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Tag Archives: extraction
Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial
Around here, we’re not ashamed to simplify 90% of web design issues into two categories … an “overlay” issue … or … a “reveal” issue … and today’s improvements, pitted against the progress up until yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, absolute URL, animated gif, animation, browse, browsing, canvas, command line, convert, curl, details, drawImage, extract, extraction, file, form, hotlink, hotlinking, HTML, image, image file, ImageMagick, interaction, Javascript, korn shell, local file, method, object, overlay, parameter, PHP, Png, post, programming, prompt, relative, relative URL, reveal, script, sequence, shell, shell_exec, slide, status, still, summary, textbox, tutorial, uniquifier, upload, url, user interaction
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Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial
The other user entry the user might do using the Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application of yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial onto … relative animated GIF URL (within the address bar domain of use or an absolute … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, absolute URL, animated gif, animation, browse, browsing, canvas, command line, convert, curl, drawImage, extract, extraction, file, form, hotlink, hotlinking, HTML, image, image file, ImageMagick, interaction, Javascript, korn shell, local file, method, object, parameter, PHP, Png, post, programming, prompt, relative, relative URL, script, sequence, shell, shell_exec, slide, still, tutorial, uniquifier, upload, url, user interaction
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Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial
As of the recent Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial‘s progress with an Extraction of a User Nominated Animated GIF Slide web application’s … input animated GIF URL modus operandi … today we add … local operating system file browsing … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, browse, browsing, canvas, command line, convert, drawImage, extract, extraction, file, form, HTML, image, image file, ImageMagick, interaction, Javascript, korn shell, local file, method, object, parameter, PHP, Png, post, programming, prompt, script, sequence, shell, shell_exec, slide, still, tutorial, upload, user interaction
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Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial
Would you believe … the extraction of an HTML video element still is not too hard using that HTML video element object as the first parameter to a [canvasContext].drawImage method call (as you might recall reading the recent Canvas DrawImage … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, canvas, command line, convert, drawImage, extract, extraction, HTML, image, image file, ImageMagick, interaction, Javascript, korn shell, object, parameter, PHP, Png, programming, prompt, script, sequence, shell, shell_exec, slide, still, tutorial, user interaction
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Animated GIF Creation Install Paths Tutorial
We dislike hardcoding paths to installed … pdfimages ImageMagick ffmpeg … but if your PHP is flaky with exec and shell_exec as our MAMP Windows setup is, you might understand our kludginess here. But, onto yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation on … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, Apache, backslash, bitmap, btoa, character, cmd, data uri, data url, delimiter, dimensions, directory, directory delimiter, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DOM, encodeURIComponent, escape, escaping, exec, extract, extraction, ffmpeg, folder, forfiles, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, image/png, ImageMagick, inkscape, intranet, Javascript, link, local web server, MAMP, mimetype, onblur, onload, PATH, PDF, PHP, php.ini, Png, presentation, programming, QR Code, screenshot, shell_exec, size, slide, snapshot, string, string delimiter, SVG, svg text, textbox, tutorial, url, vector, vector graphics, web server, webpage, webpage snapshot, width
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Animated GIF Creation on Windows MAMP via PDF Tutorial
Today’s lesson, further to yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation on Windows MAMP Tutorial first day of Windows integration work with our Animated GIF Creator is … Try not to rely on exec or shell_exec always, if there is a way to … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, Apache, backslash, bitmap, btoa, character, cmd, data uri, data url, delimiter, dimensions, directory, directory delimiter, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DOM, encodeURIComponent, escape, escaping, exec, extract, extraction, ffmpeg, folder, forfiles, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, image/png, ImageMagick, inkscape, intranet, Javascript, link, local web server, MAMP, mimetype, onblur, onload, PDF, PHP, php.ini, Png, presentation, programming, QR Code, screenshot, shell_exec, size, slide, snapshot, string, string delimiter, SVG, svg text, textbox, tutorial, url, vector, vector graphics, web server, webpage, webpage snapshot, width
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Animated GIF Creation on Windows MAMP Tutorial
It was surprising today, finally getting around to testing Animated GIF creation on a local Windows (desktop operating system) MAMP environment, how much there was to do with the relationships amongst … string values and manipulations directory delimiters \ for … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, Apache, backslash, bitmap, btoa, character, data uri, data url, delimiter, dimensions, directory, directory delimiter, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DOM, encodeURIComponent, escape, escaping, extract, extraction, ffmpeg, folder, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, image/png, ImageMagick, inkscape, intranet, Javascript, link, local web server, MAMP, mimetype, onblur, onload, PDF, PHP, Png, presentation, programming, QR Code, screenshot, size, slide, snapshot, string, string delimiter, SVG, svg text, textbox, tutorial, url, vector, vector graphics, web server, webpage, webpage snapshot, width
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Animated GIF via PDF Input Tutorial
As well as adding more of those dimension options as flagged at yesterday’s Animated GIF Dimensions Programmatic Help Tutorial, today, the big job with our Animated GIF creator was to allow for … PDF input to Animated GIF output … … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, Apache, bitmap, btoa, character, data uri, data url, dimensions, DOM, encodeURIComponent, extract, extraction, ffmpeg, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, image/png, ImageMagick, inkscape, intranet, Javascript, link, local web server, MAMP, mimetype, onblur, onload, PDF, PHP, Png, presentation, programming, QR Code, screenshot, size, slide, snapshot, SVG, svg text, textbox, tutorial, url, vector, vector graphics, web server, webpage, webpage snapshot, width
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