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Tag Archives: file_get_contents
Image Conversions via PHP GD Browsing Tutorial
As well as the recent Image Conversions via PHP GD URL Tutorial‘s input data modes of use … relative URLs (to the RJM Programming domain) … and we see why we may have left this like this … we wanted … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, absolute, absolute URL, Apache, arguments, attribute, backward compatibility, basename, bimp, brightness, browse, browsing, cartoon, colourize, comma, command, command line, contrast, conversion, convert, crontab, crop, curl, data uri, Did you know, Document Root, download, dropdown, emboss, emoji, file, file API, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, filtering, filters, form, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, image, image URL, ImageMagick, img, Javascript, korn shell, link, local web server, MAMP, merge, method, mode, modes of use, multiple, navigate, navigation, negate, onchange, open, overlay, PaintBrush, PHP, pixellate, preg_replace, procedure, programming, recall, regex, regular expression, relative URL, replace, reveal, schedule, script, select, shell, switch, switches, table, tick, transparency, tutorial, type ahead buffer, url, verb, wildcard
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Image Conversions via PHP GD URL Tutorial
The PHP inhouse Image Converter web application last talked about at Image Conversions via PHP GD Overlay Reveal Tutorial got a revisit today. It’s been more than two years, and that amount of separation sometimes gives you the chance to … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, absolute, absolute URL, Apache, arguments, attribute, backward compatibility, basename, bimp, brightness, cartoon, colourize, comma, command, command line, contrast, conversion, convert, crontab, crop, curl, data uri, Did you know, Document Root, download, dropdown, emboss, emoji, file, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, filtering, filters, form, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, image, image URL, ImageMagick, img, Javascript, korn shell, link, local web server, MAMP, merge, method, mode, modes of use, multiple, navigate, navigation, negate, onchange, open, overlay, PaintBrush, PHP, pixellate, preg_replace, procedure, programming, recall, regex, regular expression, relative URL, replace, reveal, schedule, script, select, shell, switch, switches, table, tick, transparency, tutorial, type ahead buffer, url, verb, wildcard
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PHP Intl Class Peer to Peer Locale Variants World Map Tutorial
Today, further to yesterday’s PHP Intl Class Peer to Peer Locale Variants Tutorial, we seek to answer questions such as … Which countries in the world speak Arabic? … and with a changed i_eg.js supporting a changed i_variant_eg.php and with … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged alphabet, amount, ansi, button, cache, cell, character, click, client, clientside, code, codefile, country, country name, currency, currency code, data, diacritic, Did you know, DOM, dropdown, emoji, emoji button, emoji flag button, event, external Javascript, file, file specification, file_get_contents, file_put_contents, form, geo chart, GETME, glob, Google Charts, IFRAME, include, index, internationalization, intl, intl class, intl object, ISO, ISO 4217, iso 639, Javascript, keyboard, keyborad, language, language code, language name, link, list, local, local knowledge, local web server, locale, MAMP, name, number, onblur, onclick, oncontextmenu, oninput, onkeydown, override, peer, peer to peer, PHP, programming, proof of concept, region, region name, rewrite, right click, row, rules, serverside, sftp, sort, sorting, specification, table, testing, tutorial, upload, variant, web server, web server file, word
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PHP Intl Class Peer to Peer Locale Variants Tutorial
We’ve written a new member of “the peerage”, in other words, our inhouse PHP intl class web applications. It gathers variants of an entered Locale into a group we display Current Datetimes for in a series of HTML iframe hosting … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged alphabet, amount, ansi, button, cache, character, client, clientside, code, codefile, country, country name, currency, currency code, data, diacritic, Did you know, DOM, dropdown, emoji, emoji button, emoji flag button, event, external Javascript, file, file specification, file_get_contents, file_put_contents, form, geo chart, GETME, glob, Google Charts, include, index, internationalization, intl, intl class, intl object, ISO, ISO 4217, iso 639, Javascript, keyboard, keyborad, language, language code, language name, link, list, local, local knowledge, local web server, locale, MAMP, name, number, onblur, oninput, onkeydown, override, peer, peer to peer, PHP, programming, proof of concept, region, region name, rewrite, rules, serverside, sftp, sort, sorting, specification, testing, tutorial, upload, variant, web server, web server file, word
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PHP Intl Class Peer to Peer World Map Tutorial
All the web applications in the suite of PHP intl class using web applications were capable of making a connection between … Country Name and ISO-3166 2 letter Country Code suffixing a Locale … and … Emoji Flag … setting … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged alphabet, amount, ansi, button, cache, character, client, clientside, code, codefile, country, country name, currency, currency code, data, diacritic, Did you know, DOM, dropdown, emoji, emoji button, emoji flag button, event, external Javascript, file, file specification, file_get_contents, file_put_contents, form, geo chart, GETME, glob, Google Charts, include, index, internationalization, intl, intl class, intl object, ISO, ISO 4217, iso 639, Javascript, keyboard, keyborad, language, language code, language name, link, list, local, local knowledge, local web server, locale, MAMP, name, number, onblur, oninput, onkeydown, override, peer, peer to peer, PHP, programming, proof of concept, region, region name, rewrite, rules, serverside, sftp, sort, sorting, specification, testing, tutorial, upload, web server, web server file, word
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PHP Intl Class Peer to Peer Serverside Tutorial
Sometimes, in programming … you’re stringent … especially regarding security matters, but most of the time, when we organize the programming rules, so to speak, we prefer it when … you’re flexible … and so, back with GraphViz via PHP … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged alphabet, amount, ansi, cache, character, client, clientside, code, codefile, country, country name, currency, currency code, data, diacritic, Did you know, DOM, dropdown, emoji, event, external Javascript, file, file specification, file_get_contents, file_put_contents, form, GETME, glob, include, index, internationalization, intl, intl class, intl object, ISO, ISO 4217, iso 639, Javascript, keyboard, keyborad, language, language code, language name, list, local, local knowledge, local web server, locale, MAMP, name, number, onblur, oninput, onkeydown, peer, peer to peer, PHP, programming, proof of concept, region, region name, rewrite, rules, serverside, sftp, sort, sorting, specification, testing, tutorial, upload, web server, web server file, word
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English Word Association Game Revisit Tutorial
One step forward, and steps back is how we’d describe progress, onto the PHP Word Association web application game of Language Word Association Game Tutorial … the step forward being the replacing of obsolete Yahoo YQL Thesaurus sources of information … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Games, Tutorials
Tagged association, data, English, file_get_contents, game, global variable, PHP, programming, thesaurus, tutorial, variable, word, word association, word game
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Worldbank API User Supplied Indicator Name Word List Tutorial
Yesterday’s Worldbank API User Supplied Indicator Code Tutorial … gave the user some WorldBank API Indicator control … but because your average person would not know these codes … today we offer … user entered Word List in the Indicator … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged area chart, array, bar chart, chart, collection, column chart, country, data, data point, dropdown, emoji, emoji flag, file_get_contents, Google chart, HTML, indicator, line chart, list, member, null, PHP, programming, regex, regexp, regular expression, report, repository, select, tutorial, word, words, Worldbank, XML, zero
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