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Tag Archives: Java
OpenCV Primer Tutorial
Do you like to learn by throwing yourself in at the deep end, or by preparing assiduously in order not to take a wrong step by the time you come to do the deed? Well, sadly, but sometimes happily, I … Continue reading
Posted in Eclipse, eLearning, Software, Tutorials
Tagged C++, Eclipse, Java, Linux, Mac Terminal, OpenCV, programming, Python, software, tutorial
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Eclipse and Android Studio Dynamic Text View Primer Tutorial
Our Android mobile app tutorial today uses Java and we use Eclipse IDE and Android Studio … golly … with the view to answering a Yahoo Answers question. Today we interface an Eclipse project with an Android Studio IDE project, … Continue reading
Posted in Android, Eclipse, eLearning, Software, Tutorials
Tagged Android, android app, Android Studio, Eclipse, FullScreenActivity, Google, Grails, Groovy, IDE, IntelliJ, Java, Maven, mime, mobile app, programming, software, software integration, tutorial, Yahoo Answers
Android Studio Primer Tutorial
Our Android mobile app tutorial today uses Java but we do not use Eclipse IDE … gasp! Today we introduce Android Studio IDE (and we figure this is an opportunity to have a recap of Android Development, particularly past Eclipse … Continue reading
Posted in Android, Eclipse, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Android, android app, Android Studio, Android Virtual Device, Grails, Groovy, Hello World, IDE, IntelliJ, Java, Maven, mobile app, programming, tutorial
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Java CSV File Read and Process Primer Tutorial
Here is a tutorial that reads an input CSV file which is entirely numeric and uses ArrayList structures in Java on a Mac laptop to store the data of the file. It is generic in the sense that integer or … Continue reading
Eclipse Fullscreen Activity Android App Primer Tutorial
Our mobile app tutorial today builds on Eclipse Android App Google Play Ready Primer Tutorial (the “end game”) as shown below, in attempting to kick start some of the ideas of what that tutorial calls the “middle game”, and then … Continue reading
Posted in Android, Eclipse, eLearning, Software, Tutorials
Tagged Android, Eclipse, Google Play, Hello World, IDE, Java, mobile app, programming, software, tutorial, XML
Java HTML Parsing Primer Tutorial
Here is a tutorial that parses HTML in a Java console application overseen by the Eclipse IDE. For this tutorial, where we parse an HTML url via a parent HTML element of a designated HTML element type and class, and … Continue reading
Posted in Eclipse, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Did you know, Eclipse, HTML, Java, parsing, programming, tutorial
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Java Threading Primer Tutorial
Here is a tutorial that uses Threads in Java for a console application in Terminal bash session on a Mac laptop. This program sets off 2 sets of 4 threads in two modes of operation, first using the freedom of … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged console application, Java, programming, thread, tutorial
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