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Tag Archives: document.URL
Just Javascript Card Game Suit Sort Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s Just Javascript Bridge Card Game Redouble Tutorial we have two improvements to show today, they being … for 500 and bridge card games we now add to the sorting of cards into suits, the sorting of cards within … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged arguments, array, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, bid, bidding, body, bookmarklet, bridge, button, card game, cards, cell, click, codepoint, collaboration, colour, colour coding, comma, console.log, content, content management, copy, createElement, CSS, CSS3, cursor, data uri, deal, defence, delay, delimit, delimiter, design, document.createElement, document.querySelectorAll, document.URL, double click, drag, drag and drop, dropdwon, email, emailee, emoji, entity, event, fallback, filter, focus, font, form, FormData, game, games, global, global variable, head, HTML, html entity, internationalization, Javascript, joker, keyframes, kitty, label, list, localStorage, logic, macOS, Mail, mailto, Mapping, mclick, Memories, name, names, naming, navigation, onions, order, paste, player, popup, preventDefault, programming, progress, progress bar, prompt, quiz, render, rendering, row, score, scoring, screenLeft, screenTop, select, selector, sessionStorage, setTimeout, share, sharing, SMS, sort, String.fromCodePoint, style, styling, subject, submit, suit, SVG, table, tabular, tbody, thead, timing, touch, trick, tutorial, user experience, UX, variable, web browser, web inspector, webpage, window.opener
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Just Javascript Bridge Card Game Redouble Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s Just Javascript Bridge Card Game Primer Tutorial, as a “difference”, we add some Bridge card game scoring logic that does not happen with the 500 card game … double and redouble (pseudo) bids (affecting scoring) … representing the … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged arguments, array, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, bid, bidding, body, bookmarklet, bridge, button, card game, cards, cell, click, codepoint, collaboration, colour, colour coding, comma, console.log, content, content management, createElement, CSS, CSS3, cursor, data uri, deal, defence, delay, delimit, delimiter, design, document.createElement, document.querySelectorAll, document.URL, double click, drag, drag and drop, dropdwon, email, emailee, emoji, entity, event, fallback, filter, focus, font, form, FormData, game, games, global, global variable, head, HTML, html entity, internationalization, Javascript, joker, keyframes, kitty, label, list, localStorage, logic, macOS, Mail, mailto, Mapping, mclick, Memories, name, names, naming, navigation, onions, order, player, popup, preventDefault, programming, progress, progress bar, prompt, quiz, render, rendering, row, score, scoring, screenLeft, screenTop, select, selector, sessionStorage, setTimeout, share, sharing, SMS, sort, String.fromCodePoint, style, styling, subject, submit, suit, SVG, table, tabular, tbody, thead, timing, touch, trick, tutorial, user experience, UX, variable, web browser, web inspector, webpage, window.opener
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Just Javascript Bridge Card Game Primer Tutorial
“Commonalities and differences” is a strategy for code development. A good enough guinea pig and you can shape it into something “similar, but different”. The 500 card game of recent times has code to shape into a Bridge card game … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged arguments, array, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, bid, bidding, body, bookmarklet, bridge, button, card game, cards, cell, click, codepoint, collaboration, colour, colour coding, comma, console.log, content, content management, createElement, CSS, CSS3, cursor, data uri, deal, defence, delay, delimit, delimiter, design, document.createElement, document.querySelectorAll, document.URL, double click, drag, drag and drop, dropdwon, email, emailee, emoji, entity, event, fallback, filter, focus, font, form, FormData, game, games, global, global variable, head, HTML, html entity, internationalization, Javascript, joker, keyframes, kitty, label, list, localStorage, logic, macOS, Mail, mailto, Mapping, mclick, Memories, name, names, naming, navigation, onions, order, player, popup, preventDefault, programming, progress, progress bar, prompt, quiz, render, rendering, row, score, scoring, screenLeft, screenTop, select, selector, sessionStorage, setTimeout, share, sharing, SMS, sort, String.fromCodePoint, style, styling, subject, submit, suit, SVG, table, tabular, tbody, thead, timing, touch, trick, tutorial, user experience, UX, variable, web browser, web inspector, webpage, window.opener, wording
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Just Javascript Five Hundred Card Game Early Complete Exit Tutorial
Yesterday’s Just Javascript Five Hundred Card Game Early Exit Tutorial talked of … “Early Exit” from a “round” of 500 card game play that contributes to, depending on how competitive you make these things, scoring towards that 500 (or -500 … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, Ajax, alert, animation, arguments, array, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, bid, bidding, body, bookmarklet, button, card game, cards, cell, click, codepoint, collaboration, colour, colour coding, comma, console.log, content, content management, createElement, CSS, CSS3, cursor, data uri, deal, defence, delay, delimit, delimiter, design, document.createElement, document.querySelectorAll, document.URL, double click, drag, drag and drop, dropdwon, email, emailee, emoji, entity, event, fallback, filter, focus, font, form, FormData, game, games, global, global variable, head, HTML, html entity, internationalization, Javascript, joker, keyframes, kitty, label, list, localStorage, logic, macOS, Mail, mailto, Mapping, mclick, Memories, name, names, naming, navigation, onions, order, player, popup, preventDefault, programming, progress, progress bar, prompt, quiz, render, rendering, row, score, scoring, screenLeft, screenTop, select, selector, sessionStorage, setTimeout, share, sharing, SMS, sort, String.fromCodePoint, style, styling, subject, submit, suit, SVG, table, tabular, tbody, thead, timing, touch, trick, tutorial, user experience, UX, variable, web browser, web inspector, webpage, window.opener, wording
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Just Javascript Five Hundred Card Game Early Exit Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s Just Javascript Five Hundred Card Game Open Misère Progress Bar Tutorial progress, barring setbacks … tee hee … we want to further progress towards a mode of use that goes … 500 card game … like “04.0,Robert Metcalfe[;], … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, Ajax, alert, animation, array, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, bid, bidding, body, bookmarklet, button, card game, cards, cell, click, codepoint, collaboration, colour, colour coding, comma, console.log, content, content management, createElement, CSS, CSS3, cursor, data uri, deal, defence, delay, delimit, delimiter, design, document.createElement, document.querySelectorAll, document.URL, double click, drag, drag and drop, dropdwon, email, emailee, emoji, entity, event, fallback, filter, focus, font, form, FormData, game, games, global, global variable, head, HTML, html entity, internationalization, Javascript, joker, keyframes, kitty, label, list, localStorage, logic, macOS, Mail, mailto, Mapping, mclick, Memories, name, names, naming, navigation, onions, order, player, popup, preventDefault, programming, progress, progress bar, prompt, quiz, render, rendering, row, score, scoring, screenLeft, screenTop, select, selector, sessionStorage, setTimeout, share, sharing, SMS, sort, String.fromCodePoint, style, styling, subject, submit, suit, SVG, table, tabular, tbody, thead, timing, touch, trick, tutorial, user experience, UX, variable, web browser, web inspector, webpage, window.opener, wording
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Hashtagging and .htaccess Tutorial
We have two concepts to get across with today’s tutorial … the desire to limit your web application URL usage away from URLs that include ? (and so involve (PHP $_GET[]) URL arguments) because the search engines do not, in … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged .htaccess, Apache, blog, category, checkbox, document.URL, hashtag, input, Javascript, location.hash, mod_rewrite, onchange, PHP, posting, programming, regex, regular expression, search, search engine, tag, title, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, url, Wordpress
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