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Tag Archives: grammar
Italian and French and Spanish Verb Conjugation Tutorial
We saw that we could extend the functionality of yesterday’s Italian Verb Conjugation Primer Tutorial as shown below, by accessing other resources from the great, adding French and Spanish verb conjugation to yesterday’s Italian verb conjugation. As a rule … Continue reading
Italian Verb Conjugation Primer Tutorial
Learning Italian as a native English speaker is best done when you are young, and beginning recently on this quest, I learnt a bit of this. To me, what stuck out, was how easy we get it in English with … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, dictionary, game, grammar, HTML, Italian, Javascript, jQuery, language, programming, tutorial, verb, word game
Present Perfect Tense in English Learning
Present Perfect Tense Visit this link … Present Perfect Tense When you have finished above click Present Perfect Verb Story Construction … Topic 1 Experience Pick the sentences in order and change them to Present Perfect below …“No, I … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, ESL
Tagged eLearning, ESL, grammar, lesson, Present Perfect, story, tense
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English (Past Tense Irregular) Verb Spelling Game
English Past Tense IrregularPast ParticipleThird Person SingularPresent ParticiplePast Simple Tense Irregular Verb Spelling Game English Present Tense Irregular Verbbeginblowbringbuycatchcomedodrawdrinkeatgetgivegogrowhearknowmakemeetreadrunsayseesendsingsitsleepswimtakethrowwritebecomebitebreakchoosedrivefallfeelflyfightfindholdhidehitkeepleavelosemeanpayputquitshutsellspendspeakstandteachtellwinwearbeatbendbuildburncostcutdreamdigfeedfitforgethurtleaplearnleadlendletlightringrisesinksetshakeshootslidestinkstealsticktearwake … now spell … Past Tense Irregular Verb Review List below: When you have finished above click Irregular Past Tense Verbs Cloze Game … Continue reading