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Tag Archives: progress
WordPress Blog Search Within Search Posting Progress Tutorial
When there is a way in which to express progress made in a long running job with a web application, there are two HTML element tags we can turn to, at the very least, to help out. One is the … Continue reading →
YouTube Embedded Iframe API Summary Singular Multiple Dropdown Tutorial
The progress on top of yesterday’s YouTube Embedded Iframe API Summary Emoji Buttons Tutorial‘s progress today can be summarised by … select “multiple” (ie. dropdown element) size=[fullListShownNumber] mode with (option subelement “onclick=gmlistit(this);”) logic (✔ based) to consider the order of … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, API, asynchronous, button, content, details, dropdown, email, emoji, emoji button, FormData, IFRAME, inline html email, Javascript, moderation, multitasking, object, onerror, overlay, process, programming, progress, progress bar, promise, promise object, schedule, select, sleep, summary, tutorial, video, YouTube, YouTube API
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YouTube Embedded Iframe API Summary Emoji Buttons Tutorial
We weren’t sure if today’s idea, on top of the progress of yesterday’s YouTube Embedded Iframe API Video Unavailable Moderation Tutorial of adding intelligence to … detail’s summary (sub)element … style=position:fixed; big z-index value (for overlaying purposes) … by … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, API, asynchronous, button, content, details, email, emoji, emoji button, FormData, IFRAME, inline html email, Javascript, moderation, multitasking, object, onerror, overlay, process, programming, progress, progress bar, promise, promise object, schedule, sleep, summary, tutorial, video, YouTube, YouTube API
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YouTube Embedded Iframe API Video Unavailable Moderation Tutorial
When doing the work for yesterday’s YouTube Embedded Iframe API and the Promise Object Tutorial we found some … Video unavailable … videos (that happen regarding some broken privilege on those videos). In trying to skip over these, we were … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, API, asynchronous, content, details, email, FormData, IFRAME, inline html email, Javascript, moderation, multitasking, object, onerror, overlay, process, programming, progress, progress bar, promise, promise object, schedule, sleep, summary, tutorial, video, YouTube, YouTube API
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YouTube Embedded Iframe API and the Promise Object Tutorial
There’s another environment in which we want to involve use of the promise object following on from yesterday’s Promise Object Sleeping and Doing Primer Tutorial, and that is with an inhouse web application using the YouTube Embedded Iframe API. Today’s … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged API, asynchronous, content, details, IFRAME, Javascript, multitasking, object, overlay, process, programming, progress, progress bar, promise, promise object, schedule, sleep, summary, tutorial, video, YouTube, YouTube API
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Promise Object Sleeping and Doing Primer Tutorial
We’re here today to fulfil yesterday’s Web Application Controlled Progress Cursor Primer Tutorial‘s pledge … … which reminded me that we need to learn some more about the promise object … and were happy to discover the Promise object talents … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged asynchronous, Javascript, multitasking, object, process, programming, progress, progress bar, promise, promise object, schedule, sleep, tutorial
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Just Javascript Card Game Mid-UX Tutorial
Apropos yesterday’s Just Javascript Card Game SVG Background Data URL Tutorial dive into aesthetics and non-essentials, we venture into some “mid-ux” work today … Mid-UX? What’s that? To our mind it’s that Clayton UX (user experience) improvement push you do … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged alert, arabic, arguments, array, audio, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, bid, bidding, body, bookmarklet, bridge, button, card game, cards, cell, click, codepoint, collaboration, colour, colour coding, comma, command line, comment, console.log, content, content management, copy, createElement, CSS, CSS3, cursor, data uri, database, DDL, deal, defence, delay, delimit, delimiter, design, document.createElement, document.querySelectorAll, document.URL, double click, drag, drag and drop, dropdwon, email, emailee, emoji, entity, error, event, exec, fallback, filter, focus, font, form, FormData, game, games, global, global variable, Google, Google Translate, head, hebrew, HTML, html entity, internationalization, ISO, iso 639, ISO 639-1, iso 639-2, iso 639-3, Javascript, joker, JSON, JSON.parse, json_decode, keyframes, kitty, label, language, language code, list, localStorage, logic, macOS, Mail, mailto, MAMP, Mapping, mclick, Memories, MyMemory, name, names, naming, navigation, onions, order, paste, PHP, player, popup, preventDefault, programming, progress, progress bar, prompt, quiz, render, rendering, right to left, row, say, score, scoring, screenLeft, screenTop, select, selector, sessionStorage, setTimeout, share, sharing, SMS, sort, SQL, String.fromCodePoint, style, styling, subject, submit, suit, SVG, table, tabular, tbody, text to audio, Text to Speech, thead, timing, token, touch, translation, trick, tutorial, user experience, UX, validate, variable, web browser, web inspector, webpage, window.opener
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Just Javascript Card Game Cursor Tutorial
Today we grew the complexity of the logic for non-mobile cursor users of our 500 or bridge card game web application, after yesterday’s Just Javascript Card Game Mid-UX Tutorial. The logic took a while and the presentation took a while … Continue reading →