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Tag Archives: navigation
Image Conversions via PHP GD Browsing Tutorial
As well as the recent Image Conversions via PHP GD URL Tutorial‘s input data modes of use … relative URLs (to the RJM Programming domain) … and we see why we may have left this like this … we wanted … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, absolute, absolute URL, Apache, arguments, attribute, backward compatibility, basename, bimp, brightness, browse, browsing, cartoon, colourize, comma, command, command line, contrast, conversion, convert, crontab, crop, curl, data uri, Did you know, Document Root, download, dropdown, emboss, emoji, file, file API, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, filtering, filters, form, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, image, image URL, ImageMagick, img, Javascript, korn shell, link, local web server, MAMP, merge, method, mode, modes of use, multiple, navigate, navigation, negate, onchange, open, overlay, PaintBrush, PHP, pixellate, preg_replace, procedure, programming, recall, regex, regular expression, relative URL, replace, reveal, schedule, script, select, shell, switch, switches, table, tick, transparency, tutorial, type ahead buffer, url, verb, wildcard
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Image Conversions via PHP GD URL Tutorial
The PHP inhouse Image Converter web application last talked about at Image Conversions via PHP GD Overlay Reveal Tutorial got a revisit today. It’s been more than two years, and that amount of separation sometimes gives you the chance to … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, absolute, absolute URL, Apache, arguments, attribute, backward compatibility, basename, bimp, brightness, cartoon, colourize, comma, command, command line, contrast, conversion, convert, crontab, crop, curl, data uri, Did you know, Document Root, download, dropdown, emboss, emoji, file, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, filtering, filters, form, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, image, image URL, ImageMagick, img, Javascript, korn shell, link, local web server, MAMP, merge, method, mode, modes of use, multiple, navigate, navigation, negate, onchange, open, overlay, PaintBrush, PHP, pixellate, preg_replace, procedure, programming, recall, regex, regular expression, relative URL, replace, reveal, schedule, script, select, shell, switch, switches, table, tick, transparency, tutorial, type ahead buffer, url, verb, wildcard
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WordPress Blog Plus Searches Tutorial
After a few days of trying out the WordPress Blog (TwentyTen themed) search functionality (searching for GETME[space]) and creating Oldest link ideas from the recent WordPress Blog Getme Searches Tutorial we have come to two conclusions … (though we dislike … Continue reading →
Posted in Database, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged blog, character, code, delimit, delimiter, genesis, GETME, hashtag, hashtagging, header.php, link, MySql, navigation, oldest, onblur, onload, PHP, plus, programming, query, search, source, source code, Source Control, textbox, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, url, webpage, Wordpress
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WordPress Blog Getme Searches Tutorial
We noted, looking at our Apache Status report, that fairly often readers of this blog, thanks, search for mention of a particular GETME file, it being our “source control” basis whereby … first draft of a “source control” file, named … Continue reading →
Posted in Database, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged blog, code, genesis, GETME, hashtag, hashtagging, header.php, link, navigation, oldest, onblur, onload, PHP, programming, search, source, source code, Source Control, textbox, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, Wordpress
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Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Emoji SVG CSS Tutorial
Thinking on yesterday’s Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Multiple Tutorial progress with our public facing Pandoc interfacing inhouse PHP Document Conversion web application we thought it might be good to have a day where we think about what my Under 7’s … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, AlmaLinux, application, background image, cache, checkbox, collaboration, colour, command, command line, conduit, conversion, CSS, decoding, Did you know, source, document.URL, email, emoji, encoding, exec, export, format, guise, hashtag, hashtagging, HTML, IFRAME, interface, interfacing, line feed, link, local web server, location.hash, mailto, MAMP, multiple, navigation, open source, operating system, output, output format, pandoc, PDF, PHP, popup, programming, public, share, sharing, SMS, span, style, styling, switch, text, tutorial, url, utf-8, web server, word
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Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Multiple Tutorial
The “theme word” of today’s blog posting adding to yesterday’s Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Sharing Tutorial is … multiple … in the sense of … allowing for multiple sharing conduits whether they be email and/or SMS recipients allowing for multiple … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, AlmaLinux, application, cache, checkbox, collaboration, command, command line, conduit, conversion, decoding, Did you know, source, document.URL, email, encoding, exec, export, format, guise, hashtag, hashtagging, HTML, IFRAME, interface, interfacing, line feed, link, local web server, location.hash, mailto, MAMP, multiple, navigation, open source, operating system, output, output format, pandoc, PDF, PHP, popup, programming, public, share, sharing, SMS, span, switch, text, tutorial, url, utf-8, web server, word
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Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Sharing Tutorial
Improving on the sharing functionality regarding the public web server hosting aspects to our inhouse Pandoc Document Conversion interfacing web application last talked about at the recent Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Guises Tutorial had us … rearranging any PHP $_GET[] … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, AlmaLinux, application, checkbox, collaboration, command, command line, conduit, conversion, decoding, source, email, encoding, exec, export, format, guise, HTML, IFRAME, line feed, link, mailto, navigation, open source, operating system, output, output format, pandoc, PDF, PHP, programming, public, share, sharing, SMS, span, switch, text, tutorial, utf-8, web server, word
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Javascript Microtask Primer Tutorial
Javascript, in “clientside mode”, has many more asynchronous ideas than it used to, say, a decade ago, where it was mainly setTimeout and setInterval timer functions we turned to, in this regard. It used to be that any idea of … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged asynchronous, base64_decode, cell, clientside, code, contenteditable, data, delay, event, execution, execution order, form, HTML, innerText, Javascript, method, microtask, navigation, onblur, order, PHP, programming, promise, queue, queueMicrotask, setInterval, setTimeout, sleep, table cell, target, task, timer, tutorial, wait, window.btoa
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