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Tag Archives: multiple
CSS3 Multi Columns Primer Tutorial
Today’s “catch up” with CSS3 styling of web applications, adding onto yesterday’s CSS3 Border Image Primer Tutorial, involves Multi Columns (thanks, TutorialsPoint) styling that does not require any work with the HTML table element. Typically, what we are talking about … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged column, CSS, CSS3, DOM, HTML, Javascript, multiple, newspaper, programming, styling, tutorial
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Medical Acronyms Game Tutorial
And then there are the “rethinks” of data design, in thinking where to go next with our “Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes and Acronyms Meaning game” web application we last mentioned with yesterday’s Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged above the fold, anatomy, API, array, background, background image, button, checkbox, CSS, data attributes, delimitation, dropdown, email, email client, emoji, English, event, fold, getComputedStyle, GIMP, global, Greek, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, Latin, mailto, medicine, mobile, multiple, onchange, onclick, onions, onload, opacity, option, personalisation, physiology, prefix, programming, root, search engine, select, setTimeout, size, suffix, surfing the net, timed, tutorial, video, window.getComputedStyle, YouTube, YouTube API, zoom
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Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Sharing Tutorial
We’ve been thinking more about collaboration and sharing ideas and some personalization ideas today to complement earlier work we started on our “Health Root or Prefix or Suffix Meaning Game” last visited with Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Aesthetics … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged above the fold, anatomy, API, background, background image, button, checkbox, CSS, data attributes, dropdown, email, email client, emoji, English, event, fold, getComputedStyle, GIMP, Greek, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, Latin, mailto, medicine, mobile, multiple, onchange, onclick, onload, opacity, option, personalisation, physiology, prefix, programming, root, search engine, select, setTimeout, size, suffix, surfing the net, timed, tutorial, video, window.getComputedStyle, YouTube, YouTube API, zoom
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Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Aesthetics Tutorial
We normally start the web application games we write by making sure the information, or data, aspects to the game are attended to. So for us, the priorities, end up being … making sure the information, or data, aspects to … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged above the fold, API, background, background image, button, CSS, data attributes, dropdown, emoji, English, event, fold, getComputedStyle, GIMP, Greek, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, Latin, medicine, mobile, multiple, onchange, onclick, onload, opacity, option, prefix, programming, root, search engine, select, setTimeout, size, suffix, surfing the net, timed, tutorial, video, window.getComputedStyle, YouTube, YouTube API, zoom
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Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Game Tutorial
For us, there is a lot to discuss regarding HTML select (dropdown) elements. Alas, the mobile platforms have limited the power of these types of elements with their lack of size attribute values greater than one, and the ability to … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged above the fold, button, data attributes, dropdown, English, event, fold, getComputedStyle, Greek, HTML, Javascript, Latin, medicine, mobile, multiple, onchange, onclick, onload, option, prefix, programming, root, select, setTimeout, size, suffix, timed, tutorial, window.getComputedStyle, zoom
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HTML Nested Centering via Multiple Select Tutorial
Yesterday’s HTML Nested Centering via CSS and Javascript DOM Tutorial “started us” (we think we’ll need time to refine setTimeout delays by letting the usage be tested over time over more non-mobile web browsers to see what happens here) down … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged align, alignment, center, colour, CSS, div, DOM, element, getComputedStyle, HTML, inheritance, inline CSS, Javascript, multiple, nested, position, programming, rainbow, span, styling, table, tutorial, vertical-align, window.getComputedStyle
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Weather API via Iframe jQuery Ajax Map Tutorial
We’re still trying out the exciting, the wonderful Weather API by Weather Underground today, building on the start we made to our “Weather API Project” when we presented yesterday’s Weather API via Iframe jQuery Ajax Tutorial primarily concentrating on AutoComplete. … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, API, array, auto-completion, autocompletion, cross-domain, DOM, file_get_contents, Google, Google chart, HTML, Javascript, jQuery, JSON, map, map chart, multiple, onkeyup, PHP, programming, response, tutorial, weather
Weather API via Iframe jQuery Ajax Tutorial
We’re trying out an exciting Weather API by Weather Underground today. It’s not that the Weather Underground API is just about weather, because, at the very least, there are means to access information in the following areas of interest … … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, API, array, auto-completion, autocomplete, autocompletion, file_get_contents, HTML, Javascript, jQuery, JSON, multiple, onkeyup, PHP, programming, response, tutorial, weather
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