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Tag Archives: event
Dropdown Image Dimensions Idea Tutorial
Thumbnail images are all well and good, but for web applications, such as our quiz one, that might benefit from scrutiny of images, in the recent Dropdown Image Idea Map Genericization Tutorial, it would be good to offer the user … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged background, background image, bird, canvas, dimension, dimensions, div, dropdown, event, genericization, genericize, height, HTML, image, img, map, multiple, onload, opacity, overlay, PHP, programming, quiz, select, transparent, tutorial, underlay, width, Wikipedia, z-index
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Dropdown Image Idea Map Genericization Tutorial
There is a certain level of genericization we can apply to yesterday’s Dropdown Image Idea Primer Tutorial‘s Bird Quiz “proof of concept” start, to begin to extend its functionality, today. We say “certain level” because Wikipedia content is written by … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged background, background image, bird, canvas, div, dropdown, event, genericization, genericize, HTML, image, img, map, multiple, onload, opacity, overlay, PHP, programming, quiz, select, transparent, tutorial, underlay, Wikipedia, z-index
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Dropdown Image Idea Primer Tutorial
We’ve long mused about the idea that an HTML select (ie. dropdown) element can have images as a background. Well, we’re here to tell you that a dropdown element on its own is not capable of this, it being an … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged background, background image, bird, canvas, div, dropdown, event, HTML, image, multiple, onload, opacity, overlay, PHP, programming, quiz, select, transparent, tutorial, underlay, Wikipedia, z-index
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Ffmpeg Shelling Peas Tutorial
Well, our wish to “shell peas” setting up more ffmpeg media options based on the excellent FFmpeg cheat sheet, thanks, today, had its ups and downs for speed of progress, but, yes, to have a solid “framework” to work within, … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged action, animation, Apache, append, audio, background, browse, browsing, button, command, command line, concat, concatenation, content, contenteditable, CSS, demux, demuxer, Did you know, dir, div, document, Document Root, documents, DOM, download, dropdown, emoji, event, exec, ffmpeg, file, file API, form, glob, hover, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, ImageMagick, install, integration, intranet, Javascript, linear gradient, local web server, MAMP, marquee, media, movement, mux, oncontextmenu, onload, onmouseout, onmouseover, onsubmit, overlay, pandoc, pdfimages, PHP, pipe, programming, rotate, rotation, select, shell_exec, software integration, srt, srt file, subtitle, subtitles, swipe, swipe left, swipe right, text, text-align, textarea, title, track, tutorial, verb.command, video, video track, vtt, vtt file, Windows
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Ffmpeg and Pandoc and ImageMagick and Pdfimages Dropdown Linear Gradient Tutorial
There were two weakness with the logic in yesterday’s Ffmpeg and Pandoc and ImageMagick and Pdfimages Dropdown Hover Swipe Tutorial, we reckon, those being … it is hard to “hover swipe” with no linework to show where one option starts … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged action, animation, Apache, append, audio, background, browse, browsing, button, command, command line, concat, concatenation, content, contenteditable, CSS, demux, demuxer, Did you know, dir, div, document, Document Root, documents, DOM, download, dropdown, emoji, event, exec, ffmpeg, file, file API, form, hover, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, ImageMagick, install, integration, intranet, Javascript, linear gradient, local web server, MAMP, marquee, media, movement, mux, oncontextmenu, onload, onmouseout, onmouseover, onsubmit, overlay, pandoc, pdfimages, PHP, pipe, programming, rotate, rotation, select, shell_exec, software integration, srt, srt file, subtitle, subtitles, swipe, swipe left, swipe right, text, text-align, textarea, title, track, tutorial, verb.command, video, video track, vtt, vtt file, Windows
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Ffmpeg and Pandoc and ImageMagick and Pdfimages Dropdown Hover Swipe Tutorial
Some users are impatient, we grant you. Maybe some don’t want to wait the whole time of an 8 second “Eat at Joes” rotation. Well, we thought about this, and got an idea to extend yesterday’s Ffmpeg and Pandoc and … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged action, animation, Apache, append, audio, browse, browsing, button, command, command line, concat, concatenation, content, contenteditable, CSS, demux, demuxer, Did you know, dir, div, document, Document Root, documents, DOM, download, dropdown, emoji, event, exec, ffmpeg, file, file API, form, hover, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, ImageMagick, install, integration, intranet, Javascript, local web server, MAMP, marquee, media, movement, mux, oncontextmenu, onload, onmouseout, onmouseover, onsubmit, overlay, pandoc, pdfimages, PHP, pipe, programming, rotate, rotation, select, shell_exec, software integration, srt, srt file, subtitle, subtitles, swipe, swipe left, swipe right, text, text-align, textarea, title, track, tutorial, verb.command, video, video track, vtt, vtt file, Windows
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Onclick Event Propagation Event Button Tutorial
Don’t know about you, but we tend to take our pointing devices for granted around here. But how could we, when it is so important to getting things done?! Well, well worn procedures often make for better production, and maybe, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged bubble, bubbling, button, case, constraint, curb, DOM, event, event.preventDefault, event.stopPropagation,, event.type, gesture, Google, hierarchy, HTML, inheritance, Javascript, left, middle, mouse, mouse wheel, nesting, nursery rhyme, onclick, poem, poetry, pointing device, popup, preventDefault, programming, propagation, rhyme, right, scrolling, sestet, stopPropagation, switch, target, touch, tutorial, type, wheel,
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PdfImages PDF Output Media Zipping via PHP Tutorial
We’ve both tailored and taken an interest (in the first place) with incorporating PHP’s talents with zipping (via *.zip files) ever since we started PDF to HTML Pdftohtml usage, in today’s work. Why? Well, well, well, we think sharing the … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, archive, bubble, bubbling, button, case, command, command line, concatenate, constraint, curb, DOM, event, event.preventDefault, event.stopPropagation,, event.type, gesture, Google, hierarchy, HTML, inheritance, Javascript, left, middle, mouse, mouse wheel, nesting, nursery rhyme, onclick, operating system, Oracle, pdftohtml, pdfunite, poem, poetry, pointing device, popup, preventDefault, programming, propagation, rhyme, right, scrolling, sestet, stopPropagation, switch, sys_get_temp_dir, target, touch, tutorial, type, unzip, validation, wheel,, XML, zip, zipping
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