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Tag Archives: lesson
Lesson Plan URL Content Tutorial 
Onto yesterdayโs Lesson Plan SMS Collaboration Tutorial we wanted to add URL content as a possibility for our Lesson Plans. After all, especially with the โMaterialsโ section, you, as a teacher, are likely to reference online documents and resources quite โฆ Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged agenda, collaboration, cookie, cookies, CSS, email, HTML, HTML email, HTTP Cookie, inline, Javascript, lesson, lesson plan, local storage, meeting, PDF, programming, sharing, SMS, standing order, style, styling, table, teaching, texting, tutorial, url, user experience, UX
Lesson Plan SMS Collaboration Tutorial 
Yesterdayโs Meeting Agenda SMS Collaboration Tutorial made us feel ready for another โฆ โsibling typeโ web development โฆ consisting of โฆ develop a solid guinea pig web application with the fundamentals to suit a lot of users โฆ and then โฆ Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged agenda, collaboration, cookie, cookies, CSS, email, HTML, HTML email, HTTP Cookie, inline, Javascript, lesson, lesson plan, local storage, meeting, PDF, programming, sharing, SMS, standing order, style, styling, table, teaching, texting, tutorial, user experience, UX
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Present Perfect Tense in English Learning 
Present Perfect Tense Visit this link โฆ Present Perfect Tense When you have finished above click Present Perfect Verb Story Construction โฆ Topic 1 Experience Pick the sentences in order and change them to Present Perfect below โฆโNo, I โฆ Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, ESL
Tagged eLearning, ESL, grammar, lesson, Present Perfect, story, tense
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English Phonics Learning Ideas Tutorial 
If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.
English (Past Tense Irregular) Verb Spelling Game 
English Past Tense IrregularPast ParticipleThird Person SingularPresent ParticiplePast Simple Tense Irregular Verb Spelling Game English Present Tense Irregular Verbbeginblowbringbuycatchcomedodrawdrinkeatgetgivegogrowhearknowmakemeetreadrunsayseesendsingsitsleepswimtakethrowwritebecomebitebreakchoosedrivefallfeelflyfightfindholdhidehitkeepleavelosemeanpayputquitshutsellspendspeakstandteachtellwinwearbeatbendbuildburncostcutdreamdigfeedfitforgethurtleaplearnleadlendletlightringrisesinksetshakeshootslidestinkstealsticktearwake โฆ now spell โฆ Past Tense Irregular Verb Review List below: When you have finished above click Irregular Past Tense Verbs Cloze Game โฆ Continue reading