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Tag Archives: pen down
Google Geo Chart Co-ordinate Emojis Tutorial
We’ve often wanted to use SVG to display emoji data. This is possible via the SVG text example below … <text x=”0″ y=”15″ fill=”red”>📹</text> … that would show a video camera (emoji) … as per 📹 … which beggars the … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, API, co-ordinates, context, contextual, digitise, emoji, geo chart, geographicals, Google, Google chart, image, latitude, line, longitude, map chart, Mapping, pen down, pen up, PHP, place, placenames, plot, programming, scroll, scrolling, SVG, text, trip, trip planner, tutorial, Wikipedia
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Google Geo Chart Contextualizes Interesting Places Tutorial
There’s still a bit to do improving the interface to the Google Chart Geo Chart on top of the recent Google Geo Chart Co-ordinate Lines Tutorial functionality extensions, but we’ll go more into that later. Today, it is time to … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, API, co-ordinates, context, contextual, digitise, geo chart, geographicals, Google, Google chart, image, latitude, line, longitude, map chart, Mapping, pen down, pen up, PHP, place, placenames, plot, programming, scroll, scrolling, SVG, trip, trip planner, tutorial, Wikipedia
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Google Geo Chart Co-ordinate Lines Tutorial
Lately we’ve been using the variants of the word “plot” a lot. Digitise, plot, overlay are words that Information Technology took up with zeal in the 1970’s and on in particular, because digital mapping became more feasible with the mainframe … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Trips, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, API, co-ordinates, context, digitise, geo chart, geographicals, Google, Google chart, image, latitude, line, longitude, Mapping, pen down, pen up, PHP, place, placenames, plot, programming, scroll, scrolling, SVG, trip, trip planner, tutorial, Wikipedia
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