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Tag Archives: embedded
YouTube Embedded Iframe API Synchronized Superimposition Search Tutorial
It’s all well and good writing new functionality into a web application, like we did with the “superimposition” of YouTube video via its Embedded Iframe API interfaced videos here at RJM Programming in yesterday’s YouTube Embedded Iframe API Synchronized Superimposition … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged button, cell, checkbox, dropdown, embedded, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, media, opacity, overlay, play, position, programming, search, select, superimpose, superimposition, synchronization, synchronize, table, tutorial, video, YouTube, YouTube API, z-index
YouTube Embedded Iframe API Synchronized Superimposition Tutorial
In addition to yesterday’s YouTube Embedded Iframe API Synchronization Tutorial … synchronizing functionality for YouTube video via its Embedded Iframe API interfaced videos here at RJM Programming … we think another interesting “value add” could be … superimposed (and synchronized) … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged button, cell, checkbox, dropdown, embedded, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, media, opacity, overlay, play, position, programming, select, superimpose, superimposition, synchronization, synchronize, table, tutorial, video, YouTube, YouTube API, z-index
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YouTube Embedded Iframe API Synchronization Tutorial
The last occasion we had to change our inhouse interfacing to the YouTube video via its Embedded Iframe API was its (sub)interfacing to Wikipedia Flipcard Quiz Emoji Tutorial. Yes, there is no “(sub)interfacing” word … oops … we found one … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged button, cell, checkbox, dropdown, embedded, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, media, play, programming, select, synchronization, synchronize, table, tutorial, video, YouTube, YouTube API
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Geology Terminology Primer Tutorial
It’s got to be true for everyone who’s stepped on Earth that “there’s more we don’t know than we know”. That’s why the Internet has been such a revolution for so many people. Given a connection to the Internet … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged camera, embedded, geology, Google, HTML, image, iPad, Javascript, map, photograph, programming, research, terminology, tutorial, video, YouTube, YouTube API
PHP Wikipedia Australian List Integration Tutorial
Yesterday’s PHP Wikipedia Australian List Makeover Tutorial got us thinking more about “where of life” functionality integration possibilities. For us, with many “where of life” web applications, the Google Charts Map Chart is a core part of the functionality, as … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animation, asynchronous, bonzle, button, decodeURIComponent, DOM, embedded, file_get_contents, geographicals, glob, Google, Google chart, Google Maps, hashtag, hover, HTML, IFRAME, integration, Javascript, lighthouse, map, modularization, navigation, onclick, onmouseover, PHP, post, programming, project, SVG, timezone, tooltips, tutorial, urldecode, urlencide, video, weather, Weather Underground, Wikipedia, YouTube
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PHP Wikipedia Australian List Makeover Tutorial
Some time back we linked a Wikipedia “list” webpage to the Google Charts Map Chart functionality with PHP Modularization for Lighthouses in Australia Tutorial. We’re revisiting, and finding some “peer” web applications, linked by a dropdown, that all … access … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged asynchronous, bonzle, button, decodeURIComponent, DOM, embedded, file_get_contents, geographicals, glob, Google, Google chart, Google Maps, hover, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, lighthouse, map, modularization, navigation, onclick, onmouseover, PHP, post, programming, project, SVG, tooltips, tutorial, urldecode, urlencide, video, Wikipedia, YouTube
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