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Tag Archives: Italian
English Translated Verb Conjugation Countdown Timer Tutorial
We had occasion to revisit our inhouse Italian/French/Spanish Verb Conjugation web application “redirector” (in that it is third parties doing the bulk of the work, thanks), further to the English Translated Verb Conjugation Emoji Tutorial‘s last mention. It struck us, … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, button, countdown, CSS, dictionary, display, DOM, dropdown, emoji, eval, event, game, Google, Google Translate, grammar, HTML, Italian, Javascript, jQuery, language, onclick, onmouseover, popup, programming, progress, reveal, select, tense, Text to Speech, timer, tutorial, verb, visibility,, word game
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English Translated Verb Conjugation Emoji Tutorial
When retrying Italian French Spanish Verb Conjugation Emoji Image Tutorial‘s web application recently it struck us that an improvement could be … if the user is entering an English verb to the top left … we could start … filling … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, background, background image, button, codepoint, CSS, dictionary, DOM, dropdown, emoji, emoji button, emoji image, eval, event, game, Google, Google Translate, grammar, HTML, image, Italian, Javascript, jQuery, language, onclick, onmouseover, placeholder, popup, programming, reveal, select, tense, Text to Speech, textbox, tutorial, verb,, word game
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Italian French Spanish Verb Conjugation Emoji Image Tutorial
We used the combining of … a relook at Italian French Spanish Verb Conjugation Text to Speech Tutorial … with … the recent Emoji Image Creator or Media Paster Multiple Copy Tutorial … to find some practical improvements to some … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, background, background image, codepoint, CSS, dictionary, DOM, dropdown, emoji, emoji image, eval, event, game, Google, Google Translate, grammar, HTML, image, Italian, Javascript, jQuery, language, onclick, onmouseover, popup, programming, reveal, select, tense, Text to Speech, tutorial, verb,, word game
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Italian French Spanish Verb Conjugation Text to Speech Tutorial
In following up on Italian and French and Spanish Verb Conjugation Event Tutorial as shown below we’ve increased functionality of English translations by adding Google Translate Text to Speech capabilities to … Italian French Spanish … via a new “loudspeaker” … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, CSS, dictionary, DOM, dropdown, eval, event, game, Google, Google Translate, grammar, HTML, Italian, Javascript, jQuery, language, onclick, onmouseover, popup, programming, reveal, select, tense, Text to Speech, tutorial, verb,, word game
Italian and French and Spanish Verb Conjugation Event Tutorial
In following up on Italian and French and Spanish Verb Conjugation Tense Tutorial as shown below we’ve increased functionality of English translations to … Italian French Spanish … and the conjugations from by offering onmouseover (ie. hover) or onclick … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, dictionary, dropdown, eval, event, game, grammar, HTML, Italian, Javascript, jQuery, language, onclick, onmouseover, programming, select, tense, tutorial, verb, word game
Italian and French and Spanish Verb Conjugation Tense Tutorial
We’ve followed up on Italian Verb Conjugation and Tense Tutorial as shown below with “tense” context to some of the conjugations of … Italian French Spanish Say “some of the” because … the phrase “does not translate” is often relevant … Continue reading
Italian Verb Conjugation and Tense Tutorial
Again, we saw that we could extend the functionality of the recent Italian and French and Spanish Verb Conjugation Tutorial as shown below, by, for Italian, to start with, trying to help the native English speaker out for where to … Continue reading
Italian and French and Spanish Verb Conjugation Tutorial
We saw that we could extend the functionality of yesterday’s Italian Verb Conjugation Primer Tutorial as shown below, by accessing other resources from the great, adding French and Spanish verb conjugation to yesterday’s Italian verb conjugation. As a rule … Continue reading