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Tag Archives: iPhoto
Merging Photos via Gimp and iPhone Camera Primer Tutorial
Mobile devices are great for the taking of photographs out and about. These mobile devices, such as the iPhone, have loads of Sharing options, and our most used method here is Mail (ie. email). Download the email attachments to your … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, GIMP, iOS, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged camera, CSS, download, email, EXIF, GIMP, HTML, image, iPhoto, Javascript, Mail, merge, orientation, overlay, photo, photograph, programming, rotation, sharing, tutorial
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Mac iPhoto Share with Messages and Flickr Primer Tutorial
In a similar “share” category of usage, like yesterday’s QuickTime Player Video Flickr Share Primer Tutorial as shown below illustrating video sharing, this time we delve into the Mac OS X iPhoto application and show some of its “share” with … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged Apple, desktop, Flickr, iPhoto, Mac, Mac OS X, messages, photo sharing, photography, share, tutorial
Android Camera to Mac iPhoto Primer Tutorial
Today’s work shares a lot in common with Photo Booth view of Android Camera Google+ Upload Tutorial as shown below. Once you work with an Android phone lots of the products or ideas below will probably come into play regarding … Continue reading →
Posted in Android, eLearning, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged Android, animation, connect, download, email, Gmail, Google, Grab, iPhoto, Mac, Mac OS X, mobile, networking, phone, Photo Booth, PhotoBooth, photography, Picasa, slideshow, tutorial, upload, USB, WiFi, wireless
Mac Linux Removable Media Primer Tutorial
Today’s tutorial is as much about the nominal title “Mac Linux Removable Media Primer Tutorial” as it is about ‘The Making of “Mac Linux Removable Media Primer Tutorial”‘. Regarding “Mac Linux Removable Media Primer Tutorial” we visit (and see a … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Hardware, Networking, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged animation, camera, event, hardware, iMovie, iPad, iPhoto, iTunes, Linux, Mac OS X, movie, networking, photography, plug and play, removable media, share, slideshow, sync, Terminal, tutorial, YouTube
Mac Sharing iPhoto and flickr Primer Tutorial
It’s been a while since we talked about Photo Sharing, and we’ve talked in the past about some online Photo Sharing repositories called flickr and Picasa (with the tutorial Photo Sharing with Flickr and Picasa Primer Tutorial we did a … Continue reading →
Posted in Data Integration, eLearning, Operating System, Photography, Software, Tutorials
Tagged data integration, desktop, Flickr, iPhoto, Mac, Mac OS X, photography, sharing, tutorial, web, Yahoo
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Mac iMovie Event to YouTube Primer Tutorial
YouTube is a huge repository of people’s creative powers with video, movies, advertisements, songs, presentations, tutorials and any other audio-visual idea imaginable with moving pictures and sound, or even not-much-moving pictures. A Mac laptop is well positioned “out of the … Continue reading →
Mac iPhoto and Gimp Primer Tutorial
Computer software is good with images. Ever since the advent of digital photography it has taken off, which is no surprise. Today, images are still a major part of the web experience, especially with the camera work of mobile phones … Continue reading →
Mac iPhoto Slideshow to iTunes and iMovie Movie Primer Tutorial
The Mac iPhoto Primer Tutorial from yesterday explains how Mac OS X iPhoto application does a great job of storing your photographs (on the Mac laptop’s hard disk) from a variety of sources, and it shows this for the import … Continue reading →