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Tag Archives: method
Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial
Around here, we’re not ashamed to simplify 90% of web design issues into two categories … an “overlay” issue … or … a “reveal” issue … and today’s improvements, pitted against the progress up until yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, absolute URL, animated gif, animation, browse, browsing, canvas, command line, convert, curl, details, drawImage, extract, extraction, file, form, hotlink, hotlinking, HTML, image, image file, ImageMagick, interaction, Javascript, korn shell, local file, method, object, overlay, parameter, PHP, Png, post, programming, prompt, relative, relative URL, reveal, script, sequence, shell, shell_exec, slide, status, still, summary, textbox, tutorial, uniquifier, upload, url, user interaction
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Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial
The other user entry the user might do using the Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application of yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial onto … relative animated GIF URL (within the address bar domain of use or an absolute … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, absolute URL, animated gif, animation, browse, browsing, canvas, command line, convert, curl, drawImage, extract, extraction, file, form, hotlink, hotlinking, HTML, image, image file, ImageMagick, interaction, Javascript, korn shell, local file, method, object, parameter, PHP, Png, post, programming, prompt, relative, relative URL, script, sequence, shell, shell_exec, slide, still, tutorial, uniquifier, upload, url, user interaction
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Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial
As of the recent Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial‘s progress with an Extraction of a User Nominated Animated GIF Slide web application’s … input animated GIF URL modus operandi … today we add … local operating system file browsing … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, browse, browsing, canvas, command line, convert, drawImage, extract, extraction, file, form, HTML, image, image file, ImageMagick, interaction, Javascript, korn shell, local file, method, object, parameter, PHP, Png, post, programming, prompt, script, sequence, shell, shell_exec, slide, still, tutorial, upload, user interaction
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Google Geo Chart and Map Chart Hashtag SMS Tutorial
We’ve reached limits! Yes, researching for SMS sharing conduits within the macOS arrangement here, we believe for iMessage SMS messages there may be a length limit that kicks in around the 18k mark. Anyway, along the line, with SMS messaging … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, click, clientside, collaboration, communication, conduit, data, email, emeil client, emoji, form, geo chart, Google chart, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, href, huge, image chart, iPhone, Javascript, large, link, list, mail server, map chart, method, navigate, onclick, PHP, programming, share, sharing, SMS, tutorial, url, webpage, Wikipedia
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Google Geo Chart and Map Chart Hashtag Emailing Tutorial
Before we got sidetracked, but along the same “where of life” themes, before the latest recent web application predilections … Earth Scanner Region Picker … we were delving into passing on work from the Google Chart‘s Map Chart to the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Software, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, click, clientside, data, email, emeil client, form, geo chart, Google chart, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, href, huge, image chart, Javascript, large, link, list, mail server, map chart, method, navigate, onclick, PHP, programming, tutorial, url, webpage, Wikipedia
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YouTube Music Video External Javascript Drag Genericization Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s YouTube Music Video External Javascript More Genericization Tutorial‘s progress, today, we’ve … added recent GET argument functionalities … Mr Smith Goes To Washington … and, today, our newly compiled … Slow Classical Movements Movie Soundtracks … into the … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged ABC 702, API, arguments, array, buffer, buffering, comma separated list, CSS, cue, data, Disco, document.URL, DOM, drag, dropdown, dynamic, email, event, external Javascript, function, gernericization, get, hardcoding, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, local web server, mailto, member, method, mobile, Object Oriented Programming, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onerror, onmousemove, OOP, parent, pause, peer, peer to peer, placeholder, play, playlist, programming, programming.tutorial, select, setInterval, setTimeout, span, stop press, style, styling, testing, text shadow, textbox, the wrecking crew, time, timer, twin, typeof, url, video, Wikipedia, Yacht Rock, YouTube, YouTube API
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YouTube Music Video External Javascript More Genericization Tutorial
Yesterday’s YouTube Music Video External Javascript Genericization Tutorial started our external Javascript genericizations with our Peer to Peer YouTube Web Application. Some may find it irritating, but we even use code like … if (document.getElementById(‘sshuffle’)) { var ssos=document.getElementById(‘sshuffle’).innerHTML.split(‘</option>’); console.log(‘sshuffle option … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged ABC 702, API, arguments, array, buffer, buffering, comma separated list, CSS, cue, data, Disco, document.URL, DOM, dropdown, dynamic, email, event, external Javascript, function, gernericization, get, hardcoding, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, local web server, mailto, member, method, mobile, Object Oriented Programming, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onerror, OOP, parent, pause, peer, peer to peer, placeholder, play, playlist, programming, programming.tutorial, select, setInterval, setTimeout, span, stop press, style, styling, testing, textbox, the wrecking crew, time, timer, twin, typeof, url, video, Wikipedia, Yacht Rock, YouTube, YouTube API
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YouTube Music Video External Javascript Genericization Tutorial
In yesterday’s The Wrecking Crew Peering Disco Tutorial we praised the role of external Javascript in the current YouTube Music Video Peer to Peer web applications … more twinning possibilities, easily applied, as per today’s Stop Press generic YouTube IFrame … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, OOP, Tutorials
Tagged ABC 702, API, buffer, buffering, comma separated list, cue, data, Disco, dropdown, dynamic, email, event, external Javascript, gernericization, hardcoding, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, local web server, mailto, member, method, Object Oriented Programming, onerror, OOP, pause, peer, peer to peer, placeholder, play, playlist, programming, programming.tutorial, select, span, stop press, testing, textbox, the wrecking crew, twin, video, Wikipedia, Yacht Rock, YouTube, YouTube API
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