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Tag Archives: flagging
Animated GIF Slide AlmaLinux Ffmpeg Video Tutorial
Further to yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide GIFEncoder AlmaLinux Tweaks Tutorial‘s inhouse Animated GIF Creator web application improvements, today we channel how with going from … CentOS Apache PHP version starting with a 5 … to … AlmaLinux Apache PHP version … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged AlmaLinux, animated gif, array index, attribute, class, constructor.class, curly brace, dimension, dimensions, DOM, dropdown, ffmpeg, flag, flagging, GIFEncoder, height, image, Javascript, mix, object, OOP, PHP, programming, set and forget, size, slide, strategy, string offset, syntax, tutorial, user, user interaction, video, width
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Animated GIF Slide GIFEncoder AlmaLinux Tweaks Tutorial
Around here, we’re so used to using PHP local web server Apache/PHP/MySql MAMP (for PHP version starting with a 7) for our Animated GIF creations, and we recommend the (downloading PHP code to a) local web server approach here (but … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Software, Tutorials
Tagged AlmaLinux, animated gif, array index, attribute, class, constructor.class, curly brace, dimension, dimensions, DOM, dropdown, flag, flagging, GIFEncoder, height, image, Javascript, mix, object, OOP, PHP, programming, set and forget, size, slide, strategy, string offset, syntax, tutorial, user, user interaction, width
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Animated GIF Slide Set and Forget Dimensioning Tutorial
When you have a fairly large web application project you are coding, it’s pretty inevitable that you “know where the bodies are buried” (if you’ll pardon our amateur dramatics). We’ve known about one for years with our inhouse Animated GIF … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, attribute, dimension, dimensions, DOM, dropdown, flag, flagging, height, image, Javascript, mix, PHP, programming, set and forget, size, slide, strategy, tutorial, user, user interaction, width
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