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Tag Archives: FileZilla
Gimp Favicon via Logo Primer Tutorial
The RJM Programming domain logo based thread of blog posts headed by Inkscape Vector Image Editor Watermark Tutorial was missing a consideration. To be clear, it’s been on our list of “to does” for quite some time now, nagging away … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, Document Root, domain, favicon, favicon.ico, FileZilla, GIMP, ico, icon, image, logo, Microsoft Windows icon, minimize, PaintBrush, pixel, Png, sftp, tab, tutorial, web browser, web server
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CentOS Linux Web Server ssh Restart Primer Tutorial
Are you managing a CentOS (ie. Linux) Apache/PHP/MySql web server via cPanel (via WHM, for example) and ssh (via macOS Terminal application, for example) and sftp (via FileZilla, for example)? Additional to the restarting of processes involved in managing such … Continue reading →
HTML Square Horizontal Rule Image Map Notice Board Tutorial
Following on from yesterday’s HTML Square Horizontal Rule Image Map Are You Okay Tutorial we wanted, today, to “test the waters” with the news of recent emoji additions to ask a lot of this world, and see how emojis stack … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aged care, attributes, Bezier curves, browse, button, canvas, canvas background, cards, cell, chart, child, circle, collaboration, column, communication, contenteditable, copy, CSS, data, deck, diary, dictionary, Did you know, div, DOM, dropdown, eLearning area, eLearning array, email, emoji, equation, eval, event, file, FileZilla, game, games, geometry, getBoundingClientRect, getImageData, Google Charts, graph, graphics, grid, guillotine, hangman, hash, hashtag, heirarchy, home, home screen, horizontal rule, HTML, HTML Global Attributes, icon, IFRAME, image, image map, induction, innerHTML, integration, international signage, iOS, iPad, ispell, Javascript, jigsaw, line, line graph, linear equation, linear gradient, linked list, location.hash, MAMP, map, match, mathematics, Memories, meta, mobile, mobile app, multiple, multiple hashtag, navigation, notice board, onchange, onion, onmousemove, ontouchmove, overlay, pan, parent, PhotoBooth, PHP, placeholder, polygon, polynomial, position, programming, prompt, proof of concept, propogation, putImageData, QuickTime Player, quiz, random, rectangle, reveal, rotate, rubberband, script, select, setTimeout, share, signature, software integration, square, SVG, table, textarea, TextWrangler, transform, translate, tutorial, Tutorials, url, window,, word, word game, YouTube, z-index
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Inkscape Vector Image Editor Primer Tutorial
As far as image editing goes at RJM Programming, we turn to … PaintBrush (the Mac OS X one) for more than 90% of the simpler work … and then use … Preview (Mac OS X) occasionally to do with … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Desktop Application, drag, editing, editor, FileZilla, ftp, Hello World, image editing, inkscape, Mac OS X, raster, rasterize, sftp, SVG, vector, X11, Xquartz
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Server unexpectedly closed network connection FileZilla Tutorial
In day to day web server management (of the CentOS (Linux) WHM/cPanel Apache/PHP/MySql domain) we find the most baffling error that you occasionally come up against “web server access wise” is FileZilla’s (or any sftp application’s) error message … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Networking, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Access, Apache, blog, CentOS, command line, configuration, cPanel, database, FileZilla, Google, Linux, MySql, network, operating system, process, restart, service, sftp, ssh, StackOverflow, start, stop, web browser, web server, WHS, Wordpress
Linux Disk Usage cPanel Heads Up Tutorial
What’s important, and what’s not? Leave you with that. See you tomorrow. Not a very good blog posting is it? Let’s say, instead … “What’s important, and what’s not, regarding Linux CentOS WHM Apache/PHP/MySQL cPanel, when it presents one of … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Access, Apache, command line, cPanel, disk, disk space, diskspace, Document Root, error log, file, FileZilla, ftp, Linux, log, operator, sftp, ssh, Terminal, tutorial, web server, website
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WordPress Code Download Table Interface Linux Diff CSS Tutorial
It takes me a long time to get annoyed at a web page (CSS) styling “annoyance” for two reasons … the same reason the recent War on Waste series had resonance here in Australia, with so many people, regarding that … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged blog, CSS, FileZilla, Google Chrome, HTML, inline CSS, PHP, programming, property, sftp, style, styling, tutorial, web inspector, whitespace, Wordpress
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SSL Software Suite Changes Primer Tutorial
It was kind of sad us not envisaging SSL requirements down the track with a lot of our software here at RJM Programming. Kind of sad, but also “kind of useful”, as we like to revisit code, and we’ll be … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged backup, command line, domain, download, fgrep, FileZilla, folder, ftp, Google, Google Charts, local web server, Mac OS X, MAMP, PHP, programming, project, sftp, software, ssl, suite, Terminal, tutorial, upload, vi, web server
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