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Tag Archives: merge
Animated GIF Creator Exif Rotation Compensation Tutorial
The recent couple of days of work like yesterday’s Animated GIF Creator GD Transformations Interfacing Tutorial have given us “rotation functionality” tools to counteract the unusual effects Exif … Exchangeable image file format (officially Exif, according to JEIDA/JEITA/CIPA specifications) is … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, batch, brew, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, desktop, email, EXIF, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, GD, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, macOS, Mail, medium, merge, metadata, photos, PHP, Png, quality, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, share, sharing, shear, size, small, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, vignette
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Animated GIF Creator GD Transformations Interfacing Tutorial
The PHP GD image library is so much more useful than for the “filters” interfaced to with yesterday’s Animated GIF Creator GD Filter Interfacing Tutorial. Under an “umbrella term” transformations, today we add interfacing to GD functionality … Crop DefaultCrop … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, batch, brew, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, desktop, email, EXIF, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, GD, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, macOS, Mail, medium, merge, photos, Png, quality, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, share, sharing, shear, size, small, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, vignette
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Merging Photos via Gimp and iPhone Camera Animated GIF Tutorial
Today’s blog posting title gives it away. We are interfacing our “Merging Photos” web application to “homemade” Animated GIFs that can be created courtesy of Animated GIF via PHP Writing PHP Primer Tutorial. That is not to say that that … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, array, camera, canvas, clipboard, composite, CSS, data uri, desktop, doppelganger, download, email, email client, EXIF, face, genericization, GIMP, HTML, IFRAME, image, iPhoto, Javascript, Mail, member, merge, object, onions, onload, opacity, orientation, overlay, parameter, photo, photograph, PHP, programming, rotation, science, sharing, superimpose, SVG, tutorial, web browser,
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Merging Photos via Gimp and iPhone Camera Composite Tutorial
When you were reading (of course you were) Merging Photos via Gimp and iPhone Camera Animation Tutorial were you interested, but felt a bit overwhelmed by the idea that the one image (thanks McGraw-Hill) that the tutorial was based on … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animation, array, camera, canvas, clipboard, composite, CSS, desktop, doppelganger, download, email, email client, EXIF, face, genericization, GIMP, HTML, IFRAME, image, iPhoto, Javascript, Mail, member, merge, object, onions, onload, opacity, orientation, overlay, parameter, photo, photograph, programming, rotation, science, sharing, superimpose, SVG, tutorial, web browser,
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Merging Photos via Gimp and iPhone Camera Animation Tutorial
We’ve got a bit of animation going on with the latest installment of our “Merging Photos” blog posting thread, building on our previous Merging Photos via Gimp and iPhone Camera Sharing Tutorial … the updated live run shows the usage … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged anatomy, animation, array, camera, canvas, clipboard, CSS, desktop, doppelganger, download, email, email client, EXIF, face, genericization, GIMP, HTML, IFRAME, image, iPhoto, Javascript, Mail, member, merge, object, onions, onload, orientation, overlay, parameter, photo, photograph, programming, rotation, sharing, superimpose, SVG, tutorial, web browser,
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Merging Photos via Gimp and iPhone Camera Sharing Tutorial
Yesterday’s Merging Photos via Gimp and iPhone Camera Superimpose Tutorial gave us scenarios whereby to share the experience, via email for example, you do not share enough by just attaching an image as an email attachment, but you need to … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged array, camera, canvas, clipboard, CSS, desktop, doppelganger, download, email, email client, EXIF, face, genericization, GIMP, HTML, IFRAME, image, iPhoto, Javascript, Mail, member, merge, object, onions, onload, orientation, overlay, parameter, photo, photograph, programming, rotation, sharing, superimpose, SVG, tutorial, web browser,
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Merging Photos via Gimp and iPhone Camera Superimpose Tutorial
Is there a word “doppelgänging” that conjures up the idea to “superimpose”? Well, even if there isn’t, today, that is what we are turning our attention to regarding moving on with our “Merging Photos” thread of blog postings last talked … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged array, camera, CSS, doppelganger, download, email, EXIF, face, genericization, GIMP, HTML, IFRAME, image, iPhoto, Javascript, Mail, member, merge, object, onions, onload, orientation, overlay, parameter, photo, photograph, programming, rotation, sharing, superimpose, tutorial
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Merging Photos via Gimp and iPhone Camera Genericization Tutorial
Yesterday’s Merging Photos via Gimp and iPhone Camera Primer Tutorial underlying code looked very hardcoded. That is because our image onload event logics were not written in a parameter driven approach, and so the second image had to get code … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged array, camera, CSS, download, email, EXIF, genericization, GIMP, HTML, image, iPhoto, Javascript, Mail, member, merge, object, onload, orientation, overlay, parameter, photo, photograph, programming, rotation, sharing, ternary, tutorial
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