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Tag Archives: gaussian blur
Gimp Guillotine Follow Up Memory Tutorial
It’s a bit arrogant to say a sizeable piece of code you’ve written is “bug free”, especially if it involves user entered data, but it is a good aspiration, like marking at the 50 metre line, on the boundary, for … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, attachment, background, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, blur, border, brightness, bug, canvas, catch, class, command line, contrast, convert, CSS, CSS3, desktop, details, display, div, DOM, drop shadow, editor, email, emboss, error, error handling, eval, exception, exec, ffmpeg, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, gaussian blur, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, guides, guillotine, HTML, hue, image, image map, ImageMagick, input, invert, Javascript, keyframes, MAMP, margin, matrix, memory, multiple, onions, opacity, output, overlay, pattern, PDF, PHP, processing, push, responsive design, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, selection, selector, sepia, setTimeout, sharing, skew, slice, slideshow, summary, table, transform, transformation, transitions, translate, try, tutorial, visibility, web design, webpage, whitespace, window, zip
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Gimp Guillotine Follow Up Zip Tutorial
We’re entering the Goldilocks Zone today as far as “onions of the 4th dimension” thoughts go with the recent GIMP Guillotine Follow Up web application we’ve been developing. it’s too hot thinking we’ll find any “onions of the 4th dimension” … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, attachment, background, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, blur, border, brightness, canvas, class, command line, contrast, convert, CSS, CSS3, desktop, details, display, div, DOM, drop shadow, editor, email, emboss, eval, exec, ffmpeg, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, gaussian blur, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, guides, guillotine, HTML, hue, image, image map, ImageMagick, input, invert, Javascript, keyframes, MAMP, margin, matrix, multiple, onions, opacity, output, overlay, pattern, PDF, PHP, processing, push, responsive design, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, selection, selector, sepia, setTimeout, sharing, skew, slice, slideshow, summary, table, transform, transformation, transitions, translate, tutorial, visibility, web design, webpage, whitespace, window, zip
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Gimp Guillotine Follow Up GD Filter Tutorial
With regard to today’s (PHP) GD Filter functionality (additions to the GIMP Guillotine Follow Up web application) we ask you to please not get bored with another angle, or view, of image filtering, here. The more intervention points you can … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, attachment, background, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, blur, border, brightness, canvas, class, command line, contrast, convert, CSS, CSS3, desktop, details, display, div, DOM, drop shadow, editor, email, emboss, eval, exec, ffmpeg, file specification, filter, gaussian blur, GD, GIMP, grayscale, guides, guillotine, HTML, hue, image, image map, ImageMagick, invert, Javascript, keyframes, MAMP, margin, matrix, multiple, opacity, overlay, pattern, PDF, PHP, push, responsive design, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, selection, selector, sepia, setTimeout, sharing, skew, slice, slideshow, summary, table, transform, transformation, transitions, translate, tutorial, visibility, web design, webpage, whitespace, window
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Gimp Guillotine Follow Up SVG Animate Tutorial
Continuing on with the SVG ideas within our GIMP Follow Up (image manipulation and display, all with data URL) that we left off yesterday with Gimp Guillotine Follow Up SVG Filter Tutorial, not only can SVG elements involve … filter … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, attachment, background, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, blur, border, brightness, canvas, command line, contrast, convert, CSS, CSS3, desktop, details, display, div, DOM, drop shadow, editor, email, eval, exec, ffmpeg, file specification, filter, gaussian blur, GIMP, grayscale, guides, guillotine, HTML, hue, image, image map, ImageMagick, invert, Javascript, keyframes, MAMP, margin, matrix, multiple, opacity, overlay, pattern, PDF, PHP, push, responsive design, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, selection, selector, sepia, setTimeout, sharing, skew, slice, slideshow, summary, table, transform, transformation, transitions, translate, tutorial, visibility, web design, webpage, whitespace, window
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Gimp Guillotine Follow Up SVG Filter Tutorial
Yesterday with Gimp Guillotine Follow Up SVG Tutorial we started down the road with some SVG functionality to our GIMP Follow Up (ie. what we can do with a sequence of related images, and a server side language like PHP) … Continue reading →
Posted in Android, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, attachment, background, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, blur, border, brightness, canvas, command line, contrast, convert, CSS, CSS3, desktop, details, display, div, DOM, drop shadow, editor, email, eval, exec, ffmpeg, file specification, filter, gaussian blur, GIMP, grayscale, guides, guillotine, HTML, hue, image, image map, ImageMagick, inkscape, invert, Javascript, keyframes, MAMP, margin, matrix, multiple, opacity, overlay, PDF, PHP, push, responsive design, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, selection, sepia, setTimeout, sharing, skew, slice, slideshow, summary, table, transform, transformation, transitions, translate, tutorial, visibility, web design, webpage, whitespace, window
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Octopus Anatomy Primer Tutorial
What do Carpentry and Octopus Anatomy have in common? Many hands make light fittings get a bevelled edge? No, for us, finding an arrowed diagram for Octopus Anatomy that functioned like the one we used for our Carpentry web application … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged anatomy, blur, carpentry, game, games, gaussian blur, GIMP, HTML, image, Javascript, label, map, mobilefish, octopus, programming, tutorial
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Floor Wall and Roof Framing Members Primer Tutorial
We all learn differently, but personally, I find it easier to learn things of a certain ilk and things that are new to me, when the study material is augmented by pictures in the form of a diagram or photograph … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged area, background-position, carpentry, click, CSS, data attributes, floor, framing, gaussian blur, GIMP, HTML, image, Javascript, learning, map, mobilefish, overlay, programming, prompt, reveal, roof, tutorial, wall, z-index
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Content Management Systems Security Tutorial
If you are an uploader of content, and therefore, partially or totally responsible for that content, do you ever consider security as a concern? As a blogger, perhaps you lean on the security of the “blogging product and/or platform” you … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged blog, carrier service, CMS, content, countent management system, gaussian blur, GIMP, metadata, password, security, social media, tutorial, upload, vlog, Wordpress
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