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Tag Archives: photography
Mac OS X Photos App Smart Albums Primer Tutorial
There are a lot of ways to organize your photographs in the online world. We tend to involve the hard disk of our MacBook Pro for this and use the MacBook Pro’s Time Machine backup as a means to back … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged album, Apple, camera, drag and drop, Finder, iPad, Mac OS X, Macbook Pro, photo, photography, photos, repository, screenshot, smart album, tutorial
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Canvas Image Capture Ajax FormData Annotation Dropdown Tutorial
It is probably not surprising we involve HTML select element (“dropdowns”) related to our progress on canvas based Web Storage standing order type scenarios with our “Media Capture Email” web application we got the Web Storage working with yesterday’s Canvas … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, annotation, array, asynchronous, audio, camera, canvas, capture, circle, colour, cookie, CSS, details, document.write, DOM, dropdown, float, form, FormData, genericization, HTML, image, IP address, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, line, local storage, localStorage, media, mime, mimetype, mobile, multiple, navigation, onclick, onion, overlay, photography, PHP, programming, progress, rectangle, reveal, select, standing order, summary, text, tutorial, upload, video, web storage, web worker, XMLHttpRequest, zip
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Canvas Web Storage Image Capture Ajax FormData Annotation Tutorial
It’s time for “Intersessional Thoughts Part II” today, continuing on with our “Media Capture Email” web application from yesterday’s Mobile Canvas Image Capture Ajax FormData Annotation Tutorial. Previously, for some intersessional thoughts that did not involve a lot of data, … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, annotation, array, asynchronous, audio, camera, canvas, capture, circle, colour, cookie, CSS, details, document.write, DOM, float, form, FormData, genericization, HTML, image, IP address, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, line, local storage, localStorage, media, mime, mimetype, mobile, multiple, navigation, onclick, onion, overlay, photography, PHP, programming, progress, rectangle, reveal, standing order, summary, text, tutorial, upload, video, web storage, web worker, XMLHttpRequest, zip
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Mobile Canvas Image Capture Ajax FormData Annotation Tutorial
Yesterday’s Canvas Image Capture Ajax FormData Annotation Tutorial‘s new Canvas Annotation functionality was not great for mobile devices. Today, we improve via … “floating” better the position of our “overlayed” Canvas Annotation menu so that it sidles up near canvas … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, iOS, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, annotation, array, asynchronous, audio, camera, canvas, capture, circle, colour, cookie, CSS, details, document.write, DOM, float, form, FormData, genericization, HTML, image, IP address, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, line, media, mime, mimetype, mobile, multiple, navigation, onclick, onion, overlay, photography, PHP, programming, progress, rectangle, reveal, standing order, summary, text, tutorial, upload, video, web worker, XMLHttpRequest, zip
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Canvas Image Capture Ajax FormData Annotation Tutorial
A precursor to today’s continuation of “Image Capture Email” web application HTML5 canvas functionality was the previous Image Capture Ajax FormData Upload Canvas Tutorial as that proof of concept that the canvas … onclick event could be trapped and coded … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, annotation, array, asynchronous, audio, camera, canvas, capture, circle, colour, cookie, CSS, details, document.write, DOM, form, FormData, genericization, HTML, image, IP address, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, line, media, mime, mimetype, mobile, multiple, navigation, onclick, onion, photography, PHP, programming, progress, rectangle, reveal, standing order, summary, text, tutorial, upload, video, web worker, XMLHttpRequest, zip
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Media Capture Asynchronous Ajax FormData Upload Progress Tutorial
Onto the recent Image Capture Asynchronous Ajax FormData Upload Tutorial “Media Capture” web application (but a “spoiler alert” soon (maybe tomorrow) is that we will argue that this can become a mobile application for you mobile users too), today we … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, array, asynchronous, audio, camera, canvas, capture, colour, cookie, CSS, details, document.write, DOM, form, FormData, genericization, HTML, image, IP address, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, media, mime, mimetype, mobile, multiple, navigation, onclick, onion, photography, PHP, programming, progress, reveal, standing order, summary, tutorial, upload, video, web worker, XMLHttpRequest, zip
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Image Capture Asynchronous Ajax FormData Upload Tutorial
Out of the recent Image Capture Ajax FormData Upload Canvas Tutorial HTML’s Javascript Ajax open statement asynchronous (third) argument … var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();‘post’, ‘mailto.php’, true); xhr.send(form); … being true (ie. asynchronous) not able to be changed to … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, array, asynchronous, audio, camera, canvas, capture, colour, cookie, CSS, details, document.write, DOM, form, FormData, genericization, HTML, image, IP address, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, media, mime, mimetype, mobile, multiple, navigation, onclick, onion, photography, PHP, programming, reveal, standing order, summary, tutorial, upload, video, web worker, XMLHttpRequest, zip
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Image Capture Ajax FormData Upload Canvas Tutorial
In amongst the media … images audio video … “talents” of our latest “Media Capture Email” web application, there is another important distinction, for us. It is so much easier to annotate “images” via the HTML(5) canvas element, which you’d … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, array, audio, camera, canvas, capture, colour, cookie, CSS, details, document.write, DOM, form, FormData, genericization, HTML, image, iPad, Javascript, media, mime, mimetype, mobile, multiple, navigation, onclick, onion, photography, PHP, programming, reveal, standing order, summary, tutorial, upload, video, XMLHttpRequest, zip
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