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Tag Archives: inhouse
Inhouse Slideshow AlmaLinux Multiple Filtered Content Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s Inhouse Slideshow AlmaLinux Filtered Content Tutorial we did want to offer the user the chance to … enter in more than one image filtering “verb” … space separated … as well as … chance for user to establish … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, AlmaLinux, animated gif, blur, brightness, clause, colourize, contrast, CSS, deprecation, Did you know, DOM, dropdown, dynamic, efect, emboss, exec, external Javascript, ffmpeg, filter, flip.flop, function_exists, GD, inhouse, inhouse slideshow, Javascript, media, multiple, negate, PHP, presentation, programming, recursion, recursive, require, selector, slideshow, style, styling, tutorial, video, web browser, web inspector, webpage, zip
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Inhouse Slideshow AlmaLinux Filtered Content Tutorial
There’s … Style … as per talked about at Inhouse Slideshow AlmaLinux CSS Style Tutorial … and then there’s … Substance … we’re using the great PHP GD library image filtering talents to open up to the user in “name”, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, AlmaLinux, animated gif, blur, brightness, clause, colourize, contrast, CSS, deprecation, Did you know, DOM, dropdown, dynamic, efect, emboss, exec, external Javascript, ffmpeg, filter, flip.flop, function_exists, GD, inhouse, inhouse slideshow, Javascript, media, negate, PHP, presentation, programming, require, selector, slideshow, style, styling, tutorial, video, web browser, web inspector, webpage, zip
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Inhouse Slideshow AlmaLinux CSS Style Tutorial
Yes, we like, where possible, and we’ve invisaged it, we prefer to give the user “a stake” in … less often how the web application functions … and/or … how the web application looks And under “looks” that can mean … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, AlmaLinux, animated gif, clause, CSS, deprecation, DOM, dropdown, dynamic, exec, external Javascript, ffmpeg, function_exists, inhouse, inhouse slideshow, Javascript, media, PHP, presentation, programming, require, selector, slideshow, style, styling, tutorial, video, web browser, web inspector, webpage, zip
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Inhouse Slideshow AlmaLinux Media Tutorial
The recent Inhouse Slideshow AlmaLinux Tutorial did help with PHP Zip deprecations, and today, this being Inhouse Slideshows, full of … moving pictures … we can add two more dropdown modus operandi options for … Video Animated GIF … feeding … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged AlmaLinux, animated gif, deprecation, exec, ffmpeg, function_exists, inhouse, inhouse slideshow, media, PHP, presentation, programming, require, slideshow, tutorial, video, zip
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Inhouse Slideshow AlmaLinux Tutorial
Today we wanted to add so much more to our blog posting title. But, then, we also didn’t want to give the game away?! What a dilemma. That blog posting title mentions … AlmaLinux … as RJM Programming’s Apache/PHP/MySql web … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged AlmaLinux, deprecation, exec, function_exists, inhouse, inhouse slideshow, PHP, presentation, programming, require, slideshow, tutorial, zip
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WordPress Link URL Remapping Tutorial
Because we spend so much time in WordPress blog TwentyTen theme’s good ol’ header.php “tweaking away” we’ve quite often got a Javascript codeline of the ilk … var blahdeblah=document.getElementsByTagName(‘[elementType]’); … to suit a new scenario of interest, and so we … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged API, blog, broken link, codex, DOM, file, flat file, header.php, inhouse, intervention, Javascript, link, lookup, map, PHP, programming, remap, theme, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, url, web server, Wordpress, YouTube
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Region Picker GeoChart Region Local Popups Tutorial
There is little doubt that popup windows can distract users in terms of the “user experience” as of yesterday’s Region Picker GeoChart Region Wikipedia Representations Tutorial. And that is … if we are talking URLs all on the same domain … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, above the fold, absolute, address bar, API, argument, attribute, background, background-position, bearing, breadcrumbs, button, canvas, cartography, circle, click, client, clientside, clip-path, colour, colour code, colour matching, column, content, context, continent, country, country code, CSS, data, data attributes, degree, delimiter, details, Did you know, distance, document.getElementsByTagName, DOM, double click, dropdown, dynamic, Earth, element, emoji, emoji flag, error, event, event.stopPropagation, fill, flag, font size, form, GD, geo chart, geography, geojson, gesture, getElementById, global data attributes, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Translate, graphics, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, hotkey, hover, HTML, IFRAME, image, image chart, img, inhouse, innerHTML, innerText, inode, integration, internationalization, iso code, iso country code, ISO-3166, Javascript, keyboard, language, left, leg, legend, length, link, Linux, location.hash, lookup, magnify, Mapping, margin-left, margin-top, marker, mathematics, menu, Mercator, mobile, navigation, Object Oriented Programming, offset, onblur, onclick, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onload, onmousemove, OOP, opacity, overlay, parameter, PHP, picker, pixel, pole, popup, popup window, post, programming, projection, prompt, property, pulldown, pulldown menu, realia, reality, region, regional, regional indicator, representation, request, resize, reveal, right click, scale, select, setAttribute, setTimeout, shade, shading, static, sticky, summary, SVG, text, textbox, timezone, top, touch, translate, translation, trip, trip planner, tutorial, unix, url, user experience, UX, vertical bar, view, web browser, who framed roger rabbit, Wikipedia,, workflow, world, wrapper, z-index, zoom
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Region Picker GeoChart Region Wikipedia Representations Tutorial
We’re starting down the long and windy road, further to the recent Region Picker GeoJson Area of Interest Tutorial, of providing “workaround Google Chart Geo Chart solutions to semi-cover the loss (because nothing will be quite as good, as far … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, above the fold, absolute, address bar, API, argument, attribute, background, background-position, bearing, breadcrumbs, button, canvas, cartography, circle, click, client, clientside, clip-path, colour, colour code, colour matching, column, content, context, continent, country, country code, CSS, data, data attributes, degree, delimiter, details, Did you know, distance, document.getElementsByTagName, DOM, double click, dropdown, dynamic, Earth, element, emoji, emoji flag, error, event, event.stopPropagation, fill, flag, font size, form, GD, geo chart, geography, geojson, gesture, getElementById, global data attributes, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Translate, graphics, hash, hashtag, hotkey, hover, HTML, IFRAME, image, image chart, img, inhouse, innerHTML, innerText, inode, integration, internationalization, iso code, iso country code, ISO-3166, Javascript, keyboard, language, left, leg, legend, length, link, Linux, location.hash, lookup, magnify, Mapping, margin-left, margin-top, marker, mathematics, menu, Mercator, mobile, navigation, Object Oriented Programming, offset, onblur, onclick, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onload, onmousemove, OOP, opacity, overlay, PHP, picker, pixel, pole, popup, popup window, post, programming, projection, prompt, property, pulldown, pulldown menu, realia, reality, region, regional, regional indicator, representation, request, resize, reveal, right click, scale, select, setAttribute, setTimeout, shade, shading, static, sticky, summary, SVG, text, textbox, timezone, top, touch, translate, translation, trip, trip planner, tutorial, unix, url, user experience, UX, vertical bar, view, web browser, who framed roger rabbit, Wikipedia,, workflow, world, z-index, zoom
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