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Tag Archives: interactive entry
HTML Form Use of Disabled Input Elements Tutorial
Regarding that work last week, with Google Chart Geo and or Map Chart Modes of Use Tutorial, involving … HTML form element navigation ideas asking one (interactively entered) user question at a time reminiscent of how command line desktop applications … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged attribute, contenteditable, details, disabled, div, DOM, edit, event, focus, form, HTML, input, interactive entry, Javascript, navigation, onblur, onchange, onsubmit, placeholder, programming, programming.tutorial, reveal, summary, tab, tab order, textarea
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Google Chart Geo and or Map Chart Windows Batch File Tutorial
The “least bother” desktop command line application means are (via the use of) … macOS Windows Shell Scripts (eg. Korn, C, Bourne, Bash) Batch Files … in the Windows case, going back to “the days of DOS” (and whatever happened … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, application, batch, batch file, CD, chart, cmd, command, command line, curl, Desktop Application, Document Root, DOS, executable, file, filename, geo chart, geographicals, Google, Google chart, interactive, interactive entry, interface, interpretive, intranet, korn shell, local web server, macOS, MAMP, map, map chart, modes of use, MS-DOS, name, PATH, PHP, program, programming, shell, surfing the net, surfing the web, Terminal, tutorial, web browser, Windows
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Google Chart Geo and or Map Chart Modes of Use Tutorial
We get a bit of a downer whenever, like yesterday, there are only certain platforms applicable to a solution you come up with as a programmer. But please, the obverse is worse, that you do nothing just because of this … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, chart, command, command line, curl, Document Root, geo chart, geographicals, Google chart, interactive, interactive entry, interface, intranet, korn shell, local web server, macOS, MAMP, map, map chart, modes of use, PHP, programming, shell, surfing the net, surfing the web, Terminal, tutorial, web browser
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Google Chart Geo and or Map Chart macOS Korn Shell Tutorial
We’re revisiting Google Chart Geo Chart Windows Batch File Tutorial and before it, Google Chart Geo Chart macOS Korn Shell Tutorial because of the symbiosis between Google Chart … Geo Chart … and … Map Chart … the former being … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged chart, command, command line, geo chart, geographicals, Google chart, interactive, interactive entry, interface, korn shell, macOS, map, map chart, PHP, programming, shell, Terminal, tutorial
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Code Difference Saved User Settings Tutorial
As a PHP programmer it is easy to admire … the server side file and database and operating system smarts of the great serverside language PHP is … all while … PHP writing out HTML (with its CSS and Javascript) … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged click, client, clientside, code, color coding, command line, contenteditable, diff, exec, external Javascript, get, interactive, interactive entry, IP address, Linux, localStorage, onblur, oncontextmenu, PHP, privacy, programming, recall, report, save, server, serverside, set, shell_exec, tidy, tutorial, user, user settings, window.localStorage
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Code Difference User Settings Tutorial
Yesterday’s Code Difference Privacy Tutorial represented too much of an echo chamber for our liking. Where possible, we prefer functionality that the users out there can tweak themselves. In thinking about this, those 5 categories (involving 2 subcategories) … New … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged click, code, color coding, command line, diff, exec, interactive, interactive entry, IP address, Linux, PHP, privacy, programming, report, shell_exec, tidy, tutorial, user, user settings
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Circular Text Around Media Animated QR Code Tutorial
The arrangements of yesterday’s Circular Text Around Media QR Code Tutorial‘s QR Codes, being as they … are given onclick logic for both non-mobile and mobile platforms … can be given the opportunity to be … animated via two slides … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, astronomy, audio, background, background image, bar chart, base64, button, camera, chemistry, circle, circular, class, className, compound, CSS, data uri, data url, day, distance, DOM, dropdown, element, equation, formula, geometry, Google, Google Charts, Google Page Insights, Google Page Speed, Google PageSpeed, height, HTML, IFRAME, interactive entry, Javascript, justification, justify, keyframes, mathematics, media, mimetype, mobile, molecule, navigate, nest, nesting, onclick, orbit, periodic table, perspective, planet, play, play button, programming, prompt, QR Code, quiz, radius, scale, science, search engine, select, size, smart phone, solar system, statistics, styling, sun, SVG, svg+xml, text justification, tool, user, utf-8, video, watermark, width, window.prompt, year
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Circular Text Around Media QR Code Tutorial
QR Codes are a bit like Emojis to us, in that they both feel like hybrid and useful relatively recent online concepts. They both enhance in a display sense. Emojis bridge the gap between text and graphics. QR Codes bridge … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, astronomy, audio, background, background image, bar chart, base64, button, camera, chemistry, circle, circular, compound, data uri, data url, day, distance, dropdown, element, equation, formula, geometry, Google, Google Charts, height, HTML, IFRAME, interactive entry, Javascript, justification, justify, mathematics, media, mimetype, mobile, molecule, navigate, nest, nesting, onclick, orbit, periodic table, perspective, planet, play, play button, programming, prompt, QR Code, quiz, radius, scale, science, search engine, select, size, smart phone, solar system, statistics, sun, SVG, svg+xml, text justification, tool, user, utf-8, video, watermark, width, window.prompt, year
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