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Tag Archives: mode
Image Conversions via PHP GD Browsing Tutorial
As well as the recent Image Conversions via PHP GD URL Tutorial‘s input data modes of use … relative URLs (to the RJM Programming domain) … and we see why we may have left this like this … we wanted … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, absolute, absolute URL, Apache, arguments, attribute, backward compatibility, basename, bimp, brightness, browse, browsing, cartoon, colourize, comma, command, command line, contrast, conversion, convert, crontab, crop, curl, data uri, Did you know, Document Root, download, dropdown, emboss, emoji, file, file API, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, filtering, filters, form, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, image, image URL, ImageMagick, img, Javascript, korn shell, link, local web server, MAMP, merge, method, mode, modes of use, multiple, navigate, navigation, negate, onchange, open, overlay, PaintBrush, PHP, pixellate, preg_replace, procedure, programming, recall, regex, regular expression, relative URL, replace, reveal, schedule, script, select, shell, switch, switches, table, tick, transparency, tutorial, type ahead buffer, url, verb, wildcard
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Image Conversions via PHP GD URL Tutorial
The PHP inhouse Image Converter web application last talked about at Image Conversions via PHP GD Overlay Reveal Tutorial got a revisit today. It’s been more than two years, and that amount of separation sometimes gives you the chance to … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, absolute, absolute URL, Apache, arguments, attribute, backward compatibility, basename, bimp, brightness, cartoon, colourize, comma, command, command line, contrast, conversion, convert, crontab, crop, curl, data uri, Did you know, Document Root, download, dropdown, emboss, emoji, file, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, filtering, filters, form, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, image, image URL, ImageMagick, img, Javascript, korn shell, link, local web server, MAMP, merge, method, mode, modes of use, multiple, navigate, navigation, negate, onchange, open, overlay, PaintBrush, PHP, pixellate, preg_replace, procedure, programming, recall, regex, regular expression, relative URL, replace, reveal, schedule, script, select, shell, switch, switches, table, tick, transparency, tutorial, type ahead buffer, url, verb, wildcard
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Find Games Peer to Peer Tutorial
It wasn’t our initial intention, but on completion of the cloning aspects to … sporning from the Find the Words game basis … cloning to a … Finding the Numbers game … as two distinct entities, we could piece them … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, cell, click, clone, cloning, clue, clues, collaboration, connective, CSS, dictionary, dropdown, email, emoji, English, event, first name, game, genericization, highlight, HTML, Javascript, Linux, listenerdictionary, mobile, mode, mode of use, name, navigation, numbers, onchange, onclick, option, overlay, parameterization, peer, peer to peer, player, programming, regional indicator, score, scoring, select, selection, selectionchange, share, sharing, SMS, styling, subelement, table, table cell, text shadow, textarea, timer, tutorial, user, webpage, word, word game
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Find Number Game Clues Tutorial
Onto the “cloning start” yesterday’s Find Number Game Cloning Tutorial gave us to our Find the Number game, today, we improve on … its modes of play … adding to existant … find a computer decided upon number … with … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, cell, click, clone, cloning, clue, clues, collaboration, connective, CSS, dictionary, dropdown, email, emoji, English, event, first name, game, genericization, highlight, HTML, Javascript, Linux, listenerdictionary, mobile, mode, mode of use, name, numbers, onclick, overlay, parameterization, player, programming, regional indicator, score, scoring, select, selection, selectionchange, share, sharing, SMS, styling, table, table cell, text shadow, textarea, timer, tutorial, user, word, word game
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Find Number Game Cloning Tutorial
Around here we seem to find more use, as far as cloning one web application into another goes, cloning a game into another form of that game, perhaps changing a single data concept or mode of use. Today’s cloning … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged argument, cell, click, clone, cloning, clue, clues, collaboration, connective, CSS, dictionary, email, emoji, English, event, first name, game, genericization, highlight, HTML, Javascript, Linux, listenerdictionary, mobile, mode, mode of use, name, numbers, onclick, overlay, parameterization, programming, regional indicator, score, scoring, selection, selectionchange, share, sharing, SMS, styling, table, table cell, text shadow, textarea, timer, tutorial, word, word game
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Find English Word Game Collaboration Tutorial
Collaboration, regarding games, is synonymous with “level playing field”, and that is a principle upheld with today’s introduction of sharing and collaboration functionality into our Find the Word game, and further to yesterday’s Find English Mobile Clicked Word Ends Game … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged argument, cell, click, collaboration, connective, CSS, dictionary, email, emoji, English, event, first name, game, genericization, highlight, HTML, Javascript, Linux, listenerdictionary, mobile, mode, mode of use, name, onclick, overlay, parameterization, programming, regional indicator, selection, selectionchange, share, sharing, SMS, styling, table, table cell, text shadow, textarea, timer, tutorial, word, word game
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Find English Word Game Modes Tutorial
Further to yesterday’s Find English Mobile Clicked Word Ends Game Tutorial and back to the original “/usr/share/dict/” Linux or macOS dictionary ideas started with “/usr/share/dict/words” ideas from Find English Highlighted Words Game Primer Tutorial … in that oldest Find the … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, cell, click, connective, CSS, dictionary, emoji, English, event, first name, game, genericization, highlight, HTML, Javascript, Linux, listenerdictionary, mobile, mode, mode of use, name, onclick, overlay, parameterization, programming, regional indicator, selection, selectionchange, styling, table, table cell, text shadow, textarea, tutorial, word, word game
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XML Public Data Genericization Field Names Tutorial
We come at improvements to the functionality of yesterday’s XML Public Data Genericization XPath Tutorial‘s XML Public Data Google Charts Display web application from two angles … we allow for an “early days” Geocoding data Google Chart Geo Chart display … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, argument, arguments, bar chart, chance, child, collaboration, column chart, count, counts, data,, dropdown, email, field, field name, fieldname, form, genericization, geo chart, geocode, geocoding, Google Charts, hardcoding, histogram, Javascript, mathematics, mean, median, mode, navigation, number, odds, pie chart, powerball, probability, prompt, public data, public data repository, range, repository, select, self, set, share, sharing, SMS, standard deviation, sum, url, XML, xpath
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