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Tag Archives: operating system
MacBook Air macOS Sequoia Install Tutorial
It’s been ages since we’ve performed an Apple MacBook macOS upgrade after macOS 11 (ie. Big Sur (and then there was macOS Sonoma version 14 in the mix as we went along)) lifted our head in Calendar Location Services Integration … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Installers, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Apple, install, MacBook Air, macOS, operating system, sequoia, tutorial, version
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Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Emoji SVG CSS Tutorial
Thinking on yesterday’s Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Multiple Tutorial progress with our public facing Pandoc interfacing inhouse PHP Document Conversion web application we thought it might be good to have a day where we think about what my Under 7’s … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, AlmaLinux, application, background image, cache, checkbox, collaboration, colour, command, command line, conduit, conversion, CSS, decoding, Did you know, source, document.URL, email, emoji, encoding, exec, export, format, guise, hashtag, hashtagging, HTML, IFRAME, interface, interfacing, line feed, link, local web server, location.hash, mailto, MAMP, multiple, navigation, open source, operating system, output, output format, pandoc, PDF, PHP, popup, programming, public, share, sharing, SMS, span, style, styling, switch, text, tutorial, url, utf-8, web server, word
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Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Multiple Tutorial
The “theme word” of today’s blog posting adding to yesterday’s Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Sharing Tutorial is … multiple … in the sense of … allowing for multiple sharing conduits whether they be email and/or SMS recipients allowing for multiple … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, AlmaLinux, application, cache, checkbox, collaboration, command, command line, conduit, conversion, decoding, Did you know, source, document.URL, email, encoding, exec, export, format, guise, hashtag, hashtagging, HTML, IFRAME, interface, interfacing, line feed, link, local web server, location.hash, mailto, MAMP, multiple, navigation, open source, operating system, output, output format, pandoc, PDF, PHP, popup, programming, public, share, sharing, SMS, span, switch, text, tutorial, url, utf-8, web server, word
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Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Sharing Tutorial
Improving on the sharing functionality regarding the public web server hosting aspects to our inhouse Pandoc Document Conversion interfacing web application last talked about at the recent Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Guises Tutorial had us … rearranging any PHP $_GET[] … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, AlmaLinux, application, checkbox, collaboration, command, command line, conduit, conversion, decoding, source, email, encoding, exec, export, format, guise, HTML, IFRAME, line feed, link, mailto, navigation, open source, operating system, output, output format, pandoc, PDF, PHP, programming, public, share, sharing, SMS, span, switch, text, tutorial, utf-8, web server, word
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Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversion Guises Tutorial
It pans out yesterday’s Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversions Primer Tutorial revisit start to our … Pandoc document conversion … interfacing PHP web application involves more than a two day job. Today, before any PDF input or any new format thinking, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged AlmaLinux, application, command, command line, conversion, decoding, source, encoding, exec, export, format, guise, HTML, line feed, operating system, output, output format, pandoc, PHP, programming, public, switch, text, tutorial, utf-8, web server, word
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Pandoc on AlmaLinux Conversions Primer Tutorial
Yesterday’s Word to HTML to CSV Delimitation Primer Tutorial offered a timely reminder that not only … LibreOffice and Microsoft Office software applications offer exports of document formats to HTML … but, also, open source gives us … (what is … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged AlmaLinux, application, command, command line, conversion, source, exec, export, HTML, operating system, pandoc, PHP, programming, public, tutorial, web server, word
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Local File Browsing Tool Stringency Tutorial
We tend to stand up and take notice when a “middleperson tool”, in the web application “scheme of things”, needs a change to improve a situation. Yesterday’s Open File Picker Experimental Status Tutorial “middleperson tool”, our inhouse local file browsing … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged browse, browsing, call, called, caller, extension, file, file API, file browsing, file extension, flexibility, genericity, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, local file, mimetype, modular, modularization, module, operating system, parent.child, programming, stop press, stringency, tool, tutorial
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PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Hashtag Genericization Tutorial
Thinking about yesterday’s PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Genericization Tutorial might beggar the question for many users … Is there a way to not have to worry about “simple defence mechanisms” sharing user entered data onto a serverside recipient webpage … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Access, algorithm, array, C++, coding, comma separated values, command line, compiler, contenteditable, defence, defensive, Desktop Application, dropdown, exec, gcc, generic, genericization, hardcoding, hashtag, hashtagging, list, onblur, onload, operating system, PHP, program, programming, server, shell_exec, token, tutorial
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