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Tag Archives: end game
Android Studio Project End ESL Ideas Tutorial
We move on to the “End Game” phase to yesterday’s Android Studio Project Middle ESL Ideas Tutorial. Up at the Google Play Console we share, for the first time, the key from a previous mobile app to use with the … Continue reading
Posted in Android, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Android, android app, Android App Bundle, Android mobile, Android Studio, back button, bundle, end game, fragments, Google, Google Play Console, Googple Play, gradle, IDE, Java, Mac OS X, middle game, mobile, programming, project, tutorial
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Android Studio Project Middle ESL Ideas Tutorial
After the recent Android Studio Project Middle End Game Issues Tutorial discoveries we have a new Google Play Android mobile application called ESL Ideas for you to contemplate today in “Middle Game” terms. ESL involves the learning of the English … Continue reading
Posted in Android, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Android, android app, Android mobile, Android Studio, back button, end game, fragments, gradle, IDE, Java, Mac OS X, middle game, mobile, programming, project, tutorial
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Android Studio Project Middle End Game Issues Tutorial
Our view of both Android and iOS mobile application development goes along the lines … Start Game … setting up your IDE environment, getting easier all the time if you are using an IDE like today’s Android “Android Studio” IDE … Continue reading
Posted in Android, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Android, android app, Android mobile, Android Studio, end game, gradle, IDE, Java, Mac OS X, middle game, mobile, programming, project, tutorial
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Xcode Swift iOS Application End Game Assets Tutorial
Today’s work concerns what we like to call the “End Game” part of the creation or update of an iOS Mobile Application compiled on the Mac OS X Xcode IDE (Version 9.2 (9C40b)). With our “End Game” thoughts we are … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, iOS, Tutorials, Xcode
Tagged App Store, Apple, assets, configuration, deployment, end game, image, Image Assets, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Mac OS X, mindfulness, mobile application, PaintBrush, programming, project, tutorial, Xcode
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Xcode Swift iOS Application End Game Follow Up Tutorial
Lots of us hope to learn something new each day?! Overnight, was expecting the “Make Your Own Charts” iOS mobile application to go through to the Apple App Store for sale, and it didn’t, so, having read an email saying … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, iOS, Tutorials, Xcode
Tagged AirServer, Apple, Apple Store, application, end game, ffmpeg, Firefox, HTML, IDE, iOS, iPad, iTunes, iTunes Connect, Javascript, Linux, Mac, Mac Terminal, Macbook Pro, middle game, mobile, mobile app, PHP, programming, resize, Safari, SDLC, start game, Swift, Terminal, tutorial, UIWebView, USB, user agent, user experience, UX, web browser, Xcode
Xcode Swift iOS Application End Game Primer Tutorial
The iOS app “quest” continuing on from yesterday’s “middle game” Xcode Swift Resizable UIWebview Primer Tutorial as shown below enters the “end game” today, on a MacBook Pro laptop, using the Xcode IDE (plus the ubiquitous white USB lead and … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, iOS, Software, Tutorials, Xcode
Tagged AirServer, Apple, Apple Store, application, end game, ffmpeg, Firefox, HTML, IDE, iOS, iPad, iTunes, iTunes Connect, Javascript, Linux, Mac, Mac Terminal, Macbook Pro, middle game, mobile, mobile app, PHP, programming, resize, Safari, start game, Swift, Terminal, tutorial, UIWebView, USB, user agent, user experince, UX, web browser, Xcode