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Tag Archives: mov
Making of iPhone Videos Play Around the Traps Tutorial
Especially as far as video creation goes with the set of web browser brands, on mobile and non-mobile platforms, going around, it can be valid to ask … Does it play everywhere? … because it’s surprising what can arise sometimes. … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged airdrop, audio, camera, codecs, command line, compatibility, configuration, context, contextualize, convert, ffmpeg, functionality, iPhone, macOS, media, mimetype, mov, mp4, open source, platform, play, playing, Safari, StackOverflow, sync, synchronize, track, tutorial, video, web browser
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Animated GIF Creator Video Intranet Tutorial
With the recent Animated GIF Creator Video Revisit Tutorial (preceding Animated GIF Creator Video Share Tutorial) we wrote … … one reason being that we do not want to install the wonderful ffmpeg (command line video creation tool) on the … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, attachment, batch, brew, browse, button, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, data uri, data url, data urls, desktop, details, Document Root, dropdown, email, emoji, emoji button, exec, EXIF, ffmpeg, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, font size, fostfix, GD, Gmail, hardcoding, Homebrew, hotlink, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, intranet, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, local web server, localhost, MacBook Air, macOS, macOS Big Sur, Mail, mail server record, mailq, mailx, MAMP, medium, merge, metadata, mime, mimetype, mov, MX, onclick, onload, order, PDF, photos, PHP, Png, postfix, quality, relay, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, select, sendmail, share, sharing, shear, size, small, SMS, summary, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, video, vignette, webm, wrapper
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Animated GIF Creator Video Share Tutorial
It’s one thing to use macOS (via Big Sur, on this MacBook Air) MAMP local web server to create animated GIFs and (derived) videos via an inhouse PHP web application, but another thing to go and share those videos out … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, attachment, batch, brew, button, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, data uri, data url, data urls, desktop, details, Document Root, dropdown, email, emoji, emoji button, EXIF, ffmpeg, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, font size, fostfix, GD, Gmail, hardcoding, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, local web server, localhost, MacBook Air, macOS, macOS Big Sur, Mail, mail server record, mailq, mailx, MAMP, medium, merge, metadata, mime, mimetype, mov, MX, onclick, order, PDF, photos, PHP, Png, postfix, quality, relay, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, select, sendmail, share, sharing, shear, size, small, SMS, summary, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, video, vignette, webm, wrapper
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Animated GIF Creator Video Revisit Tutorial
We hope you realize that our changed tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse Animated GIF Creator (helped out by a changed emailhtml.php inhouse email creator helper serverside PHP web application) can be accessed … in that public RJM Programming mode of use above … … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Installers, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, attachment, batch, brew, button, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, data uri, data url, data urls, desktop, details, Document Root, dropdown, email, emoji, emoji button, EXIF, ffmpeg, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, font size, GD, hardcoding, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, local web server, localhost, MacBook Air, macOS, Mail, MAMP, medium, merge, metadata, mime, mimetype, mov, onclick, order, PDF, photos, PHP, Png, quality, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, select, share, sharing, shear, size, small, SMS, summary, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, video, vignette, webm, wrapper
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QuickTime Player Mov Video Conversion Tutorial
Yesterday’s Spinning Around Primer Tutorial changed quite a bit between 27th March 2019 06:00 and 11:20 AEST. Why? Well, our iPhone6 saves its videos (from the Camera iOS application) in *.mov format. This *.mov has an associated mimetype video/quicktime and … Continue reading →