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Tag Archives: parameter
Linux sendmail nohup Scheduling Tutorial
As far as Linux or unix operating systems (for web servers) go for “scheduling processes”, it is … great if you have access to crontab because it can be … scheduled to the minute the actions can be repeated (and … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged argument, attachment, audio, awk, background, batch, command line, content type, CSS, curl, echo, email, file, genericization, genericize, header, HTML, image, interpretive, korn shell, Linux, local, MAMP, media, mime, mime type, mimetype, multiple, nohup, parameter, parameterization, programming, ps, recursion, remote, schedule, scheduling, sed, sendmail, single, time, timezone, token, tutorial, unix, url, video, web server, wildcard
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Linux sendmail Remote Attachment Tutorial
Programming’s full of shells of functionality. And the way you may approach adding functionality to desktop (command line) applications such as the Korn Shell Script one featuring in yesterday’s Linux sendmail Mime Type Attachment Tutorial could go a bit like … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged argument, attachment, audio, awk, command line, content type, CSS, curl, echo, email, file, genericization, genericize, header, HTML, image, interpretive, korn shell, Linux, local, media, mime, mime type, mimetype, multiple, parameter, parameterization, programming, ps, remote, sed, sendmail, single, token, tutorial, unix, url, video, wildcard
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Linux sendmail Mime Type Attachment Tutorial
Yesterday’s Linux sendmail Content Type Tutorial had us … following up (the Primer tutorial) sending of Content-Type: text/plain emails via sendmail on Linux … by … allowing for Inline HTML Email (report) sending of Content-Type: text/html emails via sendmail on … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Software, Tutorials
Tagged argument, attachment, audio, awk, command line, content type, CSS, echo, email, file, genericization, genericize, header, HTML, image, interpretive, korn shell, Linux, media, mime, mime type, mimetype, parameter, parameterization, programming, ps, sed, sendmail, tutorial, unix, video
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Image_3D PHP Package Sharing Tutorial
You guessed it. Taking off from where we left off with yesterday’s Image_3D PHP Package Overlay Tutorial “data-uri” promise, today we allow for some emailing with HTML attachments snapshotting the status of your Image_3D web application. When you email (via … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GUI, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, 3D, Apache, cone, cPanel, cube, data uri, email, form, graphics, hardcode, IFRAME, image, image_3d, input, install, installation, installer, MAMP, module, overlay, package, parameter, parameterize, pear, PHP, post, programming, share, sharing, sphere, torus, tutorial, variable
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Image_3D PHP Package Overlay Tutorial
On top of the progress with yesterday’s Image_3D PHP Package Parameterize Tutorial today we go one better than a three word slogan, and do a two word slogan, hoping that one day we can perfect the “Zero Word Slogan”, those … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GUI, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, 3D, Apache, cone, cPanel, cube, data uri, form, graphics, hardcode, IFRAME, image, image_3d, input, install, installation, installer, MAMP, module, overlay, package, parameter, parameterize, pear, PHP, post, programming, sphere, torus, tutorial, variable
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Image_3D PHP Package Parameterize Tutorial
Up to now with our PHP “Image_3D” package inspired web application of Pear Install of Image_3D PHP Package Tutorial we’ve “come to grips” with some of the concepts by following leads from that previous link and Paint 3-D images with … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GUI, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, 3D, Apache, cone, cPanel, cube, form, graphics, hardcode, image, image_3d, input, install, installation, installer, MAMP, module, package, parameter, parameterize, pear, PHP, post, programming, sphere, torus, tutorial, variable
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Contextualize Speech to Text to Speech LibreOffice Template Tutorial
Maybe it’s just my weakness, but what I often find writing web applications is that I come back to them several months later and wonder, sometimes, how to work them. This is a weakness of “contextualization”. Contextualization is putting your … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged agenda, API, array, artificial intelligence, audio, boolean, caption, captions, categorization, context, curriculum vitae, ESL, eval, form, game, games, Google, Google Translate, hangman, hear, hierarchy, HTML, internationalization, internet, intranet, Javascript, LibreOffice, linefeed, Mac OS X, MAMP, microphone, MyMemory, onblur, overlay, parameter, parameterize, PHP, phrase, phrases, post, programming, pronounciation, QuickTime Player, say, speech to text, spelling, survey, template, Text to Speech, textarea, textbox, translate, tutorial, upload, video, vocabulary, whitespace, wizard, word process, YouTube, YouTube API
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Agenda Speech to Text to Speech LibreOffice Wizard Tutorial
We’re happy here, finally, to move onto a new concept with the “Speech to Text to Speech” web application blog posting thread, building on yesterday’s Curriculum Vitae Speech to Text to Speech Audio Prompting Tutorial using the recent … Curriculum … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged agenda, API, array, artificial intelligence, audio, boolean, caption, captions, categorization, curriculum vitae, ESL, eval, form, game, games, Google, Google Translate, hangman, hear, hierarchy, HTML, internationalization, internet, intranet, Javascript, LibreOffice, linefeed, Mac OS X, MAMP, microphone, MyMemory, onblur, overlay, parameter, parameterize, PHP, phrase, phrases, post, programming, pronounciation, QuickTime Player, say, speech to text, spelling, survey, template, Text to Speech, textarea, textbox, translate, tutorial, upload, video, vocabulary, whitespace, wizard, word process, YouTube, YouTube API
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