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Tag Archives: memory
Maths Symbology Local Font Safari Block and Notify Popup Tutorial
Yesterday’s Maths Symbology via New Window Local Font Referrer Tutorial new communication conduit idea, “The Referrer”, had many outcomes that look a lot like “popup” ones. With both you end up with separate top.document ( window) webpages. The difference is … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged allow, block, colour, communication, contenteditable, CSS, div, document.referrer, DOM, font, form, HTML entities, IFRAME, integration, Javascript, local font, mathematics, maths, memory, notify, popup, postmessage, programming, referrer, resources, Safari, software integration, subscript, superscript, symbol, text, tutorial, web browser, webpage, window,, window.opener, window.postMessage
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Maths Symbology via New Window Local Font Referrer Tutorial
Meanwhile, back at “Maths Symbology and Local Font Integration Land” (that we left off with Maths Symbology via New Window Local Font Memory Tutorial below), we add onto our list of communication conduits, so far involving … iframe popup … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged colour, communication, contenteditable, CSS, div, document.referrer, DOM, font, form, HTML entities, IFRAME, integration, Javascript, local font, mathematics, maths, memory, popup, postmessage, programming, referrer, resources, software integration, subscript, superscript, symbol, text, tutorial, web browser, webpage, window,, window.opener, window.postMessage
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Maths Symbology via New Window Local Font Memory Tutorial
Yesterday’s Maths Symbology via New Window Local Font Tutorial‘s involvement of two quite big web applications is too resource hungry memory wise for all occasions and platforms, and today, we start down the road to optimise and prune functionality. And … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged colour, communication, contenteditable, CSS, div, DOM, font, HTML entities, IFRAME, integration, Javascript, local font, mathematics, maths, memory, popup, postmessage, programming, resources, software integration, subscript, superscript, symbol, text, tutorial, web browser, webpage, window,, window.opener, window.postMessage
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Gimp Guillotine Follow Up Memory Tutorial
It’s a bit arrogant to say a sizeable piece of code you’ve written is “bug free”, especially if it involves user entered data, but it is a good aspiration, like marking at the 50 metre line, on the boundary, for … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, attachment, background, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, blur, border, brightness, bug, canvas, catch, class, command line, contrast, convert, CSS, CSS3, desktop, details, display, div, DOM, drop shadow, editor, email, emboss, error, error handling, eval, exception, exec, ffmpeg, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, gaussian blur, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, guides, guillotine, HTML, hue, image, image map, ImageMagick, input, invert, Javascript, keyframes, MAMP, margin, matrix, memory, multiple, onions, opacity, output, overlay, pattern, PDF, PHP, processing, push, responsive design, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, selection, selector, sepia, setTimeout, sharing, skew, slice, slideshow, summary, table, transform, transformation, transitions, translate, try, tutorial, visibility, web design, webpage, whitespace, window, zip
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XML Subtraction and Addition Processing Tutorial
Many projects that involve data will surprise you when you get to the phase of running your planned code over real data. Real business data can throw up surprises like … the length of time to process the data or … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged accountability, array, button, command line, curl, delimitation, email, execution, explode, file_get_contents, form, genericization, get, glob, local web server, MAMP, memory, PHP, programming, reveal, server, sharing, tutorial, XML
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Dams in the United States Timeline Tutorial
Yesterday’s Dams in the United States Debugging Tutorial was all about the “data” again, finding new ways of filtering and reporting on DATA.GOV Major Dams of the United States – Direct Download data and information regarding “Dams in the United … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged bookmarklet, cross-browser, dam, data, data feed,, debug, debugging, delimiter, DOM, download, dropdown, eLearning API, error, error handling, filter, filtering, geodata, geographicals, Google, HTML, IFRAME, Javascipt, LibreOffice, list, map chart, memory, programming, regex, timeline, tutorial, Tutorials, video, web inspector, YouTube API
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Dams in the United States Filtering Tutorial
Am sure there are a lot of people who’d agree with the statement … The Internet contains most of the information I need, but I need ways to filter it. If you have a web application with lots of data, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged bookmarklet, cross-browser, dam, data, data feed,, debug, debugging, delimiter, DOM, download, dropdown, eLearning API, error, error handling, filter, filtering, geodata, geographicals, Google, HTML, IFRAME, Javascipt, LibreOffice, list, map chart, memory, programming, regex, tutorial, Tutorials, web inspector
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Dams in the United States Debugging Tutorial
Sometimes you come across an error that is a bit of a dead end regarding access because the error comes from within the “bowels” of some API, perhaps. So it was with us recently, on our current (web application) project … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged API, bookmarklet, cross-browser, dam, data feed,, debug, debugging, delimiter, DOM, download, dropdown, error, error handling, geodata, geographicals, Google, HTML, IFRAME, Javascipt, LibreOffice, list, map chart, memory, programming, regex, tutorial, web inspector
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