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Tag Archives: httpd.conf
Apache/PHP/MySql Linux Language Considerations Primer Tutorial
The recent CSS Style Javascript DOM Override Onload Primer Tutorial “proof of concept” web application ended up with the name … are_you_happy_with_my_or_do_you_think_my_derriere_needs_work.html … but along the way we wanted to call it … are_you_happy_with_my_or_do_you_think_my_derrière_needs_work.html … but this didn’t work as … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, characters, command line, configuration, file, Google Translate, Hello World, httpd.conf, index.html, inode, language, Linux, local web server, Mac OS X, MAMP, MySql, PHP, php.ini, Terminal, tutotial, url, web server
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MAMP Virtual Hosting Primer Tutorial
Yesterday we talked about a Linux idea for backup on a MacBook Pro laptop with our Linux Backup via rsync Primer Tutorial as shown below. Today we are going to talk about virtual hosting on a MAMP Apache local web … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, configuration, Document Root, hosts, httpd.conf, local web host, Mac, Mac OS X, Macbook Pro, MAMP, PHP, tutorial, Virtual Host, web browser, web host
WordPress Upgrade Links Tutorial
Here is today’s “moving forward” moment regarding our WordPress upgrade from version 3.0.3 to 4.1.1. You may be wondering how relevant this is to you, and it may not be immediately applicably relevant, but you may find the approaches of … Continue reading →
Posted in Data Integration, eLearning, Installers, Tutorials
Tagged .htaccess, Apache, blog, data integration, data migration, Firebug, Firefox, httpd.conf, Linux, operating system, permalinks, PHP, programming, search engine, SEO, tutorial, url, web server, Wordpress
WordPress Upgrade Implications Tutorial
Yesterday we saw with WordPress Upgrade Follow Up Tutorial as shown below that WordPress has a great Export and Import plugin to help migrate data after you upgrade your WordPress version. By the way, it is worth noting with this, … Continue reading →
Posted in Data Integration, eLearning, Installers, Tutorials
Tagged .htaccess, Apache, blog, data integration, data migration, Firebug, Firefox, httpd.conf, Linux, operating system, permalinks, PHP, programming, search engine, SEO, tutorial, url, web server, Wordpress
WordPress Upgrade Follow Up Tutorial
WordPress has a great Export and Import plugin to help migrate data after you upgrade your WordPress version, perhaps. This came to the fore yesterday when we started (there is a lot more to do) on that migration path going … Continue reading →
Posted in Data Integration, eLearning, Installers, Tutorials
Tagged .htaccess, Apache, blog, data integration, data migration, Firebug, Firefox, httpd.conf, Linux, operating system, permalinks, PHP, programming, search engine, SEO, tutorial, url, web server, Wordpress
WordPress Upgrade Primer Tutorial
It’s early days, and there is more to be done, but here at this WordPress blog we’re transitioning to version 4.1.1 from 3.0.3 Three major decisions involved … Do I keep the same theme? This one depends a bit, and … Continue reading →
Posted in Data Integration, eLearning, Installers, Tutorials
Tagged .htaccess, Apache, blog, data integration, data migration, Firebug, Firefox, httpd.conf, Linux, operating system, permalink, permalinks, PHP, programming, search engine, SEO, tutorial, url, web server, Wordpress