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Tag Archives: printing
Hard Copy Flyer Automated Applescript Printing macOS Deployment Tutorial
The recent Hard Copy Flyer Automated Applescript Printing Tutorial had a macOS deployment strategy, but not a strong one in our opinion. Yes, we could “dock” it, and we like that with macOS GUI desktop thinking. We are always looking … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged AppleScript, click, copies, deployment, dock, execution, flyer, korn shell, Mac OS X, macOS, orientation, PHP, print, printing, priviledge, security, settings, tutorial
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Windows 10 3D Viewer Primer Tutorial
Have just spent some awe inspiring time with Windows 10’s 3D Viewer desktop application. Do you remember when we talked about Windows 10 Mixed Reality a little time back last year with Windows Mixed Reality Viewer Primer Tutorial? Well, you … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged 3D printing, desktop, Desktop Application, graphics, Microsoft, mixed reality, operating system, printing, tutorial, video, virtual reality, Windows, Windows 10
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Genius Scan App Primer Tutorial
When you come across a great mobile application it can be a great boon to your relationship with computer equipment. And if it links hardcoded material to the online world all the better. Do you remember when we talked about … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, iOS, Not Categorised, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged app, App Store, Apple, application, attachment, email, Finder, folder, Genius Scan, Gmail, hard copy, iOS, iPad, Mac OS X, Macbook Pro, mobile, OfficeWorks, photography, print, printing, removable, scan, tutorial, USB
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Holiday Snaps Printing Primer Tutorial
We had occasion to think about USB Memory Sticks the other day, perhaps a hardware device on the list of ones in danger of slipping away from relevance if we keep moving on in the mobile device and cloud storage … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Hardware, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged Android, desktop, exfat, file system, format, Mac OS X, Macbook Pro, memory stick, operating system, photography, printing, tutorial, USB, Windows
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Windows Wireless Printing Primer Tutorial
Some printers are capable of supporting wireless printing on a Windows network. Wireless printing is a pretty powerful tool to have, doing away with that “office” or “home” network “ethernet” wiring or printing cabling of older configurations. So supposing you … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Hardware, Networking, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged Control Panel, desktop, ethernet, hardware, hotspot, laptop, network, PC, printer, printing, tutorial, WiFi, Windows, wireless, wireless printing