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Tag Archives: navigate
Image Conversions via PHP GD Browsing Tutorial
As well as the recent Image Conversions via PHP GD URL Tutorial‘s input data modes of use … relative URLs (to the RJM Programming domain) … and we see why we may have left this like this … we wanted … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, absolute, absolute URL, Apache, arguments, attribute, backward compatibility, basename, bimp, brightness, browse, browsing, cartoon, colourize, comma, command, command line, contrast, conversion, convert, crontab, crop, curl, data uri, Did you know, Document Root, download, dropdown, emboss, emoji, file, file API, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, filtering, filters, form, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, image, image URL, ImageMagick, img, Javascript, korn shell, link, local web server, MAMP, merge, method, mode, modes of use, multiple, navigate, navigation, negate, onchange, open, overlay, PaintBrush, PHP, pixellate, preg_replace, procedure, programming, recall, regex, regular expression, relative URL, replace, reveal, schedule, script, select, shell, switch, switches, table, tick, transparency, tutorial, type ahead buffer, url, verb, wildcard
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Image Conversions via PHP GD URL Tutorial
The PHP inhouse Image Converter web application last talked about at Image Conversions via PHP GD Overlay Reveal Tutorial got a revisit today. It’s been more than two years, and that amount of separation sometimes gives you the chance to … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, absolute, absolute URL, Apache, arguments, attribute, backward compatibility, basename, bimp, brightness, cartoon, colourize, comma, command, command line, contrast, conversion, convert, crontab, crop, curl, data uri, Did you know, Document Root, download, dropdown, emboss, emoji, file, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, filtering, filters, form, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, image, image URL, ImageMagick, img, Javascript, korn shell, link, local web server, MAMP, merge, method, mode, modes of use, multiple, navigate, navigation, negate, onchange, open, overlay, PaintBrush, PHP, pixellate, preg_replace, procedure, programming, recall, regex, regular expression, relative URL, replace, reveal, schedule, script, select, shell, switch, switches, table, tick, transparency, tutorial, type ahead buffer, url, verb, wildcard
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Google Charts Totally Hashtagging Communication Conduits Tutorial
The work of Form Target Self Primer Tutorial got us thinking … Could it be applied to our inhouse Google Charts PHP web applications? And if so, is the work generic enough to just be applied to our gchartgen.js external … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged action, client, communication, communication conduit, conduit, document.URL, email, external Javascript, form, generic, get, Google Charts, hash, hashtag, hashtagged, hashtagging, HTML, interface, Javascript, location.hash, location.href, mailto, method, navigate, navigation, PHP, pie chart, post, programming, self, server, SMS, target, tool, tutorial
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Google Geo Chart and Map Chart Hashtag SMS Tutorial
We’ve reached limits! Yes, researching for SMS sharing conduits within the macOS arrangement here, we believe for iMessage SMS messages there may be a length limit that kicks in around the 18k mark. Anyway, along the line, with SMS messaging … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, click, clientside, collaboration, communication, conduit, data, email, emeil client, emoji, form, geo chart, Google chart, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, href, huge, image chart, iPhone, Javascript, large, link, list, mail server, map chart, method, navigate, onclick, PHP, programming, share, sharing, SMS, tutorial, url, webpage, Wikipedia
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Google Geo Chart and Map Chart Hashtag Emailing Tutorial
Before we got sidetracked, but along the same “where of life” themes, before the latest recent web application predilections … Earth Scanner Region Picker … we were delving into passing on work from the Google Chart‘s Map Chart to the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Software, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, click, clientside, data, email, emeil client, form, geo chart, Google chart, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, href, huge, image chart, Javascript, large, link, list, mail server, map chart, method, navigate, onclick, PHP, programming, tutorial, url, webpage, Wikipedia
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Planet Moon Game Tutorial
Another thing that there is nine of (as contentious as it is regarding Pluto) is Planets in the Solar System, revolving around the Sun. And so, in keeping with a lot of the same design as yesterday’s Enneagram Type Game … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged categorization, category, cell, drag, drag and drop, drop, drop zone, eneagram, enneagram type, file_get_contents, game, games, Google, hang, hanging, hollywood, HTML, human, loop, moon, movie star, myers-briggs, navigate, navigation, people, person, personality, personality test, PHP, planet, programming, psychology, solar system, stop press, street type, table, traits, tutorial, Wikipedia
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Circular Text Around Media Animated QR Code Tutorial
The arrangements of yesterday’s Circular Text Around Media QR Code Tutorial‘s QR Codes, being as they … are given onclick logic for both non-mobile and mobile platforms … can be given the opportunity to be … animated via two slides … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, astronomy, audio, background, background image, bar chart, base64, button, camera, chemistry, circle, circular, class, className, compound, CSS, data uri, data url, day, distance, DOM, dropdown, element, equation, formula, geometry, Google, Google Charts, Google Page Insights, Google Page Speed, Google PageSpeed, height, HTML, IFRAME, interactive entry, Javascript, justification, justify, keyframes, mathematics, media, mimetype, mobile, molecule, navigate, nest, nesting, onclick, orbit, periodic table, perspective, planet, play, play button, programming, prompt, QR Code, quiz, radius, scale, science, search engine, select, size, smart phone, solar system, statistics, styling, sun, SVG, svg+xml, text justification, tool, user, utf-8, video, watermark, width, window.prompt, year
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Circular Text Around Media QR Code Tutorial
QR Codes are a bit like Emojis to us, in that they both feel like hybrid and useful relatively recent online concepts. They both enhance in a display sense. Emojis bridge the gap between text and graphics. QR Codes bridge … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, astronomy, audio, background, background image, bar chart, base64, button, camera, chemistry, circle, circular, compound, data uri, data url, day, distance, dropdown, element, equation, formula, geometry, Google, Google Charts, height, HTML, IFRAME, interactive entry, Javascript, justification, justify, mathematics, media, mimetype, mobile, molecule, navigate, nest, nesting, onclick, orbit, periodic table, perspective, planet, play, play button, programming, prompt, QR Code, quiz, radius, scale, science, search engine, select, size, smart phone, solar system, statistics, sun, SVG, svg+xml, text justification, tool, user, utf-8, video, watermark, width, window.prompt, year
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