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Tag Archives: personalize
Personalized Links External Javascript Hotlinking Context Tutorial
Thinking about the hosting of web applications and offering personalization into the mix of the way the user experiences that content, as far as URLs go, the most publicly accessible interfacing is through the URL GET arguments that can nuance … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, blog, content, context, DOM, external Javascript, get, hardcoding, header.php, hotlink, HTML, hyperlink, innerHTML, innerText, Javascript, link, localStorage, personalization, personalize, PHP, posting, programming, tutorial, url, window.localStorage, Wordpress
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Personalized Links External Javascript Hotlinking Tutorial
Another layer of functionality onto the external Javascript arrangements of yesterday’s WordPress Blog Personalized Links Tutorial is to reimagine the arrangements of the user of that “Personalized Links” (pretty much standalone (but more independently standalone today)) external Javascript, that being … Continue reading
WordPress Blog Personalized Links Tutorial
Writing these blog postings there are potential links we’re bound to forget to place into the blog postings. This is fairly subjective, because one person’s link interest might trigger another person’s “ho hum” alert (and we all know the wooooorrrrrlllldddd … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged blog, external Javascript, hardcoding, header.php, hyperlink, Javascript, link, localStorage, personalization, personalize, PHP, posting, programming, tutorial, window.localStorage, Wordpress
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Google Chart via CSV or JSON or XML Tutorial
Building on yesterday’s Google Chart via CSV or JSON Sharing Tutorial, again, we have a dual purpose set of improvements for you today regarding our CSV or JSON to Google Chart web application, those being … XML input data functionality … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, baby name, Bubble Chart, business logic, calendar, child, correlation, cross-browser, cross-platform, CSV,, date, datetime, details, dropdown, email, email client, file API, filter, filtering, form, Google chart, header, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, input, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, JSON, link, mailto, New York, parent, personalize, PHP, placeholder, programming, select, setTimeout, sharing, testing, time, timeline, tutorial, unit test, XML
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Google Chart via CSV or JSON Sharing Tutorial
Building on the recent Google Chart via CSV or JSON Filtering Tutorial we have a dual purpose set of improvements for you today regarding our CSV or JSON to Google Chart web application, that being … email sharing of scenarios … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, baby name, Bubble Chart, business logic, calendar, child, correlation, cross-browser, cross-platform, CSV,, date, datetime, details, dropdown, email, email client, file API, filter, filtering, form, Google chart, header, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, input, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, JSON, link, mailto, New York, parent, personalize, PHP, placeholder, programming, select, setTimeout, sharing, testing, time, timeline, tutorial, unit test
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Google Chart via CSV or JSON Filtering Tutorial
One of the more challenging parts of data representation can be filtering out too much data, for presentation purposes. We are going to refer to this issue as a “filtering” issue. Building on yesterday’s Google Chart via CSV or JSON … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, baby name, Bubble Chart, business logic, calendar, child, correlation, cross-browser, cross-platform, CSV,, date, datetime, details, dropdown, file API, filter, filtering, form, Google chart, header, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, input, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, JSON, New York, parent, personalize, PHP, placeholder, programming, select, setTimeout, testing, time, timeline, tutorial, unit test
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