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Tag Archives: grep
Spreadsheet and XML Global Substitution Primer Tutorial
Yesterday when we were discussing Worldbank API World Country Reporting Regex Tutorial we mentioned … … and we use it (ie. Regex) with serverside PHP today, under the auspices of the preg_match function, though we most often use RegEx thinking … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged attachment, command line, CSV, desktop, Desktop Application, email, global substitution, Gmail, grep, korn shell, Linux, Mac OS X, PDF, regex, replace, script, sed, shell script, spreadsheet, substitution, Terminal, text editor, TextWrangler, XML
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Linux Global Substitutions Primer Tutorial
We’ve discussed the topic of Linux (or unix) shell scripting method of global file substitutions with the very old Are you interested in combating drudgery? and the example usage in Yesterday we revisited the idea regarding the upgrade to … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged grep, korn shell, Linux, Mac OS X, PHP 5.4, programming, sed, shell script, tutorial, xarg
Linux sort Tutorial
If you were to nominate the most frequent “chore” you set your “software programs” to do, and we should never forget we are here to make software that achieves something, there is a big chance you’d choose the job of … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged alias, cat, command, command line, CSV, grep, Linux, operating system, pipe, programming, sort, switches, tutorial, uniq, unix