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Tag Archives: hardcopy
Hard Copy Flyer Letter Box Post Tutorial
Are you thinking of ways to tell people about your services? Here in Australia flyers, and fridge magnets, and company sponsored calendars remain big ways to advertise these services. Not everything happens online, and it may surprise some how much … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Did you know, flyer, hardcopy, HTML, letter box, MAMP, post, print, printer, printout, TextWrangler, web browser, webpage, WiFi, wireless
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Interesting Places Sorting Tutorial
We’re all different regarding our levels of tolerance for “disorder”. One person’s view of “disorder” is not likely to match, exactly, anybody else within “cooooooeeeeee”. Personally, don’t mind mess, but can disappoint on those occasions where it takes that little … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged air, array, button, column, CSV, data, database, delimitation, dropdown, Earth, geographicals, Google, Google Charts, Google Maps, hardcopy, HTML, index, input, Javascript, key, map, map chart, onclick, onions, onload, order, photography, programming, row, select, sort, sorting, tutorial, view, zoom
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Trip Mobile Device Usage Planning Tutorial
As we said from the get go in our trip mobile device usage thread of tutorials at Trip Mobile Device Usage Primer Tutorial way below … we prefer to use the iPad for the trip planning, sometimes the Android is … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Trips, Tutorials
Tagged Android, clock, GIMP, Google, Google Maps, hardcopy, hardware, Hewlett Packard Deskjet 2050 J510, IFRAME, image, iOS, iPad, location services, map, mobile, mobile application, mobile phone, mobilefish, photograph, photography, photos, printer, proof of concept, Scanner, screen capture, screenshot, search engine, trip, tutorial, web browser
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