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Tag Archives: invert
Gimp Guillotine Follow Up SVG Animate Tutorial
Continuing on with the SVG ideas within our GIMP Follow Up (image manipulation and display, all with data URL) that we left off yesterday with Gimp Guillotine Follow Up SVG Filter Tutorial, not only can SVG elements involve … filter … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, attachment, background, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, blur, border, brightness, canvas, command line, contrast, convert, CSS, CSS3, desktop, details, display, div, DOM, drop shadow, editor, email, eval, exec, ffmpeg, file specification, filter, gaussian blur, GIMP, grayscale, guides, guillotine, HTML, hue, image, image map, ImageMagick, invert, Javascript, keyframes, MAMP, margin, matrix, multiple, opacity, overlay, pattern, PDF, PHP, push, responsive design, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, selection, selector, sepia, setTimeout, sharing, skew, slice, slideshow, summary, table, transform, transformation, transitions, translate, tutorial, visibility, web design, webpage, whitespace, window
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Gimp Guillotine Follow Up SVG Filter Tutorial
Yesterday with Gimp Guillotine Follow Up SVG Tutorial we started down the road with some SVG functionality to our GIMP Follow Up (ie. what we can do with a sequence of related images, and a server side language like PHP) … Continue reading →
Posted in Android, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, attachment, background, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, blur, border, brightness, canvas, command line, contrast, convert, CSS, CSS3, desktop, details, display, div, DOM, drop shadow, editor, email, eval, exec, ffmpeg, file specification, filter, gaussian blur, GIMP, grayscale, guides, guillotine, HTML, hue, image, image map, ImageMagick, inkscape, invert, Javascript, keyframes, MAMP, margin, matrix, multiple, opacity, overlay, PDF, PHP, push, responsive design, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, selection, sepia, setTimeout, sharing, skew, slice, slideshow, summary, table, transform, transformation, transitions, translate, tutorial, visibility, web design, webpage, whitespace, window
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Gimp Guillotine Follow Up SVG Tutorial
Today’s SVG day adding onto the progress from yesterday’s Gimp Guillotine Follow Up Image Transformations Tutorial. What’s SVG? Read from Wikipedia below … Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, attachment, background, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, blur, border, brightness, canvas, command line, contrast, convert, CSS, CSS3, desktop, details, display, div, DOM, drop shadow, editor, email, eval, exec, ffmpeg, file specification, filter, GIMP, grayscale, guides, guillotine, HTML, hue, image, image map, ImageMagick, inkscape, invert, Javascript, keyframes, MAMP, margin, matrix, multiple, opacity, overlay, PDF, PHP, push, responsive design, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, selection, sepia, setTimeout, sharing, skew, slice, slideshow, summary, table, transform, transformation, transitions, translate, tutorial, visibility, web design, webpage, whitespace, window
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Gimp Guillotine Follow Up Image Transformations Tutorial
Following today’s work along with yesterday’s Gimp Guillotine Follow Up Image Filters Tutorial we now have two strands of CSS based functionality … yesterday’s CSS filter property work … and … today’s CSS transform property work … the latter there … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, attachment, background, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, blur, border, brightness, canvas, command line, contrast, convert, CSS, CSS3, desktop, details, display, div, DOM, drop shadow, editor, email, eval, exec, ffmpeg, file specification, filter, GIMP, grayscale, guides, guillotine, HTML, hue, image, image map, ImageMagick, invert, Javascript, keyframes, MAMP, margin, matrix, multiple, opacity, overlay, PDF, PHP, push, responsive design, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, selection, sepia, setTimeout, sharing, skew, slice, slideshow, summary, table, transform, transformation, transitions, translate, tutorial, visibility, web design, webpage, whitespace, window
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Gimp Guillotine Follow Up Image Filters Tutorial
Is it ironic that a blog posting about GIMP should be letting applications like GIMP take a holiday … Tahiti sounds good … while CSS styling can take front stage with today’s improvements on the recent Gimp Guillotine Follow Up … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, attachment, background, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, blur, border, brightness, canvas, command line, contrast, convert, CSS, CSS3, desktop, details, display, div, DOM, drop shadow, editor, email, eval, exec, ffmpeg, file specification, filter, GIMP, grayscale, guides, guillotine, HTML, hue, image, image map, ImageMagick, invert, Javascript, keyframes, MAMP, margin, multiple, opacity, overlay, PDF, PHP, push, responsive design, reveal, selection, sepia, setTimeout, sharing, slice, slideshow, summary, table, transitions, tutorial, visibility, web design, webpage, whitespace, window
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