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Tag Archives: PhotoBooth
Concatenating Video on Command Line Tutorial
You might also want to think of today’s tutorial as a (follow up to) “Making Of” presentation with reference to yesterday’s Camera App Photo Live Mode Sharing Tutorial where we used the wonderful command line ffmpeg tool. For us, this … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged airdrop, animated gif, app, Apple, camera, command line, concatenate, Did you know, export, ffmpeg, iOS, iPhone, live, live mode, long touch, macOS, macOS Mojave, media, messages, mobile, mobile app, photo, PhotoBooth, photos, share, sharing, SMS, stop press, streaming, Transport Stream, tutorial, video, YouTube
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Gimp Colors Menu Building Image Tutorial
Colour and shadow are all important with building and architectural images, whether they be at the modelling stage (with today’s balsa wood design photographs) or with real building photography. We’ve talked about Colour Balance with Gimp Colour Balance Primer Tutorial … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged chroma, colour, export, GIMP, hue, image, image editor, lightness, Mac OS X, macOS, open, operating system, PhotoBooth, photography, tutorial
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HTML Square Horizontal Rule Image Map Notice Board Tutorial
Following on from yesterday’s HTML Square Horizontal Rule Image Map Are You Okay Tutorial we wanted, today, to “test the waters” with the news of recent emoji additions to ask a lot of this world, and see how emojis stack … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aged care, attributes, Bezier curves, browse, button, canvas, canvas background, cards, cell, chart, child, circle, collaboration, column, communication, contenteditable, copy, CSS, data, deck, diary, dictionary, Did you know, div, DOM, dropdown, eLearning area, eLearning array, email, emoji, equation, eval, event, file, FileZilla, game, games, geometry, getBoundingClientRect, getImageData, Google Charts, graph, graphics, grid, guillotine, hangman, hash, hashtag, heirarchy, home, home screen, horizontal rule, HTML, HTML Global Attributes, icon, IFRAME, image, image map, induction, innerHTML, integration, international signage, iOS, iPad, ispell, Javascript, jigsaw, line, line graph, linear equation, linear gradient, linked list, location.hash, MAMP, map, match, mathematics, Memories, meta, mobile, mobile app, multiple, multiple hashtag, navigation, notice board, onchange, onion, onmousemove, ontouchmove, overlay, pan, parent, PhotoBooth, PHP, placeholder, polygon, polynomial, position, programming, prompt, proof of concept, propogation, putImageData, QuickTime Player, quiz, random, rectangle, reveal, rotate, rubberband, script, select, setTimeout, share, signature, software integration, square, SVG, table, textarea, TextWrangler, transform, translate, tutorial, Tutorials, url, window,, word, word game, YouTube, z-index
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HTML Square Horizontal Rule Image Map Are You Okay Tutorial
The recent HTML Square Horizontal Rule Image Map Jigsaw Quiz Tutorial has a fair degree of flexibility, and we want to try more ideas to learn more (and modify more, as you will see later). Was reading through a course … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged attributes, Bezier curves, browse, button, canvas, canvas background, cards, cell, chart, child, circle, collaboration, column, communication, contenteditable, copy, CSS, data, deck, diary, dictionary, div, DOM, dropdown, eLearning area, eLearning array, email, emoji, equation, eval, event, file, game, games, geometry, getBoundingClientRect, getImageData, Google Charts, graph, graphics, grid, guillotine, hangman, hash, hashtag, heirarchy, home, home screen, horizontal rule, HTML, HTML Global Attributes, icon, IFRAME, image, image map, induction, innerHTML, integration, iOS, iPad, ispell, Javascript, jigsaw, line, line graph, linear equation, linear gradient, linked list, location.hash, map, match, mathematics, Memories, meta, mobile, mobile app, multiple, multiple hashtag, navigation, onchange, onion, onmousemove, ontouchmove, overlay, pan, parent, PhotoBooth, PHP, placeholder, polygon, polynomial, position, programming, prompt, proof of concept, propogation, putImageData, QuickTime Player, quiz, random, rectangle, reveal, rotate, rubberband, script, select, setTimeout, share, signature, software integration, square, SVG, table, textarea, transform, translate, tutorial, Tutorials, url, window,, word, word game, YouTube, z-index
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GarageBand Keyboard Collection on Mac Primer Tutorial
Yesterday’s GarageBand Podcast on Mac Primer Tutorial got us into Mac OS X’s GarageBand application, and now … what do you know? … we’re stuck there! It’s addictive! And my favourite parts, so far? New (Project) -> Keyboard Collection -> … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged audio, GarageBand, keyboard, Mac OS X, Macbook Pro, microphone, PhotoBooth, project, record, recording, song, tutorial, video, YouTube
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Very Versus Too Game Primer Tutorial
There are heaps of nuances to web application design, in our eyes, where we like to discuss it in terms of (an issue often involving) … overlay … and/or … reveal … and as you might guess above, our “nuance” … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged area, array, CSS, div, DOM, ESL, game, games, global, HTML, Javascript, Macbook Pro, map, mobilefish, onclick, onload, overlay, PhotoBooth, position, programming, select, tutorial, webcam, word game
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Amino Acids Quiz Game Primer Tutorial
How well do you know your Amino Acids? Well, let me put it this way, how well would you like to know your Amino Acids? Okay bud, you ju … oh, you’re really keen to learn … that’s awfully neighbourly … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged amino acid, area, biology, chemistry, CSS, CSS3, event, filter, game, games, HTML, image, Javascript, map, mobilefish, onclick, onload, overlay, PhotoBooth, photography, programming, quiz, reveal, tutorial
Webcam Mobile Tutorial
Am hoping most of you laptop and desktop computer users were able to see a webcam working with our web application we left off last with Webcam Photobooth Tutorial as shown below, and that’s great if that is the case, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Hardware, Tutorials
Tagged camera, canvas, cross-browser, cross-platform, DOM, eCommerce, getUserMedia, Google Chrome, HTML, HTML5, image, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, loop, mobile, navigator, PhotoBooth, pixel, programming, rgb, rotate, Safari, scale, translate, tutorial, video, voice memo, webcam, zoom
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