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Tag Archives: placement
Earth Scanner Wikipedia Images Tutorial
Yesterday’s Earth Scanner Linear Gradient Leg Tutorial‘s use of Wikipedia geodata reminded us, again, of the incredible resource Wikipedia can be for the online world. Wikipedia is a great resource for images of places too, and today, we add to … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, background image, background-position, blog post, clip-path, code, collaboration, collage, comma, comma separated list, CSS, delimitation, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, Did you know, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, focus, geodata, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, HTML, IFRAME, image, img, interactive map, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, kinear-gradient, kludge, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, linear gradient, lines, longitude, making of, mantissa, map, Mapping, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, order, orientation, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placement, placename, play, plot, pole, popup, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, stop press, syntax, tab, terrestrial, textarea, timestamp, timezone, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, url, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, when, where, Wikipedia, window, wrapper, YouTube
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Earth Scanner Linear Gradient Leg Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s Earth Scanner Question Delimiter Tutorial‘s progress, today, we have … a linear gradient applied to the trip leg plotting … for … colour direction … purposes … <style> hr.hrright { background-image: linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, blog post, clip-path, code, collaboration, comma, comma separated list, CSS, delimitation, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, Did you know, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, focus, geodata, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, HTML, image, img, interactive map, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, kinear-gradient, kludge, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, linear gradient, lines, longitude, making of, mantissa, map, Mapping, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, order, orientation, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placement, placename, play, plot, pole, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, stop press, syntax, tab, terrestrial, textarea, timestamp, timezone, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, when, where, Wikipedia, window, wrapper, YouTube
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Earth Scanner Question Delimiter Tutorial
We’re adding another delimiter to those discussed in yesterday’s Earth Scanner Delimitation Tutorial, and it’s a doozy … ? … (just quietly for now while we test for another day) … placed after a placename will … first check if … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, blog post, clip-path, code, collaboration, comma, comma separated list, CSS, delimitation, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, Did you know, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, focus, geodata, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, HTML, image, img, interactive map, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, kludge, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, lines, longitude, making of, mantissa, map, Mapping, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, order, orientation, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placement, placename, play, plot, pole, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, stop press, syntax, tab, terrestrial, textarea, timestamp, timezone, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, when, where, Wikipedia, window, wrapper, YouTube
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Earth Scanner Delimitation Tutorial
A lot of the data aspects to our latest Earth Scanner web application have relied on … user reliability … and … delimitation rules … less stringent for … timezone places Of course, we’d really like to automate more, but … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, blog post, clip-path, code, collaboration, comma, comma separated list, CSS, delimitation, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, Did you know, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, focus, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, HTML, image, img, interactive map, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, kludge, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, lines, longitude, making of, mantissa, map, Mapping, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, order, orientation, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placement, placename, play, plot, pole, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, stop press, syntax, tab, terrestrial, textarea, timestamp, timezone, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, when, where, window, wrapper, YouTube
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Earth Scanner Placements Tutorial
You see that little play on words in today’s title, using … Placements ? Where we meant “the specification, by placename, of latitude and longitude for a user defined place”? And so we decided not to give this blog posting … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, blog post, clip-path, code, collaboration, comma, comma separated list, CSS, delimitation, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, Did you know, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, focus, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, HTML, image, img, interactive map, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, kludge, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, lines, longitude, making of, mantissa, map, Mapping, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, orientation, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placement, placename, play, plot, pole, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, stop press, tab, terrestrial, textarea, timestamp, timezone, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, when, where, window, wrapper, YouTube
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Google Chart Image Chart Image Map Event Editing Tutorial
If we are talking “layers” (of functionality) again, onto the progress that yesterday’s Google Chart Image Chart Image Map Events Tutorial represented, then , it is logical … that if yesterday we presented some programmer defined image map event logic … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged action, aesthetics, angle, animated gif, annotation, area, attribute, attrribute selector, background image, bar chart, border-radius, box chart, broadcast, bubble, bubbling, candlestick chart, canvas, case, circle, client pre-emptive iframe, colour, commentary, compound, compound chart, concept, context, createElement, CSS, data, degrees, details, Did you know, discrete, discrete click, div, document.createElement, dropdown, earworm, edit, editing, emoji, encoding, entity, event, event logic, event-driven, event.stopPropagation, event.type, GD, gesture, Google Charts, graph, graphical, graphical representation, graphics, GraphViz, GraphViz Chart, guage, GUI, hardcoding, hierarchy, html entity, HTML5, icon, icons, IFRAME, image map, imageellipse, imagefilledellipse, ImageMagick, intelligence, interface, internationalization, justification, justify, label, layer, layers, line, line chart, linear gradient, loop, looping, macOS, mantissa, map, mathematics, meter, mobile, mouse, nest, nesting, obsession, onblur, onclick, onload, ontouchdown, ontouchstart, parameter, parameterization, peer to peer, PHP, pich, pie chart, placeholder, placement, play, play button, polygon, popup, popup window, programming, rectangle, relationship, removeAttribute, representation, retwaek, reveal, rubber band, rubber banding, scatter chart, scribble, scroll, scrolling, shape, snapchat, song, speak, spread, statistics, stopPropagation, subelement, substitution, summary, SVG, switch, ternery, text, textarea, textbox, thumbnail, touch, touchdown, tutorial, tweak, user, utf-16, value, venn chart, Venn diagram, video, web browser,, window.opener, YouTube
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Google Chart Image Chart Image Map Events Tutorial
We really like HTML image maps, and it occurred to us with yesterday’s Google Chart Image Chart Image Map Tutorial we were hiding its light under some bushel somewhere, because … yesterday we introduced with only the onclick event coded … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged action, aesthetics, angle, animated gif, annotation, area, attribute, attrribute selector, background image, bar chart, border-radius, box chart, broadcast, bubble, bubbling, candlestick chart, canvas, case, circle, client pre-emptive iframe, colour, commentary, compound, compound chart, concept, context, CSS, data, degrees, Did you know, discrete, discrete click, div, dropdown, earworm, emoji, encoding, entity, event, event logic, event-driven, event.stopPropagation, event.type, GD, gesture, Google Charts, graph, graphical, graphical representation, graphics, GraphViz, GraphViz Chart, guage, GUI, hardcoding, hierarchy, html entity, HTML5, icon, icons, IFRAME, image map, imageellipse, imagefilledellipse, ImageMagick, intelligence, interface, internationalization, justification, justify, label, layer, layers, line, line chart, linear gradient, loop, looping, macOS, mantissa, map, mathematics, meter, mobile, mouse, nest, nesting, obsession, onclick, onload, ontouchdown, ontouchstart, parameter, parameterization, peer to peer, PHP, pich, pie chart, placeholder, placement, play, play button, polygon, popup, popup window, programming, rectangle, relationship, removeAttribute, representation, retwaek, rubber band, rubber banding, scatter chart, scribble, scroll, scrolling, shape, snapchat, song, speak, spread, statistics, stopPropagation, subelement, substitution, SVG, switch, ternery, text, textarea, textbox, thumbnail, touch, touchdown, tutorial, tweak, user, utf-16, value, venn chart, Venn diagram, video, web browser,, window.opener, YouTube
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Google Chart Image Chart Angled Text Annotation Tutorial
It’s Tuesday, in places around the world, looking back at yesterday’s Google Chart Image Chart Image Map Event Editing Tutorial. Can’t help but think we’ve forgotten something. Ah yes … You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? Meanwhile, back … Continue reading →