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Tag Archives: input
Textbox Form Filling Niceties Primer Tutorial
Some of us spend a lot of time, online, filling out forms. Do you like doing it? Is it very much “a mixed bag”? Personally, we think, yes, very much so, it is a mixed bag. We think, on this … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Did you know, form, form filling, HTML, input, navigation, online, online form, online form filling, pattern, programming, textbox, tutorial, user experience, UX, webpage
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Other Side of the World Reworked Onkeydown Tutorial
What’s onkeydown? Well, it’s only our favourite keyboard event (of all time), facilitating web application “hotkey” logics that get given that “autocomplete” modern day moniker. The “hotkey” thinking is that at every keyboard character pressed logic follows, regarding an HTML … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged API, autocompletion, code, country, country code, dropdown, dropdowns, emoji, emoji flag, flag, focus, geodata, geographicals, hotkey, HTML, IFRAME, input, ISO, iso code, ISO-3166, Javascript, keyboard, latitude, longitude, lookup, lookups, onblur, onkeydown, place, placename, programming, select, textbox, timezone, tutorial, Wikipedia, world
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Google Chart Geo Chart Image Chart Mixed Mode Tutorial
Today we’ve been shoring up the scenario where … the user picks some version of &aregeographicals=y mode of user entry at the first prompt … but then … mixes it up between … latitude/longitude/place … and … country/region code/name … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged 404.php, Ajax, area, argument, arguments, beta, call, callback, called, caller, click, code, colour, context, continent, country, country code, createElement, data, default, Did you know, DOM, dynamic, entry, external Javascript, GD, geo chart, Google chart, hash, hashtag, HTML, image, image chart, image map, imagecolorat, input, integration, interface, interfacing, iOS, ISO, iso country code, ISO-3166, Javascript, map, map chart, marker, mix, mobile, node, onclick, onmouseover, overlay, parent, pass, PHP, pin, pixel, plot, plotting, programming, programming.tutorial, prompt, region, regional, script, shading, small, software integration, user entry, view, Wikipedia, Wordpress, zoom
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XML Public Data Genericization Attributes Tutorial
Where to with improving on yesterday’s XML Public Data Genericization Where Clause Tutorial, today? Well … we “dip our toes” into XML attributes in terms of … expressing them in a SELECT list (if you’ll pardon the SQL) … and … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged annotated timeline chart, annotation, attribute, calendar, calendar chaer, calendar widget, chart, clause, data, date, date picker, DDL, Google chart, HTML, HTML5, input, interface, interfacing, Javascript, order by, PHP, picker, programming, relational database, resize, sort, sorting, SQL, timeline, timeline chart, tutorial, where, where clause, widget, Worldbank, YUI
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XML Public Data Genericization Where Clause Tutorial
If you’re like me, regarding online data, you work it in your mind to work in with SQL statements, in a relational database sense. In that sense, the first two of the three ways (while the third reminding us more … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged annotated timeline chart, annotation, calendar, calendar chaer, calendar widget, chart, clause, data, date, date picker, DDL, Google chart, HTML, HTML5, input, interface, interfacing, Javascript, order by, PHP, picker, programming, relational database, sort, sorting, SQL, timeline, timeline chart, tutorial, where, where clause, widget, YUI
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Google Charts Interfacing Date Picker Tutorial
We programmers have a lot to thank HTML5 for, regarding “pickers”? Think … input type=color … Colour Picker … and … input type=date … Date Picker … at the very least. But thinking about it, other than the initial Calendar … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged annotated timeline chart, annotation, calendar, calendar chaer, calendar widget, chart, date, date picker, Google chart, HTML, HTML5, input, interface, interfacing, Javascript, PHP, picker, programming, timeline, timeline chart, tutorial, widget, YUI
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SVG Shapes Iframe Srcdoc Double Quote Tutorial
It’s tempting to think, for a given scenario, you’ve written code that can satisfy you forever. How about, for a day?! Well, with the recent SVG Shapes Aesthetics Tutorial it may well have ended up “a day” before we noticed … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged 404.php, absolute, aesthetics, animation, annotate, annotation, annoyance, attribute, attrribute selector, audio, backslash, backslash escaping, blog, collaboration, color picker, colour, colour picker, commentary, communication, conduit, Content Management System, data, data uri, data url, delimitation, depth, dimensions, double quote, drop shadow, dropdown, element, elevation, email, emoji, entities, error, error 404, escape, fill, filter, foreignObject, form, geometry, hardcoding, height, HTML, HTML entities, image, input, Javascript, line, linear, mathematics, maths, media, mode, navigation, onsubmit, opacity, origin, overlay, percentage, PHP, position, post, programming, regex, regular expression, replace, responsive design, rotate, rotation, search engine, select, shadow, shape, share, sharing, SMS, src, srcdoc, stroke, superimposition, SVG, svg animation, svg filter, svg image, svg text, SVG viewBox, svg+xml, text, textbox, title, transform, transformation, transparent, tutorial, uniquifier, units, url, video, viewBox, viewBox attribute, web inspector, width, Wordpress, wordpress blog, wrapper, wrapper function, XML, z-index
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SVG Shapes Collaboration Tidy Up Tutorial
It’s the day further to the recent SVG Shapes Iframe Srcdoc Double Quote Tutorial‘s … Will we be leaving our SVG Show Some Shapes project with a blog posting titled, weirdly, “SVG Shapes Iframe Srcdoc Double Quote Tutorial”? Who’s to … Continue reading →