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Tag Archives: making of
Earth Scanner Itinerary Collaboration Tutorial
It might be just us, but around here, we give ourselves a “leave pass”, talking about … sharing … much more than … collaborating … because we see collaboration, as much to do with at least two parties being able … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, blog post, clip-path, code, collaboration, comma, comma separated list, CSS, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, focus, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, HTML, image, img, interactive map, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, lines, longitude, making of, mantissa, map, Mapping, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, orientation, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placename, play, plot, pole, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, stop press, tab, terrestrial, textarea, timestamp, timezone, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, when, where, window, wrapper, YouTube
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Earth Scanner Sharing Itinerary Detail Tutorial
Further to yesterday’s Earth Scanner Sharing Tutorial, today, we were … more than half expecting that for web browsers where navigator.canShare comes up with true (eg. Safari), supporting the Web Share API on a https:// protocol, we’d be saying for … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Trips, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, blog post, clip-path, code, collaboration, comma, comma separated list, CSS, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, focus, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, HTML, Hunters and Collectors, image, img, interactive map, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, lines, longitude, making of, mantissa, map, Mapping, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, orientation, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placename, play, plot, pole, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, stop press, tab, terrestrial, timestamp, timezone, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, when, where, window, wrapper, YouTube
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Earth Scanner Sharing Tutorial
Another day, another API interfacing with our Earth Scanner web application from yesterday’s Earth Scanner Window Focus Tutorial. This time around, it is the turn of Web Share API to help us with our aim to introduce some … email … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Not Categorised, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, blog post, clip-path, code, comma, comma separated list, CSS, device, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, focus, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, horizontal rule, HTML, image, img, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, line, lines, longitude, making of, mantissa, map, Mapping, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, North Pole, onclick, one image website, orientation, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placename, play, plot, pole, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, stop press, tab, terrestrial, timestamp, timezone, trip, trip leg, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, when, where, window, wrapper, YouTube
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Earth Scanner Window Focus Tutorial
The Page Visibility API has opened up possibilities from within Javascript, to monitor the toing and froing to and/or from your web applications in the modern web browsers. We think the Earth Scanner web application of yesterday’s Making of Earth … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, animation, antarctic circle, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, blog post, clip-path, code, comma, comma separated list, CSS, device, document.title, DOM, Earth, emoji, emoji flag, equator, focus, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, horizontal rule, HTML, image, img, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, line, lines, longitude, making of, mantissa, map, Mapping, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, North Pole, onclick, one image website, orientation, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placename, play, plot, pole, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, scroll, scrolling, sea, south pole, stop press, tab, terrestrial, timestamp, timezone, trip, trip leg, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, when, where, window, wrapper, YouTube
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Making of Earth Scanner Legs Tutorial
Quite often within the I.T. wooooorrrrrllllddd it is when we have an idea that is … Just a Bit of Fun … more than likely … this is code for … it will end up being difficult to achieve … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, animation, antarctic circle, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, blog post, clip-path, code, comma, comma separated list, CSS, device, DOM, Earth, emoji, emoji flag, equator, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, horizontal rule, HTML, image, img, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, line, lines, longitude, making of, mantissa, map, Mapping, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, North Pole, onclick, one image website, orientation, Patsy Gallant, place, placename, play, plot, pole, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, scroll, scrolling, sea, south pole, stop press, terrestrial, timestamp, timezone, trip, trip leg, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, video, when, where, wrapper, YouTube
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Animated GIF Random Slide Order Tutorial
Further to yesterday’s Animated GIF Local Browse Tutorial progress for our inhouse animated GIF creator, today we augment the … slide order of animated GIF is as per ordered by the user in the textboxes … with … slide order … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, annotation, bridge, browse, cache, closed captions, comment, DejaVuSansMono, delay, emoji, file, file API, FileReader, font, hashtag, karaoke, lyrics, making of, mashed, order, PHP, poetry, presentation, procedure, programming, random, slide, song, text, title, true type font, tutorial, unicode, watermark, Wikipedia, YouTube
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Animated GIF Local Browse Tutorial
Today we attend to an improvement we could see would be beneficial to the Animated GIF creator functionality of the web application of the recent Animated GIF Watermark Comments Karaoke Tutorial and decided to improve upon the integration talents started … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, annotation, bridge, browse, closed captions, comment, DejaVuSansMono, delay, emoji, file, file API, FileReader, font, hashtag, karaoke, lyrics, making of, PHP, poetry, presentation, procedure, programming, slide, song, text, title, true type font, tutorial, unicode, watermark, YouTube
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Animated GIF Audio or Video Foreground Tutorial
Three topics of our interest come together today, those being … animated GIF creation via image slides URL or data-URI (result of local browsing) … synchronizing media (a totally harder ballgame on mobile platforms, but possible for non-mobile Animated GIF … Continue reading →