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Tag Archives: meta tag
PHP Rhopalic Letter Sentence Game Mobile Friendly Tutorial
To make a web application more mobile device friendly, there is the look and the usability to consider. When you consider the look you should try to take into account, very small device widths, as would be applicable for a … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged back button, client/server, cross-browser issues, cross-platform, email client, forward button, HTML, IDE, Javascript, meta tag, mobile, mobile app, mobile friendly, navigation, PHP, programming, tutorial, UIWebView, viewport
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HTML/Javascript Hit Counter Primer Tutorial
We discussed web page hit counters previously when we had the PHP/Javascript/HTML Hit Counter Primer Tutorial as shown below, up and going … and lo and behold it is still up and going. It dealt with hit counters on a … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Did you know, hit counter, HTML, HTML5, Javascript, meta tag, programming, tutorial, viewport
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Microdata Primer Tutorial
Webpages can exist on the World Wide Web but that, as you probably realize yourself, does not guarantee that those web pages will be found by people using the web. There are a variety of methods to get these pages … Continue reading →
jQuery Mobile Primer Tutorial
Ever feel like you are just seeing the tip of the iceberg? This is what jQuery Mobile feels like when you are first introduced to it. A lot of the things people like about the Web are to do with … Continue reading →
HTML Table of Iframe PHP Slide Shows Tutorial
My theory about programming is that it should have a two-speed approach. For major projects I believe in a great deal of planning, preparation, discussion, prototyping and proof-of-concept work, done by several people organised into groups. For smaller jobs I … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Photography, Software, Tutorials
Tagged animation, HTML, IFRAME, meta tag, PHP, programming, slide show, software, tutorial, viewport