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Tag Archives: geometry
HTML Square Horizontal Rule Plot Axes Tutorial
A lot of us have a goodly amount of “visual learner” in us, and the study of geometry or algebra or calculus in mathematics is full of opportunities for “visual cues” to topics that look a bit “dry” on paper. … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged array, Bezier curves, browse, canvas, canvas background, cell, child, copy, CSS, dictionary, DOM, emoji, eval, event, file, game, games, geometry, getBoundingClientRect, getImageData, graphics, grid, hangman, hash, hashtag, home, home screen, horizontal rule, HTML, icon, IFRAME, innerHTML, iOS, iPad, ispell, Javascript, line, linear equation, linear gradient, location.hash, match, mathematics, mobile, mobile app, multiple hashtag, onchange, overlay, parent, position, programming, proof of concept, propogation, putImageData, QuickTime Player, reveal, rotate, share, square, table, transform, translate, tutorial, url, word, word game, YouTube, z-index
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PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Animation Rotation Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Animation Sharing Tutorial animated image pixellation sharing capabilities, today we’d like to add some capabilities to rotate those pixellated images, mainly via PHP’s … imagerotate … GD image library method. We rotate … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animated gif, animation, background, background image, button, cache, canvas, circle, co-ordinates, colour, data uri, density, div, DOM, email, form, GD, geometry, getComputedStyle, Google, height, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, image, input colour, Javascript, localStorage, management, mathematics, negative, ob_start, opacity, overlay, parent, pen down, pen up, PHP, pixel, plot, positive, programming, rasterize, rotate, rotation, scribble, setTimeout, shape, share, sharing, signature, stop press, submit, thickness, tutorial, user, user experience, UX, web storage, width, window.getComputedStyle
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PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Animation Sharing Tutorial
Although we had sessional accountability with the pixellation animation ideas of yesterday’s PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Animation Aesthetics Tutorial, when there is a “tool” involved in a project, such as this one, we like to make it more … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animated gif, animation, background, background image, button, cache, canvas, circle, co-ordinates, colour, data uri, density, div, DOM, email, form, GD, geometry, getComputedStyle, Google, height, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, image, input colour, Javascript, localStorage, management, mathematics, negative, ob_start, opacity, overlay, parent, pen down, pen up, PHP, pixel, plot, positive, programming, rasterize, scribble, setTimeout, shape, share, sharing, signature, stop press, submit, thickness, tutorial, user, user experience, UX, web storage, width, window.getComputedStyle
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PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Animation Aesthetics Tutorial
We augment yesterday’s PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Management of Animation Tutorial genesis to the control or management of the pixellation animation functionalities, by today, looking at some of the management of the look, or the aesthethics, of those … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animated gif, animation, background, background image, button, cache, canvas, circle, co-ordinates, colour, data uri, density, div, DOM, form, GD, geometry, getComputedStyle, Google, height, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, image, input, Javascript, localStorage, management, mathematics, negative, ob_start, opacity, overlay, parent, pen down, pen up, PHP, pixel, plot, positive, programming, rasterize, scribble, setTimeout, shape, signature, stop press, submit, thickness, tutorial, user, user experience, UX, web storage, width, window.getComputedStyle
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PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Management of Animation Tutorial
Within yesterday’s PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Child Animation Tutorial we said … interfacing to a “child” tool iframe web application is much more flexible when that “child” iframe could do that job without the supervision by a user … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, background, background image, button, cache, canvas, circle, co-ordinates, colour, data uri, density, div, DOM, form, GD, geometry, getComputedStyle, Google, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, localStorage, management, mathematics, negative, ob_start, opacity, overlay, parent, pen down, pen up, PHP, pixel, plot, positive, programming, rasterize, scribble, setTimeout, shape, signature, stop press, submit, tutorial, user experience, UX, web storage, width, window.getComputedStyle
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PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Child Animation Tutorial
Wonder if you are suffering déjà vu, all over again, reading today’s tutorial title. After all, we have already had a PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Animation Tutorial in this thread of blog postings, earlier on to yesterday’s PHP … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, background, background image, cache, canvas, circle, co-ordinates, colour, data uri, density, div, DOM, form, GD, geometry, getComputedStyle, Google, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, localStorage, mathematics, negative, ob_start, opacity, overlay, parent, pen down, pen up, PHP, pixel, plot, positive, programming, rasterize, scribble, setTimeout, shape, signature, stop press, submit, tutorial, web storage, width, window.getComputedStyle
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PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Open Image in New Tab Tutorial
We encouraged recently to use the web browser right click (for Windows, two finger gesture on Mac) functionality on our pixellated images in yesterday’s PHP GD Image at Pixel Level User of Signature Tutorial work, for instance. But we were … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged animation, background, background image, cache, canvas, circle, co-ordinates, colour, data uri, density, div, DOM, form, GD, geometry, getComputedStyle, Google, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, localStorage, mathematics, negative, ob_start, opacity, overlay, parent, pen down, pen up, PHP, pixel, plot, positive, programming, rasterize, scribble, setTimeout, shape, signature, stop press, submit, tutorial, web storage, width, window.getComputedStyle
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PHP GD Image at Pixel Level User of Signature Tutorial
We’re getting there, but we are not there yet. Sound familiar?! Yes, to learn how to do something, it often requires the breaking up of the problem into bits. But no spoiler alerts today, as you continue on our journey … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged animation, background, background image, canvas, circle, co-ordinates, colour, data uri, density, div, GD, geometry, getComputedStyle, Google, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, localStorage, mathematics, negative, ob_start, opacity, overlay, parent, pen down, pen up, PHP, pixel, plot, positive, programming, rasterize, scribble, setTimeout, shape, signature, stop press, tutorial, web storage, width, window.getComputedStyle
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