … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged CMS, cookie, cookies, CSS, DIY, editor, HTML, Javascript, programming, textarea, tutorial
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Developing Black and White Photos Primer Tutorial
You might be wondering why the blog title “Developing Black and White Photos Primer Tutorial” when we haven’t talked about “SLR Cameras” or “Taking Photographs” before this and in preparation for “Printing Black and White Photos”. Well, the main reason … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged black and white film, camera, developing, developing tank, DIY, film, fixing, hobby, negatives, PhotoBooth, photography, SLR, tutorial