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Tag Archives: EasyPHP
Karaoke via YouTube API in Iframe Email Tutorial
It’s good with a web application like our “Karaoke via YouTube API” one to have a means by which you share what you are doing, and because we have based it on GET parameters, then an email link is a … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, API, audio, border, CSS, CSS3, Did you know, DOM, EasyPHP, email, embed, emoji, game, games, Google, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, Javascript, karaoke, linear gradient, local web server, MAMP, microphone, music, onblur, onStateChanged, programming, snapchat, synchronize, tutorial, user experience, UX, video, YouTube, YouTube API
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Karaoke via YouTube API in Iframe Emoji Tutorial
For a long time we resisted the use of emoji, thinking that their use was a bit lame, but more and more, as times goes on, we find good use for them. It is kind of predictable though for quite … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, API, audio, border, CSS, CSS3, DOM, EasyPHP, embed, emoji, game, games, Google, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, Javascript, karaoke, linear gradient, local web server, MAMP, microphone, music, onblur, onStateChanged, programming, snapchat, synchronize, tutorial, user experience, UX, video, YouTube, YouTube API
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Karaoke via YouTube API in Iframe Microphone Tutorial
It was always a plan with the “Karaoke via YouTube API” that we would try to “splice” in user contributions for a more real “Karaoke” experience. I’ve done work on this before, and it takes a lot of web server … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, API, audio, CSS, DOM, EasyPHP, embed, game, games, Google, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, Javascript, karaoke, local web server, MAMP, microphone, music, onblur, onStateChanged, programming, snapchat, synchronize, tutorial, user experience, UX, video, YouTube, YouTube API
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PHP Port Process Primer Tutorial
When there is a concept that somehow links hardware to software things fall into place better for me, personally, with understanding. For me, this is because hardware is that interesting thing out there that is more unknown, and so much … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Hardware, Networking, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged command line, EasyPHP, exec, hardware, Linux, local web server, MAMP, network, operating system, PHP, port, programming, software, stop press, tutirial, unix, Windows
PHP Desktop Command Line Follow Up Tutorial
Yesterday we started on some PHP desktop tutorials for a XML Chapter Changes via the Substitution of Strings desktop job when we presented PHP Desktop Command Line Primer Tutorial as shown below. Of the three web modes of use today’s … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged command line, curl, desktop, EasyPHP, interactive, Linux, local web server, MAMP, operating system, PHP, programming, Terminal, tutorial, Web Application, XML
PHP Desktop Command Line Primer Tutorial
Sometimes you have desktop program requirements involving files and the operating system. If the job is quite large you’d probably want to involve one of the well known IDEs like Xcode for Mac or Visual Studio for Windows or perhaps … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged command line, desktop, EasyPHP, interactive, Linux, local web server, MAMP, operating system, PHP, programming, Terminal, tutorial, Web Application, XML
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AutoHotKey Surfing PHP exec Tutorial
There’s another companion piece to our C “sorting” program tutorials finishing with C Sorting PHP exec Tutorial as of a couple of days ago. And it’s a pretty important chapter if you are interested in software integration, and “meeting points”. … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, AutoHotKey, desktop, DOS, EasyPHP, exec, local web server, MySql, PHP, programming, software integration, tutorial, WAMP, Windows
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C Sorting PHP exec Tutorial
There’s another chapter to our C “sorting” program in addition to the “piping” functionality we added with C Sorting Command Line Piping Tutorial as shown below, a couple of days ago. And it’s a pretty important chapter if you are … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, C++, command line, command line arguments, desktop, Digital Mars, DOS, EasyPHP, function pointers, local web server, Microsoft C, MySql, PHP, pipe, piping, pointer, pointers, programming, qsort, software integration, sort, tutorial, WAMP, Windows