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Tag Archives: nowrap
Chess and Draughts Game Styling Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s Draughts Game Logic Tutorial we progress with … mild styling makeovers for the Chess and Draughts Game looks … structure of webpage, in a user experience sense, helping make enough room for the main point of the webpage, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged actual, Ajax, algorithm, annotation, Apache, argument, arguments, array, attachment, base64, base64_decode, base64_encode, board, camera, camera app, canvas, check, checkmate, chess, clicking, code, collaborate, collaboration, commentary, communication, conduit, contain, contenteditable, correspondence, correspondent, cover, CSS, data uri, data url, details, Did you know, dimensions, document, Document Root, DOM, draughts, ellipsis, email, email address, emoji, eval, exim, external Javascript, file, filename, file_put_contents, form, FormData, game, Google Chrome, graphics, height, HTML, image, image file, iOS, IP address, Javascript, king, layout, line break, link, logic, mail server, mailto, message, mobile, move.moves, nowrap, onmouseover, ontouchdown, personalization, photo, PHP, piece, placement, player, post, postcard, privacy, programming, prompt, recipient, reveal, rule, rules, Safari, scale, scaling, scenario, scene, scribble, security, send, sentence, setInterval, setTimeout, share, sharing, signature, size, sizing, smart device, SMS, sms number, strategy, style, styling, summary, temporary, toggle, touch, touchdown, tutorial, url, user experience, UX, web browser, web server, web share api, width, XMLHttpRequest
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Contact Us Feedback Animated GIF Tutorial
We can’t imagine how much longer it would have taken us to suss out the solution to our desire of having our Animated GIF email attachments for the “Feedback” web application not have a black background without great advice from … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, background, blog, canvas, contact, copy, cross-browser, CSS, data uri, data url, details, div, document.write, drawImage, dropdown, email, emoji, feedback, filter, filtering, Firefox, form, GD, HTML, HTML entities, IFRAME, Javascript, modularisation, nowrap, onclick, opacity, paste, post, programming, reveal, Safari, scroll, select, slideshow, StackOverflow, summary, textarea, toast, toDataURL, tutorial, Wordpress
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Contact Us Feedback Smoothly Filtering Tutorial
Around here we think it’s fairer on you readers to be quite empirical about the study of web applications. That’s not to say we don’t have the utmost respect for all that the great Stackoverflow website offers regarding great analysis … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, blog, canvas, contact, copy, cross-browser, CSS, data uri, data url, details, div, document.write, drawImage, dropdown, email, emoji, feedback, filter, filtering, Firefox, form, HTML, HTML entities, IFRAME, Javascript, modularisation, nowrap, onclick, paste, post, programming, reveal, Safari, scroll, select, slideshow, summary, textarea, toast, toDataURL, tutorial, Wordpress
Contact Us Feedback Filtering WordPress Tutorial
Yesterday’s Emoji Contact Us Feedback Filtering Tutorial‘s new filtering functionality related to a “section” of the “Feedback” web application it was applied to. And this exemplifies, for us, that the term “modularisation” can take on various “levels” of modularisation such … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, blog, canvas, contact, copy, cross-browser, CSS, data uri, data url, details, div, drawImage, dropdown, email, emoji, feedback, filter, filtering, Firefox, form, HTML, HTML entities, Javascript, modularisation, nowrap, onclick, paste, post, programming, reveal, Safari, scroll, select, slideshow, summary, textarea, toast, toDataURL, tutorial, Wordpress
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Emoji Contact Us Feedback Filtering Tutorial
Do not know if you have been trying the functionality in the third table cell up near the top of the Feedback web application last talked about at yesterday’s Emoji Contact Us Feedback Email Animation Tutorial but if you have … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, canvas, contact, copy, cross-browser, CSS, data uri, data url, details, div, drawImage, dropdown, email, emoji, feedback, filter, filtering, Firefox, form, HTML, HTML entities, Javascript, nowrap, onclick, paste, post, programming, reveal, Safari, scroll, select, slideshow, summary, textarea, toast, toDataURL, tutorial
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Emoji Contact Us Feedback Email Animation Tutorial
Adding to yesterday’s Emoji Contact Us Feedback Animation Tutorial‘s Feedback animation beginnings, after today’s work, we can email animated GIF animations via an email attachment. To avoid too many files being involved we sharpen up the data URI usage aspects … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, canvas, contact, copy, cross-browser, CSS, data uri, data url, div, drawImage, email, emoji, feedback, Firefox, form, HTML, HTML entities, Javascript, nowrap, onclick, paste, post, programming, Safari, scroll, slideshow, textarea, toast, toDataURL, tutorial
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Emoji Contact Us Feedback Animation Tutorial
As we said early on in the recent blog postings on this thread of postings last talked about with yesterday’s Emoji Contact Us Feedback Copy and Paste Tutorial … … but we envisage, optimistically, to involve animation and more refined … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animation, canvas, contact, copy, cross-browser, CSS, data uri, div, drawImage, email, emoji, feedback, Firefox, form, HTML, HTML entities, Javascript, nowrap, onclick, paste, programming, Safari, scroll, slideshow, textarea, toast, toDataURL, tutorial
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Mak-yek Game Tutorial
Adding to the recent Chess and Draughts Game Styling Tutorial we add … a Mak-yek Game (as proposed today) … has more in common with … a Chess Game … in the sense that the … playing board is the … Continue reading →