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Tag Archives: message
Phone and SMS and Contacts Relationship Tutorial
Yes, as a layer (dare we say onions of the 4th dimension layer) on top of yesterday’s SMS and Contacts Relationship Primer Tutorial … the iPhone’s Phone app can be linked to … Messages app (via “message” (sub-)icon tap) … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, iOS, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged communication, contact, contacts, iOS, iPhone, message, messages, mobile, mobile app, name, number, people, phone, SMS, tutorial
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SMS and Contacts Relationship Primer Tutorial
Along with notifications, SMS messages are a great instant messaging tool. We use an iPhone (ie. iOS) and with our Messages app and get screenfuls of mobile phone numbers on occasion. Why? Well, we haven’t linked … SMS (number) … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, iOS, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged communication, contact, contacts, iOS, iPhone, message, messages, mobile, mobile app, name, number, people, phone, SMS, tutorial
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Continuity on iOS and macOS Primer Tutorial
We were reading this great article called Continuity for iPhone, iPad, and Mac: The ultimate guide because … though, as a programmer, primarily, I base my work around macOS and this MacBook Pro on which am composing this blog posting … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, iOS, Networking, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged AirPlay, Apple, bluetooth, communication, continuity, device, handoff, iCloud, iMessage, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Mac OS X, Macbook Pro, macOS, message, mobile data, phone, phone call, SMS, SMS forwarding, text message, tutorial, WiFi
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Mind Map and Flowchart and Venn Diagram Collaborator Tutorial
The “Originator” revisit helping out code of yesterday’s Mind Map and Flowchart and Venn Diagram Originator Tutorial needs a “Collaborator” part, we figure. But because this is still linked to the “Originator’s Record” in the PHP we need the record … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animated emojis, animation, annotation, Apple Mail, attribute, border-radius, box shadow, cache, center, circle, click, co-ordinates, collaborate, CSS, data attributes, device, div, DOM, dropdown, email client, emoji, flowchart, form, gesture, glow, Gmail, grid, height, HTML, HTML email, integration, intersection, intervention, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, left, macOS Mojave, Mail, mail server, menu, message, messages, Mind Map, mobile, onclick, onmousemove, ontouchdown, ontouchstart, option, originator, overlay, PHP, pinch, position, positional, programming, recall, room, rotate, rubberband, save, scroll, scrolling, select, selector, share, sharing, SMS, software integration, submit button, swipe, text, text message, top, transform, tutorial, Venn diagram, venn diagrams, viewport, web browser, web server, whitespace, width
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Mind Map and Flowchart and Venn Diagram Originator Tutorial
Some of the collaboration functionality for our web application of yesterday’s Mind Map and Flowchart and Venn Diagram Squared Off Tutorial ask quite a bit of the user. Initially, that will be more or less always the case, but that … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animated emojis, animation, annotation, Apple Mail, attribute, border-radius, box shadow, cache, center, circle, click, co-ordinates, collaborate, CSS, device, div, DOM, dropdown, email client, emoji, flowchart, form, gesture, glow, Gmail, grid, height, HTML, HTML email, integration, intersection, intervention, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, left, macOS Mojave, Mail, mail server, menu, message, messages, Mind Map, mobile, onclick, onmousemove, ontouchdown, ontouchstart, originator, overlay, PHP, pinch, position, positional, programming, recall, room, rotate, rubberband, save, scroll, scrolling, selector, share, sharing, SMS, software integration, submit button, swipe, text, text message, top, transform, tutorial, Venn diagram, venn diagrams, viewport, web browser, web server, whitespace, width
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Mind Map and Flowchart and Venn Diagram Squared Off Tutorial
Today’s aim is to add some “schmick” to our Flowchart and Venn Diagram and Mind Map web application on top of the progress up to yesterday’s Mind Map and Flowchart and Venn Diagram Mousemove Tutorial. Schmick step … improve the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animated emojis, animation, annotation, Apple Mail, attribute, border-radius, box shadow, cache, center, circle, click, co-ordinates, collaborate, CSS, device, div, DOM, dropdown, email client, emoji, flowchart, form, gesture, glow, Gmail, grid, height, HTML, HTML email, integration, intersection, intervention, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, left, macOS Mojave, Mail, mail server, menu, message, messages, Mind Map, mobile, onclick, onmousemove, ontouchdown, ontouchstart, overlay, PHP, pinch, position, positional, programming, recall, room, rotate, rubberband, save, scroll, scrolling, selector, share, sharing, SMS, software integration, submit button, swipe, text, text message, top, transform, tutorial, Venn diagram, venn diagrams, viewport, web browser, web server, whitespace, width
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Mind Map and Flowchart and Venn Diagram Mousemove Tutorial
A few improvements feature in today’s work to build on yesterday’s Mind Map and Flowchart and Venn Diagram Mobile Tutorial‘s progress … rethinking the blue parts to our SMS messages that erroneously happened with … … type of badly formed … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animated emojis, animation, annotation, Apple Mail, attribute, border-radius, box shadow, center, circle, click, co-ordinates, collaborate, CSS, device, div, DOM, dropdown, email client, emoji, flowchart, form, gesture, glow, Gmail, grid, height, HTML, HTML email, integration, intersection, intervention, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, left, macOS Mojave, Mail, mail server, menu, message, messages, Mind Map, mobile, onclick, onmousemove, ontouchdown, ontouchstart, PHP, pinch, position, positional, programming, recall, room, rotate, rubberband, save, scroll, scrolling, selector, share, sharing, SMS, software integration, submit button, swipe, text, text message, top, transform, tutorial, Venn diagram, venn diagrams, viewport, web browser, web server, whitespace, width
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Chess Game Correspondence Tutorial
Yesterday’s Chess Game Midway Scenario Layout Tutorial “Midway Layout Scenario” for our Chess Game Practice was a conduit to another idea. Any ideas what? Anyone? Anyone? Yes, Con Nike, we can send off a snapshot of the Chess Game at … Continue reading →