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Tag Archives: memory stick
Windows Memory Stick Research Primer Tutorial
It’s so much easier these days to gather research for research projects. Today, we are not considering the quality of that research, but more the “nuts and bolts” of a way to do the research on (just about) any Windows … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged directory, file association, folder, memory stick, Microsoft Word, PhotoBooth, removable disk, research, tutorial, USB, video, Windows, Windows Explorer, YouTube
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Holiday Snaps Printing Primer Tutorial
We had occasion to think about USB Memory Sticks the other day, perhaps a hardware device on the list of ones in danger of slipping away from relevance if we keep moving on in the mobile device and cloud storage … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Hardware, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged Android, desktop, exfat, file system, format, Mac OS X, Macbook Pro, memory stick, operating system, photography, printing, tutorial, USB, Windows
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Windows Accessories Games of Old Tutorial
Some of us remember when Windows had an All Programs->Accessories menu that had a Games submenu with all sorts of quite and useful (desktop) games. In modern Windows operating system incarnations this arrangement, that came with Windows, has disappeared, but … Continue reading →